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Issue suggestions

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:25 pm
by The Mindset
Provide them!

Keep them short, simple, focused on one area (ie, no issues that affect economy, civil rights and politician's bumholes in one sentence) and with between 2 and 3 options.

Re: Issue suggestions

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:38 am
by Solar Communes
Here's one, I'm not sure if it's a good issue

Issue title: Ban natural reproduction?

Not applicable for: Anarchy, artificial life forms.

Description: As a bioconservative minority insists on refusing to embrace artificial reproduction methods, several technocrat organizations have lobbied for a law to forbid natural reproduction and to forcefully abort any result of random rather than engineered breeding before it is born as a way to ensure that all are born perfect and with the best genetic traits of their parents.

Option 1: "We cannot allow this primitive practice to hinder the evolution of our species!", one of the supporters argued, "these simpletons out of touch with reality can only see the infinite advantages of genetic selection and enhancement if we give a push! You should approve this to remove this outdated remainder of our past."

Results: Reduces Civil rights, slightly reduces births/year. On advantages, I suppose that a more uniform society(with less civil rights) would be more stable.

Text After Issue: All -denonym- are genetically engineered and born into vats

Option 2: "This is an utmost disrespect to my personal choice! You cannot force people to rely on technologies for something as basic as having a child!" protested a bioconservative. "First we are obliged to have only children through artificial reproduction, and then we could even be forced to kill our consciousness and make clones of them in a computer pretending to be us. This law must not be approved! And alas, people should be made aware that they can reproduce naturally. Hiding it is as bad as forbidding it!"

Results: Increases civil rights, increases births/year.

Text After Issue: "Natural reproduction is becoming a trend"

Option 3: "I agree, but there is more. How can we let our intellectual bias interfere with the truth? The most efficient tool of evolution is nature, and bypassing it, we are simply making ourselves overtly-dependent on technology.", suggested a radical bioconservative. "We have survived hundreds of thousands of years without civilization or artificial reproduction. What if our technology betrays us after we became completely unable of natural reproduction? We must return to the same reproductive practices that ensured our standing survival as a species before we sign our extinction warrant! Ban artificial reproduction now!".

Results: Reduces significantly Civil Rights(going against the will of the majority), booms population growth(many will seek to have more children to achieve the "perfect child")

Text After Issue: Most -denonym- have dozens of children to mimick the results of the recently banned artificial reproduction by chance.

Re: Issue suggestions

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:54 am
by Kostemetsia
This one should only happen if you decide to devote funding to your armed forces.

Money Burning A Hole In The @@PRIMARY_ARMED_FORCE@@'s Collective Pocket

The @@DEMONYM@@ @@PRIMARY_ARMED_FORCE@@ is flush with @@CURRENCY_UNITS@@ that need to be spent. However, there are some interdivisional tussles going on.

1. Combat Division leader @@PLAYER-SET_NAME@@ argues that more money should be diverted to the kind of people who roam the galaxy with big guns. "@@NATION_NAME@@ needs practical defence, right now, and we are the people who can supply it. Can the Science or Diplomatic Corps boast that? I think not."

Post-Issue Text: @@NATION_NAME@@'s navy are renowned for being able to knock out a space-suited wasp at twenty light-years.
Effects: Deduction of funding for Science & Technology; bonus for Military, Law & Order.

2. Science Division head honcho @@PLAYER-SET_NAME@@ has a different point of view, however. "Oh, for goodness sake. Troglodytes are everywhere, I tell you. Anyway - we here at the Science Division argue that there's really no point depending on arms and armour as your sole civilised mainstay. Eventually, someone else will come along and crush you; we can put that off, if not prevent it entirely, by rerouting funding to Science. Come on, you know you want to."

Post-Issue Text: The military technocrats of @@NATION_NAME@@ are boldly going where no one has gone before.
Effects: Deduction of funding for Military, Law & Order; bonus for Science & Technology.

3. However, as is the diplomatic innate nature, @@PLAYER-SET NAME@@, who presides over the Diplomatic Corps, is quietly enabling preliminary arrangements for a compromise of some sort. "Perhaps we could simply devote funding to each one? We won't have as fast progress in each, but we'll have some rather than none. Oh, and I think the Corps deserves a pay rise, as a whole, for working this one out."

Post-Issue Text: Due to @@NATION_NAME@@'s @@PRIMARY_ARMED_FORCE@@'s equalist funding system, there have been some complaints that "the government has its priorities on arse-backwards" -- this Census bureaucrat would tend to think that's how governments work in any case.
Effects: Less population growth (less colonies); higher citizen satisfaction; small bonuses for Military, Law & Order, Science & Technology.