ESUS D&D - Yes, here it comes again

General debate and discussion. (OOC)
Hyperspatial Travel
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ESUS D&D - Yes, here it comes again

Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

Cept, this time, I have six weeks of holidays in which to play. So, yeah.

Former thread

The thread there detailed what happened last time, and what we planned out. 'course, we had stuff to do, and I had final exams to deal with (which I did fairly poorly in, by the way. 2 As, 2 Bs, and a C.)

There is, however, another line of thought, which has snuck its way insidiously into my head. Instead of having ESUS D&D, we could have ESUS D&D. As in, use the D20 system to set a game in ESUS space. Gallivant off, fighting pirates, and the like.

As it stands, however, I've got the first act of a campaign written up (and by gum, it's taken me awhile), for a standard fantasy D&D game (Not set in any particular world, by the way), which is less focused on monsters, and more on massive-scale warfare, but an ESUS D&D game could prove to be interesting as well.

I have six (well, seven) relatively unused weeks, with the exceptions of a week away, and probably a few LAN (and drunken) parties here and there, so I'll be available just about any time, any day.

If anyone's interested, in either one, or both, just.. put your name up here. And, as before, post what times, in what days you'll be available, in GMT.

It's just easier than going through timezones to figure out who's on when.

A few converters, if you don't know what timezone you're in, or how to translate to GMT. But, yeah. If anyone's interested, so am I![/url]
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Post by Sskiss »

Yes, I'd be interested.
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Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

I'd be interested in an 'ESUS-D20' game. Not sure when I'll be available yet though.
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Post by Siesatia »

Never done a D&D Game, so I'm in for learnings sake.
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Flaming Souls
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Post by Flaming Souls »

Whenever, wherever. This will change come mid-January, but I will put availability here when it comes up. Until then, anytime.
Hyperspatial Travel
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Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

Well, then. CF's interested in an ESUS game, and everyone else seems generally interested.

The problem with an ESUS game is that it negates the entire point of having the D20 system in place for combat - when you can use tactical nukes, there's no point in rolling to hit. Thus, the focus would be on intrigue, diplomacy, and whatnot. And perhaps ship-to-ship combat.

Of course, there'd be limited interaction with actual ESUS worlds (being the DM, we'd probably primarily interact with the New Realm, the Maker-Mind, and anything else I've RPed, unless I could get another non-player in on the act to play another nation from time to time - cameo appearances, anyone? But, then again, I RP an ESUS, GFFA, and Republic nation, so there's plenty of variety there), and it'd be more spacedy-goodness, and it'd be about as far away from stat-wanking/rules lawyering as it gets.

On the flip side, I've got some damn clever puzzles (at least I think they're clever), an interesting story, and a nice air of claustrophobia and fear to my fantasy campaign.

I'd really only want to run one, optimally. But, yeah. Whoever's in, we'd be using MSN/IRC, and I'm sure I can whip up a campaign (variants on a few of my abandoned RPs, at the very least) in ESUS space.
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Post by Otagia »

I'd personally prefer a standard fantasy game myself.
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Post by Godular »

Fantasy here too. Easier to work with, I think.
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Post by Sskiss »

A fantasy or sci-fi campaign is fine with me. I'd like to know if we are playing on a character/individual level or a grand epic clash of nations, empires etc... level.

If we choose to play a fantasy campaign, I plan on making the Sskiss the last of the copper/bronze age civilizations.
"The Sskiss are prepared to share all - All that YOU have, that is!"

"Life is like a fresh kill, eat as much as you can before it all rots"

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Hyperspatial Travel
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Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

Character-individual, as you can't really play D&D any other way. Most people here seem interested in a fantasy campaign, so we'll be going with that.

And now onto the second choice to make. IRC or MSN?
It's amazing how a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of hungry wolves.
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