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Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 1:43 pm
by Feazanthia
I'm looking for FTLi for two things. One will be about 120 kilometers (this is for a ship) and the other will be enough to keep the Shivans from jumping into a planet. So...about 12,103.6 km

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:12 pm
by Kanuckistan
Feazanthia wrote:I'm looking for FTLi for two things. One will be about 120 kilometers (this is for a ship) and the other will be enough to keep the Shivans from jumping into a planet. So...about 12,103.6 km
Is that diamiter or radius? I asked for radius, but 12'000 is roughly Earth's diamiter, iirc, so I'm wondering....

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:31 pm
by Feazanthia
Yeah, that's a diameter. Sorry.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:06 am
by Kanuckistan
And a UAI rep offically takes over negotiations....

Alright; $750 billion Universal Standard Dollars for the pair, and four RL days for fabrication and manufacture, after which they can be picked up at your leasure in Earth orbit.

Possible payment in Asrengard slaves, rather than cash, is being considered, however more details regaurding the species, slave training, etc are needed to ascertain viability. Photographic documentation of the species and/or slaves in particular would be most helpful.