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Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 6:54 am
by CorpSac
Blademasters wrote:Original, I'll give you that... which babylon are you gonna use for the pics?

I frown apon this idea, as it WILL be a target. We would be hesitant to contribute manpower to something that would almost definetly be attacked on a routine basis, as it would become a strategic point of intrest for anyone who wanted to damage the ESUS. nuff said. we won't help unless we're forced too. Mostly cuz we hate sharing our tech.
dono maby babylon 6 why? (a design i found when looking for new ships it looks like this:

or babylon 5 (that looks like this)

anyway were ever the station is placed would be a secret, hell if we had to we would beg Kani to place a few of his FTLi to make a massive buffer area around the place jsut like he has done to his Terratory makeing shore attacks are rare and Mekanta what does that mean??

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 7:01 am
by Mekanta
I assume the station would be rather big.

I'm calling anything really big "Minagoroshi Chow" now. Since Minagoroshi tends to actively seek out large stations and fortresses.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 7:07 am
by CorpSac
Mekanta wrote:I assume the station would be rather big.

I'm calling anything really big "Minagoroshi Chow" now. Since Minagoroshi tends to actively seek out large stations and fortresses.
im hopeing this will be built AFTER the Shivan war, and yes it would be big a few miles long armed to the teeth and have if i must a few HST cannons on it to make shore it could take down most things, and if need be a few SHRC (super heavy rail cannons, they can crack a planet in 2 but need an enitre fussion or anti matter reactor to fire lol)

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 7:16 am
by Mekanta
After the Shivan War... During the Shivan War... Doesn't matter.

Neo-Mekanta will be a long-term opponent, if I play these cards right. And I'm still waiting for Ekardia to realize what the Neos are planning. (Takeover of the Shivan Imperium/Hammer of Light command structure)

And the HST cannons are the only heavy weapons Minagoroshi would really have to worry about.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 7:19 am
by CorpSac
Mekanta wrote:After the Shivan War... During the Shivan War... Doesn't matter.

Neo-Mekanta will be a long-term opponent, if I play these cards right. And I'm still waiting for Ekardia to realize what the Neos are planning. (Takeover of the Shivan Imperium/Hammer of Light command structure)

And the HST cannons are the only heavy weapons Minagoroshi would really have to worry about.
well i will make shore theres 4 or 5 sitting on there, with lots of HST torpedos if i really had to

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 12:26 pm
by Central Facehuggeria
Hyperspace tears, kinetic energy weapons, specialized anti-nanite weapons, tesla coils..., gravity weapons, anti-matter, Uh...That's about all I can think of at the moment.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 7:58 pm
by Blademasters
I'm preferential to Babylon 4. Babylon 5 is a big, ugly spike. And you should use the Aurora Starfurys as defense ships! (woohooo ph33r my babylon geekyness) At any rate, if you can't find a good pic, depending on which babylon you use...

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:05 pm
by Metallinauts
I agree with Blade, I say B4 or B6.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:38 pm
by CorpSac
B6 could be cool and b4 meh never liked it but still the more important thing is Stats (you know armor,weapons, where the hell if it ever happened would be placed etc)