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Central Facehuggeria
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Prefix: The Second Imperium of
Name: Central Facehuggeria

Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Okay. We'll build them with all possible haste. It'll take roughly twenty NS years to complete all of them though.
"Please tell me that you haven't heard military gossip about a fleet of invisible battleplates."
ESUS Testicle Monster
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Post by Kanuckistan »

Feazanthia wrote:2. I'm looking for a way to project a large amount of antimatter onto a target in a very short time. Probably like a beam or something.
Engineers at Uniphase Armouries Interversal have explored the feild and are certain that they can provide you with a system to meet any reasonible operational specifications; a prototype capible of projecting a 10 kilogram/sec beam of antimatter(450 megaton/TNT energy yeild per second, assuming 100% reaction wth equal mass of matter) with a propigation speed of 10% C(30'000km/sec), and an effective focusing range of 500'000 kilometers(beam would take 17 seconds to hit a target at this range) is currently undergoing computer modeling. If you are interested, feel free to sugest alternative specifications, tho be aware that a higher-end weapon will be substantially more expensive than a less capible one.

Kanuckistan: Let me do some calculations, I may be requiring a large number from you.
Which offer are you reffering to? I made several.
Still looking for FTLi and cloaking.
I offered FTLi.
Posts: 324
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Post by Feazanthia »

Your FTLi systems. If they've only got a ten kilometer radius, I'm going to need several.
Nations drown in turmoil
As blood is set upon soil
Peace is a lost dream
My sword is a merciless reality

The enemy creeps in darkness
And dwindles my people
My enemy turns worlds to deserts
With the heat of his enmity

Crimson seas call my name
Caves of death beckon me
The worlds have been doomed
Time has set itself against us

The redemption of my era
Will be brought about by fire
For I am the messiah of my age
Forgive me for the heavens torn asunder
ESUS Testicle Monster
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Prefix: The Great Therapodian Empire of
Name: The Sskiss

Post by Sskiss »

Feazanthia, the Sskiss do not "by" anything - we do not have an economy like that. We have, rather, a vague concept of "trade" or exchange.

Show me what techs you have - with explanations. Remember, my race has the right to say no, so no offence if I refuse your offer.
"The Sskiss are prepared to share all - All that YOU have, that is!"

"Life is like a fresh kill, eat as much as you can before it all rots"

"Our blood drenched clade shall reclaim what is rightfully ours - and so wrongly taken from us by a whim of fate"
ESUS Testicle Monster
Posts: 2996
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Post by Kanuckistan »

Feazanthia wrote:Your FTLi systems. If they've only got a ten kilometer radius, I'm going to need several.
Their ranges can be massivly extended beyond that, out to the point that you can cover an entire star system. It's just expensive; this is the TSBE version I sold CF, and he only wanted coverage to keep folks from jumping into his ships and the like for cheap kills.
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Prefix: The
Name: Metallinautsi Federation

Post by Metallinauts »

How much for your FTLi Kanuck?
Posts: 324
Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 7:55 pm

Post by Feazanthia »

Kanuckistan and Sskiss - Here are our technologies.

Magnetic Accelerator Cannon (MAC) weapons platform

A staple of Feazanthian ship-to-ship capabilities, the Magnetic Accelerator Cannon charges a solid titanium-trinium alloy or lead shot with alternating magnetic currents inside a large, hollow tube filled with magnetic rods. Once all eight capacitors fully charged, this shot is fired slightly faster than one half the speed of light. The impact of the shot is usually more than enough to shatter several vital systems, and possibly even destroy a light frigate. They range in weight from 2 to 100 ton shots, and are equipped usually in numbers on ships.

Triple Shot Magnetic Accelerator Cannon (T-MAC) weapons platform

Equipped on larger Feazanthian ships, the T-MAC works on the same theory as the standard MAC, but fires three shots instead of one from a single charge. It uses twelve capacitors. The disadvantage is that the cannon must fire a lighter shot than the single shot variety. They range in size from 2 to 53 tons. However, this weapon is extremely effective at disabling a larger ship and punching through standard shielding.

Super Magnetic Accelerator Cannon (S-MAC) orbital weapons platform

The S-MAC gun platforms are currently in orbit around every inhabited planet in the Adonis system, and around the Feazanthian Empire's 'homeworld' in inhabited space, Tarsonis II. They are immense MACs, their shots weighing in at 30,000 tons. The disadvantage to this truly immense firepower is the gun's massive size, lack of maneuverability, and outrageous power requirement. No reactor that can support the gun for the rate of fire necessitated by large invasions can exist in zero gravity and be small enough to not be a detriment to the weapon. Therefore, the guns are fed by a mountain-sized fusion reactor on the surface, usually hidden within an actual mountain, which feeds the guns by microwave. The guns more than make up for their downsides, however, by being able to literally shatter even a shielded vessel with a single shot.

Angled Metadynamic Projection (AMP) battery

The AMP battery is the standard point defense weapon of the Feazanthian Imperial Space Navy. Instead of an actual barreled cannon, the AMP is really more of an array. Only slightly raised above the ship's armor, the AMP is hard to detect and even harder to defend against. It works by storing and 'greasing' high-energy sub-atomic particles. Once the targeting computer has designated a target for the battery, the AMP discharges the particles which form a sort of conduit between the emitter and the target. Once this conduit is formed, the emitter pumps as much energy as physically possible through the conduit. This energy, because it is not bound by the standard laws of physics in the conduit, travels at approximately 2.5 times the speed of light. The beam can be sustained for about five standard seconds. Once fully discharged, the emitter drains a capacitor and is ready to fire again in two seconds. The emitter has a 180 degree arc of fire, but an effective range of only fifteen kilometers.

'Skipper' Missile/Torpedo Mk. 1

The 'Skipper' was developed by Asrengard scientists in response to the Shivan threat, specifically the subspace shielding used by the Lucifer destroyer. The Skipper works by estimating the target's positional variation in the three seconds it is in 'real space'. It then opens a small tear to 'slipspace', an alternate dimension discovered during the development of the distortion shield, where the laws of physics are different. This allows it to change its position in realspace without actually being in realspace. Once the missile's internal computer decides that the missile has reached the target, it opens another tear and reenters realspace, preferably behind the enemy's armor. This is especially effective against Shivan shielding. The only proven defenses against this weapon are strong internal bulkheads and/or the Feazanthian distortion shield in its secondary mode, both of which are not preferable in combat situations. The Skipper can be modified for standard missile launchers or torpedo tubes.

Photonic Cannon

The photonic cannon is used primarily by fighter craft, though has limited use in lighter frigates and corvettes. It uses an antimatter charge in an electron sheath fired in quick succession, appearing as a standard pulse laser to the eye. Its disadvantages are its below-average firepower and large barrel length. It is a superior dogfighting weapon, though is gradually being phased out by the AMP as a fighter-to-fighter.

FAT Missile

The Fusion Arcing Trajectory missile is a large-scale area-effect indirect fire weapon. Its fusion warhead usually carries a 40,000 kiloton warhead and travels at 1/4 the speed of light. The missile makes variations in its course at random intervals to avoid anti-missile systems whilst staying on-target. It is usually used to damage and disable entire fleets, though its cost and slow speed make it prohibitive for use in large numbers.


The disruptor is another weapon designed to counter the Shivan shield technology. Within the barrel are many gravitational emitters which charge up a small point of immense gravity, like a tiny black hole. Once charged, it is accelerated at 2/3 the speed of light towards the target. If the orb hits the target, the target's armor begins to compact in on itself and become crushed into their subatomic particles. Its disadvantage is its small effective range and large power requirement.

Phase Disruptor

The Phase Disruptor was developed as a replacement to the photonic cannon as a fighter-to-fighter weapon, though it has found uses on capital ships as well. The standard phase disruptor works by inserting highly condensed antimatter into stasis inside a distortion ‘bubble', similar to the distortion shield. The bubble is then launched at light speed at its target. The bubble, having no constant emitter, is highly unstable and will detonate with explosive force if it comes in contact with any matter or energy field producing over a few grams of force. In addition to the explosive detonation of the bubble, which is effective at destroying armored plates, the condensed antimatter is expelled faster than the speed of light onto the target. The light version of the weapon is now the standard weapon on Feazanthian fighters (though many older ships with photonic cannons are still in service), but a heavy version has recently been found on Feazanthian capital ships - even the mighty Bec Corbin and Achilles classes - that are usually allowed to be modified by their captains and crews. A more standardized (and safer) version for capital ships is under consideration by Feazanthian central command.

Distortion Shield

This shield was developed in response to the loss of several capital ships due to Lucifers emerging from subspace inside them. The distortion shield is, simply put, a neutralization of reality. The exact mechanics are still a mystery, but Asrengard scientists speculate that it is a sliver of another universe, or even one newly created. Within this sliver, which can be shaped to conform to any shape, the laws of physics are different. As such, the effectiveness of standard weapons is effectively negated. Beams, solid shot, flux cannons, even gravity-based and phase cloak weapons; all effectively disappear into the void. Skipper missiles and antimatter weapons, however, can either pass through the shield or bypass them completely. However, in order to fire, the ship carrying the shield must deactivate it for three seconds in which its weapons can be fired. No Feazanthian weapons other than photonic cannons can fire out of the shield. So far, no alien or ESUS weapon have been able to penetrate the shield, either. It can be overcharged to create a sort of distortion 'bubble', effectively removing the parent ship from all effects of realspace. This technique, while potentially dangerous, can defend against subspace weapons and shields, antimatter weapons, and even Skipper missiles. Its side-effect is that this technique drains massive amounts of energy from the reactor and can only be held for a few minutes. The shield can be held even during warp, slipspace and subspace travel, and through orbital stargates, though power requirements for such travel are often astronomical.

Slipspace Mk.1

The Slipstream Field Transient Engine allows ships to tunnel into "the Slipstream" (also called "Slipspace"). Slipspace is a domain with alternate physical laws, allowing faster-than-light travel without relativistic side-effects. The SFTE generates a resonance field, which when coupled with the unusual physics of the Slipstream, allows for dramatically shorter transit times between stars; however, scientists have noted an odd "flexibility" to temporal flow while inside the Slipstream. Though no human or Asrengard scientist is sure why travel time between stars is not constant, many theorize that there are "eddies" or "currents" within the Slipstream�there is generally a five to ten percent variance in travel times between stars.
Slipspace travel is far more efficient and fast than standard Warp travel. Intra-system jumps, while dangerous, are nearly instantanious. The jump between Adonis IV and Tarsonis II, a journey that took three years at maximum warp, now takes only three months. While OSG travel is far faster, the Slipstream drive is much more applicable for military use.
All Feazanthian ships are being retrofitted with the new Slipstream Mk.1, and all new designs are featuring it as the standard FTL drive.

We also have several designs, and of course shitloads of money.
Nations drown in turmoil
As blood is set upon soil
Peace is a lost dream
My sword is a merciless reality

The enemy creeps in darkness
And dwindles my people
My enemy turns worlds to deserts
With the heat of his enmity

Crimson seas call my name
Caves of death beckon me
The worlds have been doomed
Time has set itself against us

The redemption of my era
Will be brought about by fire
For I am the messiah of my age
Forgive me for the heavens torn asunder
ESUS Testicle Monster
Posts: 2996
Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2004 1:59 am

Post by Kanuckistan »

Metallinauts wrote:How much for your FTLi Kanuck?
I posted an example above; you'll have to be more specific, otherwise.

And no, production rights are not for sale.

Feazanthia, our primary military contractor (very descretly, of course, as far as IC goes)wants details as yer Asrengard slaves and their aproximate monitary value for purposes of trade.
Posts: 324
Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 7:55 pm

Post by Feazanthia »

Three thousand a piece.
Nations drown in turmoil
As blood is set upon soil
Peace is a lost dream
My sword is a merciless reality

The enemy creeps in darkness
And dwindles my people
My enemy turns worlds to deserts
With the heat of his enmity

Crimson seas call my name
Caves of death beckon me
The worlds have been doomed
Time has set itself against us

The redemption of my era
Will be brought about by fire
For I am the messiah of my age
Forgive me for the heavens torn asunder
ESUS Testicle Monster
Posts: 2996
Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2004 1:59 am

Post by Kanuckistan »

Feazanthia wrote:Three thousand a piece.
Ah; as for the FTLi, give me a specific feild radius and I'll give you an apropriate per-unit price.
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