Test 16: Northrop-Grumman & Underwater Asylum

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Five Civilized Nations
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Test 16: Northrop-Grumman & Underwater Asylum

Post by Five Civilized Nations »

Hello there, here's your test...

Scenario #1: Northrop-Grumman intelligence has identified a cell of rebels attempting to revolt against the government. There main base is deep underground. Roleplay your attempt to annilihate this cell... Use ground troops or special forces...
Last edited by Guest on Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Underwater Asylum
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Post by Underwater Asylum »

I would like to rp the rebel forces, and so I ask if I will be allowed to as my test. If not, that's fine. But think of how it would streamline things.
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Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Hmm...I'll allow it for the moment. If it looks bad, then it's gone.
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Northrop-Grumman Corp.
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Post by Northrop-Grumman Corp. »

High in the skies over the farmlands of Northrop-Grumman was Colonel Thompson briefing his two teams on their upcoming mission.
"We have orders to assault an underground rebel base, here," Thompson said while he pointed to a location on a large foldout map. "Fortunately they're using one of our abandoned research facilities, so we have the original blueprints. First, both teams will access the generator room through the ventilation shaft here. Next, cut the power to the entire facility. Finally, while using your nightvison goggles, disintegrate every, I mean every rebel using your zat guns. Remember, one shot stuns, two kills, and three disintegrates."
Finally, the helicopter came to a halt, hovering over a large cornfield.
"Teams 1 and 2, you have a go!" shouted Thompson.
After both teams rappelled out of the chopper to the ground, they moved silently through the cornfields with their zat guns ready. Suddenly, Major Younger of Team 1 gave the signal that he had located the ventilation shaft. Captains Sanchez and Williams, being the strongest soldiers there, immediately removed the large vents off of the ventilation shaft and began to descend down the 113-foot drop to see if the generator room was clear.
Underwater Asylum
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Post by Underwater Asylum »

Jarl Grimson sighed a little. He'd been standing guard over the generator for hours. Not like anything ever happened. And then he blinked, sounded like the vent. Probably just the techs shunting through more air. He went and sat back down in his chair, leaning back, dropping his smuggled UA laser rifle to the side, and switching on the small television set there, watching whatever happened to be on, which wasn't much, being underground and next to a generator and all.


Mordechai Kirlon smiled as he ran his hand over the small thermonuclear device. The time was almost ready. The Red Blade Syndicate would strike soon, and he smiled even wider, until he was interrupted in his gloating by a young man
"Sir! We've located a Northop-Grumman strike force!" The man was pale even by standards, but he went even paler as he spoke the next part "Several teams have penetrated into the base... Please sir! Don't hurt meeee..." He trailed off as the solid slug pierced through his head, and crumpled to the floor. Mordechai Kirlon holstered his pistol once more, and with a satisfied smirk, stepped over the body and it's pool of blood, walking to the command centre.
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Northrop-Grumman Corp.
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Post by Northrop-Grumman Corp. »

Upon reaching the bottom of the shaft, Williams inverted himself and peered through the vent. He found a rebel soldier lounging in his chair while watching television. He smiled to himself and thought, What a fool! He’s supposed to be guarding the generator, but instead, he’s just watching the TV. Well, so much the better. He then tied one of the ropes he used to rappel down the shaft to the vent and slowly unscrewed the bolts holding it in place. One by one they fell out until the vent itself dislodged from its frame and quietly dropped only a foot and a half down because of the ropes holding it in place. Williams manuvered half of his body, including his arms, through the open hole and fired his zat gun.
Underwater Asylum
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Post by Underwater Asylum »

Jarl Grimson continued to recline in his chair, yawning "Just reruns..." He gasped as he felt the first impact of energy hit him, and rolled away, gripping his rifle in one hand, firing wildly in the general direction of his foe, screaming wildly into his radio, which happened to be turned off.
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Five Civilized Nations
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Post by Five Civilized Nations »

A member does some heinous act and is facing expulsion. Create the reason and pick a position and argue it. (Political)

Context: The Five Civilized Nations have recently in a planetary assualt to recapture one of his worlds have launched a planetary bombardment, which has killed over 7 million unarmed civilians.
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Northrop-Grumman Corp.
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Post by Northrop-Grumman Corp. »

All is quiet in the conference room as CEO Jack O’Neill approaches the podium in full military uniform and begins his speech to the ESUS.

“Good afternoon, my name is Jack O’Neill, CEO of the Northrop-Grumman Corporation, and I’m here to express the current view of the company. Recently, Five Civilized Nations, in an effort to retake one of its worlds, unleashed a planetary bombardment that killed seven million unarmed civilians. In our view, this method of attack was reckless, unnecessary, and unethical. A surgical attack upon key governmental and military installations using smart weapons would have done the job without really harming the civilian population. In the modern world, total warfare is not an ethical form of battle. It accomplishes nothing more than pissing the enemy off completely and having him do the exact same to your population. Now you all may or may not have noticed, but within 5CN's name is a key word, ‘Civilized.’�

O’Neill pulls a compact dictionary out of his pocket and turns to a tagged entry.

“According to Webster's Dictionary ‘civilized’ means ‘reclaimed from savage life and manners; instructed in learning, in morality, and in civil manners.’ Do you all think that the killing of seven million unarmed civilians is civilized? This incident proves that 5CN is not worthy of the title of ‘civilized’ but rather ‘savage.’�

“Recently, the ESUS fought a war against the Shivans. Now, the reason we fought them was because they were bombing entire populations out of existence and taking their worlds. The current situation with 5CN is not much different. If we allow them to remain go unpunished, then we will have lost everything that we have fought so desperately to preserve, especially our morals. We would be no better than the Shivans. We propose that we expel them out of the ESUS before we become a laughing stock of the international community.� After ending his speech, O’Neill quietly returned to his seat and awaited the next speaker.
Underwater Asylum
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Post by Underwater Asylum »

Emperor Phoren Narqu stood after Jack O'Neill had finished speaking, and taken his seat once more
"There is little we have to say that has not already been said by our most esteemed ally, the Northop Grumman Corporation. We argue the same point, however, we alos believe that tactical strikes by Special Ops forces would have done the job far better. Take out the head, and the rest of the body will fall much easier. That is all."
He took his seat again, reading over the report on a datapad, a look of disgust clearly on his face. He stood yet again
"Recently we had to quell an uprising on Malorpion IV. We did it on the ground, with minimal civilian casualties. That is how a war should be waged. Cleanly and efficiently. No massive orbital bombardments into population centres, damn it!"
And with that he sat down oncemore, visibly shaking with rage
Leader of the SCC. I also command a legion of monkeys.