Requesting Shield Tech

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Requesting Shield Tech

Post by Argheraal »

I did this before.. but the war against the Shivans kinda put a stop to this..

We are requesting shield technology to outfit our ships.. what do you have?..

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Post by Skeelzania »

I could also use shield tech, but allow me to recommend CorpSacian Hard Shields. Correct me if I'm wrong CorpSac, but this is how they work, as I understand it:

They work by projecting 2 fields, one up against the hull and one a few feet out, then fill the fields with gas. IMHO, these would be very effective against beam weaponry, since the beam would refract and be spread out as it passes through the gas, thus spreading the damage out over a larger area instead of a single point. They would provide some protection against projectile weapons, though most of the force would be retained as the projectile passed through the shield.

Hard Shields are weaker over weapon points (torpedo tubes, turrets, etc), and would probably need to be completely absent over beam weapon ports. However, coupled with effective armor I believe they would be rather formidable.
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Post by Metallinauts »

I have and so does Freezanthia a tri-shield. It contains distotion,Conversion and Remodulation shields all in one. It is energy draining but very very worth it
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Post by Argheraal »

Hmm... we will wait for more offers.. some of the shields you mention sound nice.. we would need a bit more detailed info on them to decide on the one best for our ships...
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Post by CorpSac »

Hard Shields

a interesting idea for a shield, useing 2 fields one over the hull and one 1-2 meters away to trap Gases between. after the fields are put in place the gap between the fields is super heated forceing the gases to expand, the gases expand so mach that a solid barrier is formed in the gap and along the Fields.

think of it like this, if you shake a coke can it become hard the more you shake the harder it gets but what if the can couldnt exploded

thats the basic concept

oh and most of what Seelzania sead was rightish, all Hard shields do is make another layer of armor. around gunports the Field is Weaker (not solid) and is normaly droped around the port to fire the weapon(s).
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Post by Metallinauts »

Conversion shields basically turn beam weapons in to energy for you, Remodulation shields are a few shields that change once they get too weak and conversion shields are posted by freezanthia
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Post by Argheraal »

Hmm.. converting energy to strenghten the shields.. interesting..

We are interested too in the shields you mentioned Indra.. we need tech spechs on them.. and how much will you charge for production rights for them, we of course as first stated, wont be selling them to anyone else..
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Post by Wormia »

Wormian ships come, generally, well equipped for space combat where their shielding is concerned. All Wormian ships possess two types of shields, though numerous Wormian ships possess secondary and tertiary shield layers.

The above picture is merely a diagram of Wormian shield layers. It does not represent what the shields look like to the naked eye.

Wormian Mass/Energy Repulsion/Refraction Shields:
-The basis for ship defense against weapons in the Wormian fleet is the MER2 Shield. The MER2 (Mass/Energy Repulsion/Refraction) shield provides excellent defense against both projectile and energy weaponry, however, it will be noted that little defense against a gravitational field is provided.

The MER2 functions by holding carbon-60 buckyballs in a complex lattice comprised of triangles. The molecules are held in place by a precisely calculated electromagnetic field. The lattice of electromagnetic energy jointed by carbon-60 buckyballs adequately forms a mostly transparent black wall around the ship. This barrier produces the effect of simply repelling mass projectiles, and refracting directed energy hits.

An energy weapon impact on a Wormian dropship shield

Wormian Radiation Refraction/Absorption Shields:
-Most Wormian ships have a habit of having small to almost nonexistent radar signatures, and the the R2A shield, more commonly known as the "Cold" Plasma Shield, is responsible. It absorbs and refracts all incoming radiation that hits it.

The shield itself is made of helium-12 "cold" (for a plasma, yet still around 15,340 degress Fahrenheit) plasma. The effect that it produces, sheathed around a warship, is that of cloaking virtually all of its ambient radiation, as well as any incoming sensor radiation. Except for the naked eye and gravitational effects, the ship is invisible.

Furthermore, beam weapons can be hindered, or lowered in their power by 10% when passing through the helium plasma shielding, thus providing another nook of defense against directed energy. They have no impeding effects on projectile weaponry, sadly.

A contained field of cold plasma in a Wormian laboratory

I posted this in the other forum.. but seeing as no one cares to look at it... I figure I'd post it in reply to this request.
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Post by Argheraal »

Hmm... interesting..

How often do you have to refill (as i assume you have special compartment for it) for carbon-60 buckyballs for the M/E R/R shield? or are they reusable after using them and then turning the shield off?..

If you use RR/A shields, how do you detect whatever it is outside of them if as you say "It absorbs and refracts all incoming radiation that hits it."?
You'd be totally sensor blind to any threats then, not even having normal cameras or someone eyeballing space thru a window would work as visible light (photons) is a type of radiation too..
Last edited by Argheraal on Sat Jul 03, 2004 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jordaxia »

(from the maker of the Shivan subspace shield, comes a new age in shield design, revolutionising the way we think about.... shielding. Forever.)

Except that I don't really have any idea for a new shield type at the moment. I will be using my counter gravity fields as a first layer though. Apart from that, I'll be stea.... looking at other peoples shields for inspirado. I wouldn't use the counter gravity fields though, they are kinda specialised for my needs.
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