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The Republic - A recent turn of events

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:54 pm
by Hyperspatial Travel
Kay. Firstly, we all need to shut the fuck about this outside of ESUS circles, mmkay? It's sure as hell not set in stone, and speaking about it could weaken my efforts here.

As it stands, 5/7 Republic members support attacking the GFFA. (I was not one of the five. I voted for neutrality) Of course, this isn't policy decision, but they feel that they can snip off bits of the GFFA here and there, and expand their own borders safely.

Here, in essence, is what I want to say. Getting the Republic on our side could let us end this war quickly and easily. As Loriiea (My Republic nation), I feel it's necessary to act in some way, so the Republic isn't left out of the new order of things.

The problem is, of course, if they attack the GFFA, they fear ESUS reprisal for taking an ESUS 'prize', and ESUS aggression after the GFFA falls. Here's my question.

If we were to negotiate an attack on the GFFA by the Republic, what could we offer? What blandishments would we all be prepared to give them, what treaties, and whatnot? I want to know, because, if we can offer them a pretty enough platter of prizes for the picking, we could quite conceivably see them attacking the GFFA from behind.

This is more just a quiet discussion thread. Nothing has been set in stone, yet, but.. it's always good to have allies. And if we can convince them no harm will come to them after the war, and that they'll have plunder aplenty, we *could* be looking at a new ally in this way.

That's all, really. Just don't go boasting to GFFA members that the Republic is going to backstab them. Because they're fairly tenative about the idea as it is (I'm the main proponent), and anything like that could collapse the deal before it even took place.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:13 pm
by Kanuckistan
Well, if the only thing stopping them is fear that we'll go after them, wouldn't an under the table assurance be enough?

Or, hell, they could secretly offer assistance, the senate votes, and a yes means they have our collective blessing to carve out whatever they can from the GFFA.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:20 am
by Chronosia
Never mind that the Republic boards can be viewed by anyone, and marionetonia seems set on bringing in masses of allies to backstab us

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:00 am
by Hyperspatial Travel
The GFFA hardly look at their own boards these days as it is.

And Marietonia is trying to recruit from a region. A region. Not a roleplaying community, not a group of people with ANY history in FT. Out of perhaps 100,000 nations, it'd be safe to say that 100-200 play FT. About 1 in every 500.

A region of 170 players has a.. half-chance of having a FT RPer. And that's not even accounting for the fact that most of us are tied up in alliance regions, and the like.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:16 pm
by Chronosia
And of course Tal is far more moral than to stoop to that. He's a good RPer, and a good guy. And of course people are invited into this arc at our discretion :D

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:39 pm
by Chronosia
As it turns out, the Republic will be tied up in war with the Galactic Empire.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:44 am
by Trailers
Seemed kinda like a suckerpunch to me anyway. .-.

We don't need organizations shooting at planets that are soon to be ESUS parking garages or..whatever you tentacle-based nations use.