Absolution class Ubership

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Central Facehuggeria
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Absolution class Ubership

Post by Central Facehuggeria »

OOC: You've waited for it! You've watched me gather parts for weeks now! You've watched me observe your uberships! I now bring you the Ubership to destroy all uberships! At least until someone else makes an even meaner ubership! :P

The Absolution class ubership is the answer to the Shivan question. It was designed in every way to eliminate Shivans where ever they are found. It has thousands of heavy capital ship cannons, and several incredibly large 'super weapons' that give it a good chance of victory, even against...large enemy targets.

Absolution class Ubership:
Legnth: 15.5 kilometers
Width: 8 kilometers
Height: 8 kilometers
Fighter Capacity: 2,000
Reactors: three hundred and twelve next generation Xenium Implosion Reactors supplemented with several Mark IV Tirol Singularity reactors and one prototype Shaw Zero Point Energy module
Crew: 300,000
Elite Troopers: 120,000
Transport capacity: 400
Resource harvester capacity: 200-600

2000 Heavy PPBCs
650 Neutron Beam Weapons
428 Heavy Plasma Beam Weapons
800 Super Heavy PPBCs
64 Super heavy Railguns
50 Calabran Shield Leech cannons
24 Calabran Grav Shield nullifiers
80 Anti-Matter Stream weapons
20,000 "Storm" point defense railgun nodes
30,000 Point Defense ELF whips
400 heavy railguns mounted on swivel turrets
300 Parallax torpedo launchers
200 Omni missile launchers
400 Gravity mine launchers
12 Quasi-Space beam cannons
6 Singularity Beam Weapons
4 "Deathstrike" Tri-Focused annhilation cannons
1 Ubergun

24 Banks of heavy "Accumulator" shields
18 Banks of Calabran "Conversion" shields
3 Quasi-Space barrier emitters
5 banks of heavy "hardened" shields
6 "Refocusing" shield emitters
2 "Attaturk" shield emitters
1 bank of "Aggressor" shield emitters

150 meters (!!!!) ECC/DU/CN/Clearplast/Crystal weave/Particle refraction sheath
4 meters "Quicksilver" Nanite armor coating the ECC plating

Other defensive devices:
Twelve Mekantan "R-Jammer" devices
200 Site-Site point defense transporters
Extremely heavy ECM jamming coverage
One 'quantum displacer' device
Innumerable tractor beam units
Two short range interdimensional nullifiers (Similar to Kanuckistani Truespace effector, but signifigantly less ranged)
1 Kanuckistani True Space barrier effector (This is going to be the ship's primary means of FTLi. Hopefully, I'll be able to make my own FTLi soon enough. :P)
High energy redistribution system

Other: The Absolution is equipped with light production bays for small arms, fighters, combat robots, transports, and ordinanace. The largest craft that can be constructed is a "Hellbender" Assault Corvette. It also has full medical bays, bioroid production bays, resourcing abilities, fuel synthesis modules, malls, parks, exercise rooms, slave brothels, everything needed for a gigantic ubership.

So far, the construction of this beast has taken in excess of twenty trillion dollars. Construction on most of the parts was begun several (RL) weeks ago, so it's mostly done. :P Just need to add in the coffee machines.

More information on certain nondescript systems (such as the infamous Ubergun) is forthcoming. I just don't want to explain it all at the moment. :P
Last edited by Guest on Sun Jul 25, 2004 12:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Argheraal »

Hmm.. we (ESUS) could send this ship against the whole shivan race while the rest go on about our daily business without a worry.. :wink:

The "Quicksilver" Nanite armor, and Quasi-space weaponry and Quasi-space barrier emitters sound interesting.. could you explain on it's functioning?
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Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

I said I'd explain it all later, didn't I? :P

Later=Now. :D


Neutron beam weapons fire a stream of neutrons accelerated to the speed of light. A really nasty weapon. :P

Quasi-Space beam weapons are essientially thin projections of a quasi-space bubble. Quasi-space is our FTL technology. It's sort of similar to subspace, except that it doesn't have a race of malevolent cockroaches that live there.

Basically, it bores a hole right through the ship, sending it to subspace. It's effect is similar to when a Shivan ship with subspace shields rams another ship.

Singularity beam weapons are essientially mini black hole launchers. It fires a beam that opens up a small (25 meter) black hole/quantum singularity. Of course, this takes a beam ten minutes to open a hole. It's more of a gimmick than a legitimate weapon.

The Deathstrike weapons fire lots of molecules that vibrate at a particular rate (computer/user defined.) When mated to passive sensors, they can be tuned to be exactly oposite to the resonance of say...a ship. They blow it to hell. Too bad that it doesn't help against shields that don't have resonance (Like...Most standard energy shields. Subspace shields on the other hand are extremely vulnerable.)

The Ubergun is just that. A ubergun. Specifics will come later. Suffice it to say that it is a HUGE gun.

Quasi-Space barrier shields are some of our latest shield designs. They're pretty much a direct rip off of the concept behind a Shivan subspace shielding system. However, our shields are signifigantly different. They don't cover the entire ship. They only cover the area directly in front of the ship. (Three emitters can each cover one location each, leaving one vulnerable.) Quasi-space shields cannot be defeated through resonance, but nor can they asorb limitless amounts of fire like the subspace shields. The quasi-space portal will close up after asorbing a certain amount of material. It will also close up after being on for three hours.

Refocusing shield emitters recharge and refocus signifigantly faster than normal emitters. They're meant for emergency protection.

Hardened shields are meant to protect against naturally shield piercing weapons.

Attaturk shield emitters are rather...unique. They reflect most beam and pulse weaponry back to their source. However, if they're hit with gravity weaponry, they collapse in on themselves and do damage to the ship's armor. Hence why these shields aren't usually kept on for extended periods. You never know when an enemy will pull a black hole out of their *Censored*

Aggressor shield emitters lessen the damage the ship takes when it rams another ship.

The "Quicksilver" nanite armor is rather unique. It essientially provides a quick-fix solution to any armor damage, with the nanites reforming to seal any breaches in the armor. It also provides excellent protection against any enemy which uses organic weapons, nanite weapons, or other such 'exotic' weaponry.

The Site-Site PD teleporters are a direct ripoff of the Shivan displacer device. Of course, ours aren't as developed, but they're enough. :P They use our own nascent matter-energy teleportation/conversion systems.

The quantum displacer device is a really unique little bugger. When it detects enemy fire heading towards the ship, it literally transports the craft to somewhere within a few kilometers. It's basically a catchall device for preventing my destruction. The only problem is that the thing is extremely power hungry, so you must have most of the shields and big guns off line to use it. Although it can maintain a small storage reserve, enough for one displacement. It's a tradeoff.

This ubership is only the 'prototype' if you will for my next ubership, which I'm planning on releasing on my birthday in november. :P The next ubership will have all the stuff I originally wanted in this ubership, but never got around to adding in. :D
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Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Ohh, and before you cry "GODMOD!!! THERZ 2 MANY GUNZZ!!" I should tell you that a sizable portion of the cost comes from the miniturization of this ship's weapons and systems. There is plenty of space to work with, especially if the most [numerically] are small point defense turrets hardly larger than a man.

Edit: I should also note that all of these systems cannot be used simoutaneously. And if I was faced with a good RPer who was a bit below my tech level, I'd cut him some slack and disable most of the gimmicky/uber weapons. :P
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Re: Excalibur class Ubership

Post by Kanuckistan »

Central Facehuggeria wrote: I now bring you the Ubership to destroy all uberships! At least until someone else makes an even meaner ubership! :P

*coughBattleplatecough* :P :P :P ;)

Few of those systems sound familiar; your quantum displacer device sounds nearly identical to my main FTL drive.
Central Facehuggeria
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Re: Excalibur class Ubership

Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Kanuckistan wrote:
Central Facehuggeria wrote: I now bring you the Ubership to destroy all uberships! At least until someone else makes an even meaner ubership! :P

*coughBattleplatecough* :P :P :P ;)

Few of those systems sound familiar; your quantum displacer device sounds nearly identical to my main FTL drive.
Really? I don't even know what your main FTL drive is. I based the displacer off of the game master of orion II, where a ship with it could evade 30% of all weapons fire. Mine is not nearly as effective. :P

And yeah, your battleplate is better. But that's only because of the design philosophy behind your battleplate compared to my ubership. You're willing to pour hundreds of trillions of dollars into it. I'm not. :D
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Five Civilized Nations
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Post by Five Civilized Nations »

You wouldn't mind renaming it, right? One of my frigates is of the Excalibur Class...
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Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Five Civilized Nations wrote:You wouldn't mind renaming it, right? One of my frigates is of the Excalibur Class...
My Excalibur is an ubership. Your Excalibur is a frigate. I fail to see how the name would be mutually exclusive.

If you can suggest a suitable alternative...
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Post by Sskiss »

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