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Mekantan Weapons and Devices

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 1:48 am
by Mekanta

Just a little informational file. Feel free to leave comments or concerns. ^_^

Please direct any cries of "godmod" either straight up your ass... or to me. Depending on the cry, I'll either explain, or redirect your cry of "godmod" straight up your ass with my foot following. Got it? ^_^

-Semi IC-

Particle Beam
The main weapon of Mekanta's forces. As the name suggests, it's a beam of particles. Mekantan particle beams are on the boarder between kinetic and energy weapons, as it strikes with solid force yet still possesses the energy properties of conventional energy weapons. Namely, the frying the sonsabitches that find themselves on the business end of the weapon.

The weapon has a natural modulation that makes it effective against conventional shields, and Mekanta is constantly trying to find a way to make this shield piercing more effective.

Experiments are proceeding to use different types of particles to gain different results. Use of the Triad Point System to facilitate changes in the middle of combat is proceeding, and will be implimented in the use of the TRAnCe-F (Tactical Responce And Change Facilitator) System.

Reflex Weapons
One of the most deadly weapons in the Mekantan armada, the Reflex Cannon is capable of defeating most enemy ships with a single blow, tearing through shields and armor like paper. The beam was formerly generated with a "split boom" design, but that is rarely used any more except in circumstances where it is easier to do so. The new "Yamato" system allows the beam to be generated in a smaller apature to produce the same beam.

The weapon requires a fairly considerable amount of charging time, but the devestating capacity of the weapon leaves little doubt that the wait is worth it. The beam is conducted in a straight line through the fabric of space, leading it to severely weaken when in a strong enough gravitational field. The gravity-like nature of the beam leads it to be rather effective against shielding, though against planets it is roughly equivalent to a city-destroying nuke in destructive power.

The Yamato system is a strong advancement in Reflex Cannon technololgy, in that smaller anti-capship Yamato Cannons can be equipped on ships to rip apart smaller ships more easily. The Yamato Cannons can fire in more directions than simply "forward" like the older Reflex Cannons.

But the most deadly application of Reflex Cannon technololgy is, without a doubt, the Grand Cannon. This devestating anti-fleet weapon is capable of wiping out any ship stupid enough to stray into its field of fire. The average grand cannon is six to eight miles deep and roughly three miles wide at the funnel-like opening. A Zirconic lens covers the top, and is used to protect the cannon as well as change the angle of fire at the opening. Often, military offices lie around the "barrel" of the Grand Cannon, taking advantage of centralizing thier leaders around one of the most powerful weapons around.

Reflex Weapons don't only come in cannon technology. Reflex Missiles/Bombs have amazing destructive potential. Plans are currently on hold for "WorldBuster" Reflex Bombs, made to use the gravitational field of a planet to its advantage rather than disadvantage, and Reflex Missiles can be used by fighter squadrons to inflict heavy damage on opposing capitol ships.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 11:23 am
by Sskiss
So "Reflex" weaponary are gravitic based weapons? I was wondering are they based on the "magnetic monopole" principle.

As for the partical beams, you can utilize protons, neutrons and electrons and maybe quarks as well.

EDIT: Also, is your weaponary and tech in general based on "robotech" technology?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 2:31 pm
by CorpSac
im so happy i traded stuff for Reflex somthing or other lol

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 6:17 pm
by Mekanta

Reflex cannons work similar to a directed "beam" of gravity, only without the effects of gravity.

How about a nice little lesson in how Machina (Mekanta's Player) thinks? After all, any good sci-fi writer has to be able to reason all of this out.

I use the theory that gravity is caused by space distorting, such as by, say, a planet. It helps to think in terms of WXYZ axiseseses instead of just XYZ. ^_^

XYZ we all know. Spacial position. But W is, in some ways, all of them and none of them. Let's, for this example, remove Z. Now everything is on a level plane. But there are two planes here. One is XY, the other is W. As objects move on XY, they press down on W. W is a seperate plane from XY, but it still affects things on XY because of the uniform nature of space. So, anything that goes near the "slope" of gravity that the object projects is drawn toward the object, which is at the center of the "slope". The more massive the object, the larger the "crater" in W it makes.

But, I digress. The way a Reflex Cannon is similar to gravity is that it uses W to move, rather than XYZ. It still exists in XYZ, but it's able to flip some of WYX's rules the bird. ^_^

And yes, Sskiss. I use a lot of Robotech stuff. But the particle beams are actually originally inspired by Master of Orion 2. I wanted a weapon that could ass rape people who rely so heavily on shields, but I toned it down a lot to avoid cries of godmod. ^_^

The Triad Point, Spacial Distortion Cannon, Temporal Expansion Facilitator, and the "R-Jammer" Mekanta is working on now are all my own creations, though. At least, they weren't inspired by anything.

I'll update with more of my tech as soon as more of the negative effects from the various layers of chemicals used to keep me pacified at the dentist wear off. Despite the above essay seeming to show otherwise, I can't quite think well right now.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 8:51 pm
by CorpSac
MOO 2 oh i was soooo tempted to take the Death Ray from that lol, and the nutron beam anyway nice weapons

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 8:52 pm
by Central Facehuggeria
I use the neutron beam. Except mine is a *bit* different. :P It's signifigantly more powerful for instance. :D

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 10:03 pm
by Mekanta
The R-Jammer is a device created in responce to the proliferation of Antimatter weapons. Inside the Mekantan Nexus, matter-antimatter reactions are impossible due to the physical nature of the realm. There are, quite simply, no passive counterforces. As such, matter and antimatter won't react without a major stimulus. Unfortunately, such a stimulus tends to be catastrophic to the source.

By twisting space so as to overlay the physics of the Nexus into an area, this effect can be brought into Truespace, negating the ability to create matter-antimatter reactions. The area of effect is limited by the capacity of the device and how much power is applied. Huge amounts of power are needed to sustain the field, requiring dedicated power systems.

There are presently no plans to release knowlage of this technology outside of Mekanta until the R-Jammer is used. R&D has identified a factor in the system that can lead to the weakening if not total negation of the R-Jammer system, but T3K acknowlages that few nations possess the transpace know-how and reasoning to effectively counter or weaken the field.


Prove that douche TFU wrong about nations supporting IGNOREs against it.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 4:50 pm
by CorpSac
wow you trust me

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 12:08 am
by Mekanta
Heh. Yeah, I trust you.

I was considering putting Yamato guns on the cooperative ship, wasn't I?

Speaking of which... CRAP! I knew there was something I was forgetting.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 12:41 am
by Jangle Jangle Ridge
Slipping, slipping.