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A Little Talk

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:07 am
by Abh
This was the only place I could actually start this topic so my apologies about putting this in the wrong spot.

Well first I would like to thank Mindset for letting me post on your forums. I'm here to discuss bringing an end to this war between our two alliances. Since I cannot talk to one or two people individually because no one person can speak for the ESUS so that is why I have come to make this notion wide known on your boards.

Now to get down to it. As stated earlier, I am interested in ending this conflict as it seems to have come to almost entirely to a hault (With ND busy with school and RL, it's looking like that thread may die down as well). I am not here to talk about completely ignoring the whole war nor am I talking about making a treaty where we all walk away all chummy and friends. Neither option, I would assume, would sit well with anyone. I would also say that the original treaty proposed by your members would also be unacceptable as there would be no reason for anyone in the GFFA to accept it. Let's face, no one still writing is threatened with immediate or impending doom. Xanthal has surrendered to Northrop and I also have no intention of going back on that. You all can keep that treaty he signed with Northrop for all I care.

What I would like to do is discuss a way of coming to an agreed upon conclusion that would be best for all parties involved. It's a way of preventing the crappy start to this whole war (not only my opinion but also the general consensus of everyone that has ready anything about this war). So I am here to listen to your ideas and provide my own two cents.

I would be all for one last nice big battle where we blow the brains out of each other for the heck of it but lets hear what some of you have to say first. By all means, I'm not trying to end this because I'm worried about losing or anything like that. Frankly I could care less and I wouldn't have a problem with getting the crapped kicked out of me so long as the story was moving along. The story hasn't moved at all for sometime now and I would like to bring it to a subtle conclusion for the time being.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:12 am
by Godular
I posted Otagia's stuff on Thunderstruck, in case ya didn't notice.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:00 pm
by Trailers
..I do not wanna see this go into one big never-happened universe. My opinion.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:19 pm
by Xenonier
I can't speak for the alliance, and I don't presume to speak out of turn here but I don't think one big massive battle is going to work, or make any side satisfied. If the war is to be concluded in a manner that befits everyone some small measure of benefit, I personally believe it has to be at least somewhat plausible in both OOC and IC terms. As far as I am concerned the ending you're proposing just won't happen. In many ways that was the problem from the start, at least on the ESUS side. Everything went to pot before the war began and then the war snowballed.

Given the level of inactivity and (in the esus at least) disillusionment in both alliances with the conflict and in a few ESUS members at least, Ns in general, I don't think anyone has the energy to finish this off in a climatic "THIS IS SPARTA" esque battle, "how it should be", which only dishonours the work by everyone that has gone into this, as flawed as it was in the end. It'd probably end up in the same way the rest of the war has gone, with inactivity slaying all our efforts.

Unfortunately, I can't think of any believable and doable way to bring the war to an end thus far.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:57 pm
by Abh
And by all means I do agree that one large battle would not work. I had only mentioned it as a side note as something that would be entertaining. I also agree that I don't want to see this go into the stage that it never happened which is why I am here to discuss it with you.

Let me try to make this easier, what would be an acceptable end for the ESUS in this war. Something that is realistic and that all of you can agree on.

And BTW, I did notice your post Godular. I'm waiting for ND to respond which is why I said he was busy with RL.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:51 pm
by Balrogga
The ban didn't help anything either.

The one post you placed indicated you were waiting for Octagia but in the meantime you were going to progress to the flanking maneuver I planned. Then Godular posted for Otagia so I was not sure if you wanted to finish his part first so I waited to see what you wanted to do.

MOD EDIT: Spell it right, dammit. ;)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:07 pm
by Kanuckistan
Well, Kanuckistan doesn't ICly care for the war, hence the entirely defencive commitment, so we're pretty much a non-factor for IC considerations.

The easiest way I can think of for ending the war would be to have some kind of outside threat, maybe have them come in and stomp both sides of an ongoing battle or three - the GE would be nice, but probably wouldn't work for OOC reasons. Could be anything, really, so long as it looks nasty enough, long enough, for us to sign a truce.

Otherwise, it would probably have to have something to do with the attack that provoked the war; if Xenonier/Balrogga ICly decide they don't want the war to continue, and can come up with a decent reason, that should open the door to peace talks.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:28 pm
by Torontonias
Torontonias would support any option that lead straight to treaty. The TSDC suffered heavy losses in the Naval Grind against Kendari and the Orks and would probably be the most sympathetic to pulling its fleets back and cutting its loses.

However, this doesn't mean cowardice, we'd be pushing for some sort of grand treaty or even cease fire if it meant we could all go back to our respective empires for some wound-licking.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:36 pm
by Trailers
Yeah, an outside threat would do, followed by a period of "cold war" or whatever? Not to stir up things, but I doubt that anyone is gonna believe that we'll suddenly be all happy happy fun fun for one another after one unifying outside threat.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:00 pm
by Abh
Interesting. I do agree with Trailers that it would appear odd if we all started acting chummy around each other. However, if this option ever took off it would necessary mean we had to like each other. Arguments, disputes, and threats would still be rampant I'm sure. The closest thing happening to that is the GE's attack on the LoFW which Bal and I are both a part of. However I don't think Sith is dumb enough to attack either of us openly in an invasion.

I think a "cold war" phase is a good idea though whether or not this war resumes later is a matter for debate another time. The trick is getting something serious enough to attack us both and go into the whole the enemy of my enemy is my friend thing. I doubt the GE would be willing to help stop a war between our two alliances seeing as how they would have nothing to gain.

And yes Bal, the banning of Otagia was not helpful which is why I was asking if everyone wanted to wait until he returned. Godular mentioned that he had permission to post for Otagia but never got around to it so I moved forward with moving into your neck of the woods for your ambush. Godular/Otagia's post is still going to receive attention either way.