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Post by Blademasters »

did I see antimatter on that list? :D lemnme go dig up my antimatter cannons ad, hangon...

the Black Empire's Antimatter beam cannons may be right for you! For only 100 easy payments of $2,000 US Dollars, the schematics and a prototype of this weapon can be yours! Act in the next 20 or so years and we'll make 20 of the payments for you! Thats right! only 80 easy payments of $2,000 for the Blademasterstek (c) Antimatter Beam Cannon. To order, contact Foreman Karlen, head of sales.
Blademasterstek devices are guaranteed with a 30milisecond warranty, S&H is $900 quadrillion dollars unless you are a member of the ESUS alliance and the Emperor says its not, currently only Corpsac qualifies for free shipping.
"The Avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
-The Vorlons

"Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds"
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Post by Aegeus »

Well, elcerophants donot have DNA, and there is no way to recreate the unknown force that seems to bind the elcerophants, however, the elcerophants a blazingly loayl. as an added bonus, your elcerophant sheild system cana ctually transform into an escort craft depending on the pwoer input of the sheild (I.E. turn into a corvette sized ship if its gaurding a frigate, etc.) The elcerophants communicate in a manner akin to the protoss with a sort of bonding link for telekinetic speech. they also can create sound waves to comunicate in spoken language. They travel FTL by transforming themselves into tachyons, so in theory, you can requesition elcerophants form other ships toh elp sheild your own
Quitters never win, winners never quit,
but those who never win AND never quit are idiots.
War was good until you Yanks came along with your aircraft carriers and broke it.

"sir, there's a tank column approaching!"
Doesn't matter, I'll use my carrier!
*Carrier fucks tank column over*

ESUS Danza Slap
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Post by CorpSac »

Blademasters wrote:did I see antimatter on that list? :D lemnme go dig up my antimatter cannons ad, hangon...

the Black Empire's Antimatter beam cannons may be right for you! For only 100 easy payments of $2,000 US Dollars, the schematics and a prototype of this weapon can be yours! Act in the next 20 or so years and we'll make 20 of the payments for you! Thats right! only 80 easy payments of $2,000 for the Blademasterstek (c) Antimatter Beam Cannon. To order, contact Foreman Karlen, head of sales.
Blademasterstek devices are guaranteed with a 30milisecond warranty, S&H is $900 quadrillion dollars unless you are a member of the ESUS alliance and the Emperor says its not, currently only Corpsac qualifies for free shipping.
as long as we dont need to pay the $900 quadrillion dollars S&H and the thing passes a few test (eg that they work with constant fireing)
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Post by Mekanta »

"Deal confirmed."


And the "most powerful beam weapon" thing depends on if the Reflex Cannon counts as a beam weapon...
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Name: Metallinautsi Federation

Post by Metallinauts »

Regenerative Shielding for your shields? If interested Ill PM you more.
Five Civilized Nations
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Post by Five Civilized Nations »

Central Facehuggeria wrote:5CN: I'd like to know about your beam weaponry. I've never really learned about it, and I'd like to see if it is as powerful as you claim.

My plasma weapons are not as powerful as the average, but they are more versatile. :P

Uh...What else do I have? I manufacture excellent ground weapons, especially infantry equipment. I can probably help you design a good suit of powered armor.
Well there are primarily three types of beam weaponry that my space navy utilizes. The first is a powerful shield/armor piercing beam weapon. The second type is basically similar to that utilized by Wing Zero in Gundam Wing. The third type is a top-secret design that my military have been experimenting with for some time...
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Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

That doesn't really help me. I need specifics. An estimate of damage, range, power output, unique effects, etc.

But based on what you've told me so far, those weapons don't sound all that unique. Of course, perhaps the stats you'll provide me with will change that perception.
"Please tell me that you haven't heard military gossip about a fleet of invisible battleplates."
ESUS Danza Slap
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Post by CorpSac »

your shields by anychance can the adapt to certain weapons (eg a beam weapon is less efftive but Kentic are not efftived by the shields) like a smart shield able to learn from other battles? that really waht im looking for

if your willing to design me some decent grond weapons i will pay top dollor (as long as there unique :P)

you do know that the Beam weapon used by Wing 0 was not that powerful the only reason it looked so is well....almost all the ships made in Gundamwing were made of things like steel and they had no shielding, besides beam weapons on some of my armor is not as effective as you might think
Five Civilized Nations
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Post by Five Civilized Nations »

Of course... Let me just find a way to upload the freaking specifications from my computer in New York to the ones I'm using in Pittsburgh...
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Great services are not canceled by one act or by one single error."--Benjamin Disraeli
ESUS Danza Slap
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Post by CorpSac »

back on topic:

WE NEED MORE we're still open and are willing to pay higher prices if need be
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