Ending this.

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Re: Ending this.

Post by The Cerberus Alliance »


Who is supposed to come up with that, anyway?
This won't end well.
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Re: Ending this.

Post by Trailers »

Not it!

My antics only count for my nation. If yew lot wanna use the friend of my friend technique, I'm sure that would work.
Traileric Empire

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Re: Ending this.

Post by Central Facehuggeria »

I wash my bloodstained hands of it.
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Re: Ending this.

Post by Telros »

I could try. Nothing fancy, like "We of the ESUS alliance..." Someone else can do that, if they want. I can just write down what we want.

Two things:

One, I need to know what we want as an alliance from the GFFA. Nothing too hefty now, talking to Abh and Xanthal and the whole "deplete military and install military watchers" got a BADDDD vibe.

Two, we will need to have some leg room for compromise. Unless God himself gives me the great idea of treaty-writing, then I think we will have issues.
Pyramid Facehugger would be fucking brutal. I don't know if I'll ever get to sleep with the thought of that genocidal rape behemoth rampaging through the large-eyed schoolgirls swimming in a sea of biceps that populate my subconscious.

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Re: Ending this.

Post by Trailers »

We could just promise to keep off of and away from one another turf from now to the end of Time. With a minor subclause allowing for limited trade and tourism rights..

If someone breaks the treaty, they are expelled from their respective alliance and on the kill on site list of all nations of the respective alliances.
Traileric Empire

Guide our souls to the Elysium Fields
Bear us home upon our shields
Lay coins across our brows and sound the bells
We're paying our fare on the river to Hell
And when our sons and mothers lay us upon the funeral pyre
Tell them we died Hellenic soldiers with our faces to the fire
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Re: Ending this.

Post by Telros »

Works for me. Anyone else? Anything the treaty would need to have for your nation to be satisfied, without making the GFFA recoil?
Pyramid Facehugger would be fucking brutal. I don't know if I'll ever get to sleep with the thought of that genocidal rape behemoth rampaging through the large-eyed schoolgirls swimming in a sea of biceps that populate my subconscious.

Oh you're starving? WELL FUCK YOU THEN, HADUKEN!
-- Proof that the Old Testament God was a dick.
Hyperspatial Travel
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Re: Ending this.

Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

Trailers wrote:We could just promise to keep off of and away from one another turf from now to the end of Time. With a minor subclause allowing for limited trade and tourism rights..

If someone breaks the treaty, they are expelled from their respective alliance and on the kill on site list of all nations of the respective alliances.
Uhhhhhhhh... No. I won't be signing that treaty. Because some of us are members of other alliances, or are, of their own free will, are, or will be at war with the GFFA. Like Chron, myself, and Telros.

I rather think that the ESUS-sanctioned part of the war is ended. The ESUS has no right to dictate peace terms to its individual members, (although it can declare a state of war, this is easily enough ignored if not desired, whereas if the ESUS goes around trying to make members peace people, people will just ignore anything the ESUS Senate says), but it can say that the ESUS as a whole is no longer at war with the GFFA.

And then various members can withdraw from the war as they wish.
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Re: Ending this.

Post by Metallinauts »

Not to mention such a treaty violates he sovereignty of all of the ESUS and is therefore illegal.
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Re: Ending this.

Post by Balrogga »




Do not propose anything that will cripple us people that actually does Role Playing on NS.
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Re: Ending this.

Post by Kanuckistan »

Well, seeing as it was an attack on Xenonier's base, staged or not, that started the war, he should demand some concession, and the rest of the proposed treaty can be structured around that.

Additionally, we could demand one-way free trade - no tax or tariffs and easy access to their markets.

Tho naturally, any ESUS member state attacking a member of the GFFA would forfeit that trade advantage with their whole alliance, even if hostilities didn't spread, but not if the ESUS nation is defending itself or acting in the defence of an ally.