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Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Err...I don't think I'd want good Shivans. These Shivans that I need are going to be experimented upon. No. Good Shivans are out of the question.
"Please tell me that you haven't heard military gossip about a fleet of invisible battleplates."
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Post by Metallinauts »

He's not good, he's pure evil. He justwants to contine his existance.
Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Metallinauts wrote:He's not good, he's pure evil. He justwants to contine his existance.
So he doesn't mind these Shivans being experimented upon? He won't be present in the Shivanicide if he hasn't begun actively trying to take over the galaxy...
"Please tell me that you haven't heard military gossip about a fleet of invisible battleplates."
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Name: Metallinautsi Federation

Post by Metallinauts »

Right he is willing to onl stay away from us or he will be utterly wiped. He only has a few Million ppl. So he is no threat at all. He doesnt care what happens to them.
Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

And they have some sort of hivemind? That is a highly important component. They can be seperated from the main Shivan hivemind, but the have to have some sort of hivemind. Because frankly, that's the only reason I want them. I'm working on a way to disrupt Shivan hiveminds. If we could do that, our enemies will fall.
"Please tell me that you haven't heard military gossip about a fleet of invisible battleplates."
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Name: Metallinautsi Federation

Post by Metallinauts »

He does use the Hive mind. Ill have him TG me his permission and Post it here.
Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Okay, then we be having a deal. Niiice...When (if) This peace treaty falls through, I'll have a trump card waiting for IB and TOR and Ekardia et all. :P
"Please tell me that you haven't heard military gossip about a fleet of invisible battleplates."
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