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Greetings Sentient Creatures!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 1:31 am
by Crownguard
I, the High Guardian of the Enlightened Empire, formally greet you with a culturally sensitive and properly addressed message in whatever fashion you deem acceptable as conveyed!

Many a year ago (around 2004, bloody hell...) I was once a member of ESUS. Oh, there were great and joyful outpourings of roleplay back then, and many a funny hat was worn in celebration. Alas, due to certain vicissitudes of fate, it was not to be that the Enlightened Empire was remain in the fold of the ESUS, mostly assuredly due to an increased interest in isolationism and a hearty disregard for rampant interventionism in our affairs, plus no doubt the general lazy and saucy nature of my predecessor.

Nevertheless! I say that we have decided in a suitable spirit to resubmit our intention to rejoin the ESUS, and open our borders once more to speaking to others, and being spoken to others again in turn. For too long our Cogitators have turned our directives *inward*, rather than *outward* to new ideas, vistas, and places to trade exciting things of a blingy but-not-too-overdone nature. In short, we desire to prosper with other brethren amidst the Great Expanse, and while our intentions are true, it has indeed been a long time. Too long, in fact. Hence, I felt it utterly appropriate to apply here, though shocked that I was a member of this board even from the past.

Consequently, I submit our collective interest to rejoin what we recalled at one point a bastion of interesting happenings (rp) and mayhaps seek to add our aid, such as it may be, to your cause of mutual benefit.

Nation: The Enlightened Empire of Crownguard
"We have No Enemies, Only Foci of Ignorance"

A firmly rooted Imperial system directed by two chambers led by the High Guardian, the acknowledged 'face' and leader of our people. The legislative chambers, a popular assembly of election every 10 years, is balanced by a nigh-immortal Collective of great minds who have 'patterned' themselves into the mesh of the Memory Core, with access to all the datalinks of our civilization. Once a highly militant dictatorship, the High Guardian represents a return to a more moderate constitutional monarchy.

I offer a short blurb about our people, the Crownguardian Trancer Collective:
Race Description(s): A very curious offshoot of the human species, overall. The Crownguardian people have afforded themselves both technological progress coupled with archaic ideals. In the endless pursuit of 'perfection', Trancers seek to improve their bodies with radical biological alteration. This has allowed the Trancers to have a vast disparity of physical characteristics. The limits on this are enforced rigorously by Genetic Protocol and heavy indoctrination: all Trancers are imbued with 'necessary' genetic material seed and biomechanics to function as a society, with certain principles. These principles interestingly enough constitute a sort of 'chivalric code'. All Trancers subscribe to this code, subtly indoctrinated from the beginning to give of the self for the Greater Good, yet that each individual seek to be 'closer to the divine' by contemplation, focus, and willpower. Meshing biomechanical innovation with high-minded ideals, Trancers feel it is an obligation to protect those 'weaker' and less 'endowed' themselves, offering easy integration into Trancer society. Many see the obvious benefits of this, with a strict meritocracy based on idealism and 'intuition' leading to advancement. They believe a Divine principle created the universe and that contemplation and forced evolution can bring them to understand the mind of the Creator, in time.

The average Trancer is genuinely 'good' in moral character, yet somewhat naive. Most are pleased to belong to a 'superior' society, and are quick to offer the advantages to others who integrate. Their looks vary wildly, though the lack of general interest in procreation (along with integration of more 'necessary' genetic material) has ensured reproduction is quite slow. The exacting process to bring a Trancer child to gestation can be several *years*. Understandably, Trancers have a heavy interest in 'converting' others to the collective, as the creation of a child is somewhat slow compared to modification of 'stock' sentient. Their enhanced biological processes have given them a lifespan several orders above that of humans; cryogenic suspension is the preferred method of 'passing on' until the individual can be reconstituted into a better, more durable form. Death itself is not a terrifying prospect to a Trancer, but most periodically 'bind' themselves to the Memory Core in order to ensure that their unique identity might be saved and used for the Greater Good's knowledge. Their hope is one day their comrades will bring them back from non-existence. Needless to say, the Memory Core is the safest location possible in the Trancer Collective.

Technological Knowledge: Bio-mechanical integration. All Trancers know almost intuitively how to adapt and modify their environment for survival. In addition, a biological fungi is grown and cultivated to serve as high-energy 'food' for most Trancers, along with hydroponics to serve aquatic needs. If it is an area most Trancers lack, it is in combative abilities. Only a small segment of the population volunteers to be the 'Knights Ascendent', taking the Oath to protect all others above and beyond themselves. It is these Knights who endure the harshest genetic modification to create super-soldiers. They are viewed with a mixture of deep respect as well as anxiety; a reminder of the harsh reality around them. These Knights are Titans among most mortals, but their numbers are few.

Trancers otherwise are faster than average at developing technology, yet often lack the sheer manpower to create large-scale projects. Thus, those still in the process of becoming Trancers as well as mechanical aid are useful if the Collective is to expand at a pace comparable to others. Commerce, at least in the purely acquisitive manner, is another area of complete bafflement. In a society where the necessities are provided, 'trading' for profit is a foreign concept, though there are a few designated Merchant Providers who acquire what is needed from the outside races…and show a remarkably alacrity for the task. Their flair for art, music, and literature is phenomenal, and those who can 'inspire' others have a respect only secondary to the Knights themselves.

Re: Greetings Sentient Creatures!

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 3:31 am
by Hyperspatial Travel
Howdy, Crownguard. Heck, I barely remember you. Mindset should be along to re-activate you once we get him on the horn. You were around when we first tested back in the day, right?

Re: Greetings Sentient Creatures!

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:07 am
by Crownguard
I was, though I don't recall all the testing that I went through or what they ended up ultimately being. Of course, it's been a long time since then, but hey....just gets better with age, heh.

Re: Greetings Sentient Creatures!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 4:08 pm
by The Fedral Union
Welcome back I guess , and I don't suppose we have met.