Super MAC Planetary Defense Gun

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Super MAC Planetary Defense Gun

Post by Feazanthia »

Super Magnetic Accelerator Cannon (S-MAC)

The Feazanthian S-MAC is used as a final defense weapon in planetary defense. It is large, needs a lot of power, and packs the firepower of a fleet of starships.


Length: 583.2 meters
Width (body): 124.5 meters
Width (barrel): 87.2 meters
Power (12 guns): Planetary based S-class "Omega" fusion reactor {1.5 kilometers}
Shot size: 30,000 tons
Unassisted Reloads: 30
Cost per unit: 350 billion galactic standard dollars
Last edited by Feazanthia on Tue Jul 06, 2004 3:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Nations drown in turmoil
As blood is set upon soil
Peace is a lost dream
My sword is a merciless reality

The enemy creeps in darkness
And dwindles my people
My enemy turns worlds to deserts
With the heat of his enmity

Crimson seas call my name
Caves of death beckon me
The worlds have been doomed
Time has set itself against us

The redemption of my era
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Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

A 30,000 ton shot!? 30 reloads in a 58 meter magazine!? You need to vastly scale up your magazine size my friend! thirty 30,000 ton slugs would take up a lot more space than 58 cubic meters. A single 30,000 ton slug of iron is as large as a house for example.
ESUS Testicle Monster
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Post by Kanuckistan »

Way too small, and, if it's suposed to be a kind of supergun, way too cheap; I've seen larger, more expensive fighters out there.
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Post by Feazanthia »

Nations drown in turmoil
As blood is set upon soil
Peace is a lost dream
My sword is a merciless reality

The enemy creeps in darkness
And dwindles my people
My enemy turns worlds to deserts
With the heat of his enmity

Crimson seas call my name
Caves of death beckon me
The worlds have been doomed
Time has set itself against us

The redemption of my era
Will be brought about by fire
For I am the messiah of my age
Forgive me for the heavens torn asunder
Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Now its too expensive. :P Try in the neighborhood of 200-500 billion USD for each gun.
ESUS Testicle Monster
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Post by Kanuckistan »

Better, just so long as it's not RP'd as uber like in the Halo universe.
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Post by Jordaxia »

but, unfortunately, a 30,000 ton shot is uber. Does this shoot at the same speed as most mac guns? I mean, I'm not doubting that you can do that, but it seems like uberkill to me. Scale down by a long way the weight of the shot, and you'll be able to hold far more in, whilst negligably reducing the damage capability. In fact, practically, it would become far superior.
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Post by Sskiss »

Fealzanthia, does it have any defensive (anti missile/fighter weaponary)?

If not, you'd better consider such measures.

My species may consider exchanging services or resources for a few eventually however.
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Underwater Asylum
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Post by Underwater Asylum »

We wish to purchase a single S-MAC. Currency will be sent upon confirmation.
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Post by Blademasters »

350 billion? pffft I have fighters that cost that. They're more versatile too. Not a bad idea, we may be interested in procuring one or two for a certain project which we will not be mentioning any time soon.
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