An AAR - Read inside

General debate and discussion. (OOC)
Hyperspatial Travel
ESUS Danza Slap
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Name: Hyperspatial Travel

An AAR - Read inside

Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

If anyone here plays MoO 2, or just likes spacedy-stories in general, I'd invite them to read this. Unfortunately, the program won't let me take screenshots of it, (if anyone has any idea of how to bypass that, I'd be much obliged), so this will be a text-only report, with the occasional badly-drawn Paint file for contextual information.

(AAR is After-Action Report, by the way)

It'll be somewhat novellatic in nature, and I won't be playing to the best of my abilities - I'll be creating characters, and having them work against each other, in order to simulate a somewhat realistic empire. I've also got the difficulty cranked up, so my chances of winning are fairly low. But, hopefully, I can make it into a half-decent read. I'll be updating it periodically, and comments are appreciated.

It's also based on MoO II gameplay, so if something seems out of place (quicker construction, weird technologies, etc), it's not due to my lack of attention to realism, it's 'cause MoO II's like that.
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A Master of Orion II AAR: Rise of Humanity

(Note that the race I'm using is a custom race, as I dislike the initial human traits, and prefer to customize each subset of humanity with different traits)

Creative (Well, humans sort.. are)
Democracy (This one's a no-brainer.)
- 10 Spying (This is more in-line with creative and democracy. The humans I'm playing at present are scientific idealists who are big on freedom)
- 10 Ground Combat (Rock monster > humans. We're pretty squishy, when you get right down to it)

- - - - - - - -
The Beginning of a New Era

Home. The name was simple, and yet it resonated in the hearts of its inhabitants. Long-gone Sol was their progenitor, it was true, but Home was the seat of human empire. Today marked an occasion - the turn of the century.

The year three thousand five hundred, one thousand years since the colonization of Home. Many hundreds since Earth had abandoned them, leaving them for dead. And, on this day, President Jonathan Smith-Greene was to take the reins of the newly-formed world government. Truly a momentous occasion.

Home was not a paradise, not the Earth that had been spoken of in previous eras. Where Earth could play host to myriad billions, Home was a rough, uncompromising world. Eight million lived upon Home, their population tiny, their needs great. A consumeristic society marked the Global Polity, raw materials easy to obtain, most citizens dedicated to the refining of such.

And the President was to speak. Never before had the entire world listened to one man as vehemently as they would now. Sarah Kitschen, a member of the Governing Senate, sat in her living-room, watching the display with eagerness.

The man walked up onto the podium, his hands glistened with sweat. He stood there, unimpressive, and small. And then he spoke.

"Fellow citizens of Home! I come to you today, to speak of our society. The Global Polity has been formed, and, this past year, we have governed, I feel, wisely and well. As President, it is my duty to serve the people. I announce only this. We must look to the stars! In recent years, we have surpassed ourselves many times, the recent Makahdur Star Base, the construction station that even now orbits our world, a testament to our capability! We have explored the nearby planets, and have probed the depths of their bounty and the possibilities they offer! And now, the Polity must spread our reach further. We cannot, after all, forever be confined on a single world."

He stopped to draw breath.

"As your President, I swear to you, we will spread throughout the stars, and we will prosper among them."

He continued to talk on, of the destiny of humanity, of their right to become great, and Sarah wondered - had she chosen rightly, when she had supported this man? The doubt was crushed, as she recalled why she had made the choice. There were no other viable candidates. No-one else with his approval.

The Governing Senate was one of three major bodies within the Confederation - there was the House of Representatives, and there was the President himself. The first could direct a planet's actions, and the second could legislate. The third could go to war, foreign policy was the President's jurisdiction.

The Senate had met already, earlier in the day. The industrialization of Home was to be a priority. The records spoke of billions working to support Earth's mighty interstellar empire - eight million could not hope to achieve the same, not unless they had automation beyond belief.

3500.2 - An argument

Jonathan spoke. "Members of the Senate, I am concerned. I had thought our aim was to colonize the nearby worlds, and then industrialize this one?"

Sarah coughed, as murmers arose from the rest of the Senate. The Senate was housed in a fairly plain building, made to carry voices, not for comfort. "With all respect, President Smith-Greene, we have decided on this course of action for a reason. Despite the efficiency of our production, it would take over three years to construct a single colony on one of the nearby worlds. If we can create completely automated assembly lines, we need only to oversee them, removing a large part of human labor. If we can achieve this, then it will be far easier in the long-term to construct the colonies of which you speak."

Jonathan nodded. "Very well, Senator. I will accept that explanation.. for now."

He turned, and walked out of the building. A shiver ran down her spine - no, it had merely been a misinterpretation. The man was not dangerous. He was simply.. devoted. Or so she hoped, at least.
It's amazing how a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of hungry wolves.
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Post by Metallinauts »

This gives me an idea..... I will post the completed thought when I have it.

Very interesting by the way.
ESUS Testicle Monster
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Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2004 1:59 am

Post by Kanuckistan »

Indeed interesting - it's unfortunate that MOO2's colours are horribly askew on my PC.

Twas a spiffy game, and I could usually triumph on anything but Impossible difficulty(my normal game style depended on diplomacy - kinda hard when everyone hates you and those who don't will readily stab you in the back).

As for screen shots, well, do you have a digital camera?
Hyperspatial Travel
ESUS Danza Slap
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Name: Hyperspatial Travel

Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

(Impossible is what I'm playing. I tend to only just squeeze out wins below it, and this will involve politicking, to boot. I'm trying to find a screenshot program, so I can take 'shots. And I do have a digi-cam, but it's.. how would you put it. Really, really bad.)
It's amazing how a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of hungry wolves.
Hyperspatial Travel
ESUS Danza Slap
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Name: Hyperspatial Travel

Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

Military Conference, Ithmen, Capitol City of Home

He nodded. "So, General, we'll be able to prevent any more.. incidents, like the one six years ago?"

"Yes, President."

General Vargensson was the commander of Home's ground division, four infantry units of ten thousand men each under his command. These were, primary, the aptly-named Home Guard, who defended the planet against internal aggressors.

The technological breakthrough the President had come to see was quite simple - a small, hyper-accurate, self-adjusting rocket. Six years ago, a terrorist group had used nuclear missiles, irradiating a large part of Home's north pole, and killing over two million people. It had been the foremost reason for the new world government - nationalism turned to violence.

The anti-missile rocket would be used to shoot down any missiles, should they come within range. Although admittedly not perfect, it was by far the most effective measure developed so far.

"Well, General. I hope to see these in every city around the world, as well as on the Mahakdur."


The man saluted, and Jonathan sighed. The Senate balked at his every wish. They had brought him into power, that was true. But he wanted results! He wanted colonies, and he wanted his nation to expand! And all they wanted to do was.. develop the one planet they had. He frowned. Sooner or later, he would have to do something about that.
It's amazing how a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of hungry wolves.
Hyperspatial Travel
ESUS Danza Slap
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Name: Hyperspatial Travel

Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

The Starship Ithiniad

V'larr swore. "Kthat! When are we going to arrive? Damned computer!"

The computer spat out a series of words, translated into V'larr's language. He smiled. "..humans? Who are they...?"

The rickety freighter sped towards Home, and the inhabitants grew ever-more wary. On the surface, a state of emergency was declared. The Mahakdur Starbase was armed, and prepared for combat. Another message was sent out, inquiring what the new starship intended to do.

Defenses were hastily prepared, millions of people working as quickly as they could, constructing shoddy bunkers, children and mothers fleeing into the depths of Home. They had no defense fleet.

And then the message came. "This is Trader V'larr. Seeking.. humanword... mercenary.. no.. employment. Yes. Employment."

President Smith-Greene looked at the message, shocked. Employment? Were they some sort of interstellar job agency? No, there had to be a loss in the translation.

The ship shuddered to a halt, and simply sat there, near the Mahakdur, preparing to dock. Well, he decided, why not? From the bunker he was in, he took a shuttle from the main - indeed, only spaceport in Home, shooting up towards Mahakdur. He docked as the alien did.

The ship, now they had a closer look, was old, and filled to the brim with what appeared to be metals, although it was falling apart around the seams.

Jonathan walked into the chamber, the intercom informing the alien where to go. It was simple, grey, and with a pair of chairs inside it. There were also some fifteen hidden gun-holes, from which the alien would be riddled, if he so much as made a move towards the President.

He spoke. "Greetings, alien being. I am the leader of my species."

The alien looked at him quizzically for a moment. It was lizardlike, somewhat like a biped crossed with a lizard, although with more elongated arms and legs. It hissed.

Jonathan shivered. And then the alien held up a device, pointing it at the wall. He looked at it - silvery-blue letters appeared, projected upon the wall. In what seemed to be.. passable Standard.

"V'larr am I. Not going home friend yes? Gone-sent away."

Jonathan read the words out, and.. they made some small amount of sense. He was the alien's friend? The alien was sent away?

"V'larr sent from home because thought stealing. V'larr not. Just good trader. Work?"

Well, that was clear enough. Jonathan replied. "Yes. I would be most.. happy to employ you."

A sum flashed up. Jonathan gasped. It was virtually the entire planet's savings! No! He would NOT hire an alien who he had just met, who would most likely run off with the wealth, in any case. And then reality reasserted itself. Where else could the alien spend the money.

And another message appeared. "V'larr hire by you? Or V'larr.. sad if not."

Was that.. a threat? He wasn't sure. But spending the planetary reserves on an alien who had just appeared, and even when he wasn't sure of his intent.. he couldn't condone that. Or perhaps.. he could.

He replied. "Does your spaceship come with your employment?"

"Obviously. Trader need spaceship to trade. Much valuable goods I get. Know many places."

Jonathan smiled. Yes. A hundred-and-eighty billion credits was an obscene sum, but the spaceship itself.. they could study that. He nodded.

"Done. Yes. Agreed."

The alien's forked tongue ran along its pointed teeth, flicking one way and another, and then a long, slow hiss...

- - - -
Summary: Commander V'larr, the Independent Trader hired.
Cost: 180 BC
Megawealth: +10 BC a turn
Navigator: +1
Weaponry: +5
Helmsman: +5
I'm also using this as the basis for hyperdrive - we'll be borrowing it off V'larr, instead of making some magical human breakthrough.
It's amazing how a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of hungry wolves.
Hyperspatial Travel
ESUS Danza Slap
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Name: Hyperspatial Travel

Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

First Sight, Colony World

It had been four-tenths of a year since the colony had been established. Ever since the wondrous new hyperdrive had been taken from the trader V'larr's ship, they had been making leaps and bounds in technology. Simple, Newtonian, sublight movement had allowed them to do much - explore the other worlds in their system, for example.

But the hyperdrive.. travelling to another planet took mere seconds, and so the colony at First Sight could be sustained. A million colonists lived there now, on the precarious man-made islands on the waterworld. The advantage of a water-world was obvious - water was one of the most vital resources, whether in space or otherwise, and an abundance was hardly a bad thing.

Of course, food was plentiful. But they could not afford to ship food and materials from Home, for a single reason. They had not ships enough. The colony itself had been slowly established over the years, a few settlements growing quickly, the planet able to support itself, for the most part. But there were no great fleets from Home, and V'larr remained with the only hyperdrive-capable ship - and he did not tell anyone where he went. Peculiarly enough, the lizard-alien was immensely loyal, and his 'trading', such as it was, had doubled the Confederation's income, and increased its wealth by quite a bit.

This was about to change. On Home, the nearly-completed freighter fleet prepared to dock with the starbase. They had been designed like V'larr's ship, and, as such, were quick, reasonably strong, and quite fast. They were going to supply First Sight.

Only four-tenths of a year away from an election, now, President Jonathan was not worried. His only real opponent, such as she made herself out to be, was Sarah Kitschen, and she was preoccupied with her Senatorial duties. And the colonization of First Sight had made him a hero to the people - he had brought them to the stars, and he had brought them into contact with aliens.

It seemed his popularity could not be undone. He smiled, his chambers in the starbase opulent, but not undeserved. He straightened his tie, and walked down, opening door after door, as he made his way down to the ceremony.

"Oh, and here's the President! He's here to christen the leader of this new fleet!"

A news anchor was talking excitedly into a camera. He turned, looked benignly at her, and waved. As he strode up towards the docked ship, various captains, and other military leaders stood around him. He walked up, facing the edge of the ship that was docked, and could be touched safely from inside the starbase. It had taken extra effort to make such an opening, but the situation demanded it.

He spoke. "People of Home! Today, we celebrate the independence of First Sight! They will be electing their Planetary Senate today, and other representative groups! With these ships, we hope to cement our federation with them, and to make us as humanity should be - a whole, each part relying on the other, standing shoulder-to-shoulder to reach our destiny!"

A captain handed him a bottle of champagne. He smiled. "With this bottle, I christen this ship Exultation, for the gains we have made, and for the joy we have gained at making them!"

He brought the bottle down, swinging it against the hard exterior of the ship.

It bounced, flying out of his hand.

Jonathan cursed under his breath, turned around, and laughing, showing his teeth. "Of course, we have to commend the makers of this fine champagne for their dedication to their duty."

Dutifully, the media anchors laughed. And he picked the bottle up, gripped it firmly, and brought it swinging down sideways, smashing into the side of the ship. It cracked open, a gush of fine beverage spilling onto the metal, and dripping down onto the floor.

Applause rang from every part of the room. "People of Home! This day is a new day for us! A day in which the potential of humanity shall be realised! Let this not herald an age of mere expansion, but an age of domination! For we shall ascend, triumphant, victorious among the stars!"

In the corner of the room, V'larr looked at the President. His face unreadable, his tongue hidden, he slipped quietly out of the room, not wanting to mingle among the cheering crowd..
It's amazing how a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of hungry wolves.
Hyperspatial Travel
ESUS Danza Slap
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Name: Hyperspatial Travel

Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

Another year, and another colony obtained. It was almost.. mundane, compared to the excitement given to First Sight. Then against, Tamaris was not an aquatic wonder, as First Sight was.

To put it simply, it was an irradiated hell. President Jonathan had colonised it, for the prestige. For the power. Not for the money, nor the popularity. But it was a useful tool. On overcrowded Home, there were many.. dissidents. A year since his re-election, and he was becoming less and less popular.

Perhaps it was the lack of wonder. They had gone to other planets, built up new colonies - an empire, indeed! But what was there then? The expense of maintaining their freighter-fleet, the food exported to other colonies.. Home was quickly feeling the cost of maintaining stellar colonies, and extrasolar ones... he did not know if he could convince the Senate to aid him.

It was today, he was scheduled to speak with the Senate. Senator Alan Goldsmith, their chosen speaker, had ousted Sarah in the last set of.. well, Senate popularity polls, they would best be called. The woman had firmly emphasised the need for trade goods - trade goods! And, although they had made the Confederation wealthy.. they had to expand!

He no longer walked to the Senate chamber. An opulent private jet awaited him, sleek, and black. He yawned, stretched, and looked at it wistfully. No, there was no time for a joy-ride. As if there had ever been.

He looked up at the Senatorial building - it, too, had been revitalised. Less spartan, and all the more comfortable, and convinient. He didn't say he approved - but, what matter? A few hundred thousand credits here and there were as nothing, and keeping the Senate happy was not an easy task.

He walked inside. The Senate were sitting, quietly, and waiting. Unnerving. "Greetings, President Smith-Greene. We have been waiting for you."

Alan Goldsmith. He couldn't say he liked the man. At least Sarah had been honest - not polite at all times, but honest. He was short, very.. well-groomed, and... well, he couldn't help but feel the man was greasy.

"Yes.. I, I see that. Have you made your decision regarding what we shall set Home's hands to doing?"

"Why, yes, yes we have, President. Let me show you our.. invention."

Alan raised a hand, and a projector turned on, showing a design on a nearby blank wall. Jonathan looked at it.. and slowly recognised it. The squat, squarish shape of a starship.

"Why, Mr. Speaker. Have you considered the cost of this.. ship?"

"Yes. It will take a mere third of a year to produce. We have named it the Tenacity-class frigate. In honour of your tenacity, sir."

All of sudden, Jonathan decided he liked the man. "Well, then, what precisely can it do?"

Alan's smile grew wider, if that was possible. "The Tenacity is the result of almost half a year's planning. With the induction of the alien V'larr into your.. cabinet, we found it obvious that there must be other alien races out there. Whether they are friendly or not.. we don't know. As such, keeping an active navy will dissuade them from attacking us, and allow us to exact swift retribution on those who think to do so."

He drew a breath. "We have two missile pods, each containing two nuclear missiles. We originally considered having one pod with five, but the ship itself is fairly fragile, and needs to use as much firepower as quickly as it can. It uses a standard fission-drive, and has a titanium shell. The computer systems are antiquated, but the missiles have onboard computers, and we suspect we do not need them. The cost for the ship is.. forty billion credits."

Jonathan cringed inwardly. Forty billion! Their treasury contained a hundred billion, true, but.. there would be a reckoning for this, with the taxpayers.

"We have decided to commission two such ships. Each can scout the nearby systems, with the faster-than-light drives we have designed, and will have to serve as a navy until such time as we can support such ships."

Jonathan finally found his voice, croakingly, as he cast around for a suitable reply. "Well.. Mr. Speaker, this show of support is.. most gratifying. Most gratifying indeed."

A few more nicieties, and he was out.

Inside, Alan smirked. "Most gratifying it will be. I can assure you of that."
It's amazing how a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of hungry wolves.
Hyperspatial Travel
ESUS Danza Slap
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Prefix: The Aleph-Null Cardinality of
Name: Hyperspatial Travel

Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

"And so I sez to him, who's your mother, then?"

A round of racuous laughter followed that, as the marines onboard the Guiding Light, Tenacity-class frigate, pounded their fists on the table.

They were the defenders of the crew - and, more importantly, they answered to one man. Supposedly, this was the President. In reality, though, things were a little different.

The actual crew of the ship numbered fifteen men - two navigators, two engineers, one xenobiologist, one anthropologist, six technicians, and two general crew. And the captain.

They had just exited hyperspace - for a third of a year, they'd been travelling. And yet, it had seemed like mere minutes. And, now, the Fides system awaited them.

"Mr. Baker? Please put the long-range active scanners online."

"Aye-aye, sir."

An orange star. Nothing especially interesting. One Jovian world - uninhabitable in the extreme. One desert world.

"Mr. Campbell, take us in to the desert world."

"Shall we make a hyperspace jump, sir?"

"Yes, Mr. Campbell. I believe we shall."

The space around the ship warped, and blue light streamed out. And they were gone. Mere moments later, they were orbiting Fides Prime.

"Mr. Baker, I want you to send down a rover. And continue scanning from up here."

"Yessir. Already on it."

It was not for a day that they discovered something. Something interesting, anyway. Other than sandhills and dunes.

"Captain Fitzsson? We're.. we've found something interesting. On the rover."

"Show me."

A single video feed. The objects were bowl-shaped, white with green stripes painted in parallel around them, with the occasional dot.

"Can we get a material sample?"

"Just a minute, sir."

The rover whirred forward, and, extending a mechanical arm, scraped a bit of the substance off the object.

"Err.. it appears to be.. clay, sir."


"Yessir. Clay. I believe that would make those huts."

"Which.. which means....."

"Life, sir."

"I know! Send a hyperspace squirt back to Home! They're going to want to look at this!"
It's amazing how a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of hungry wolves.
Hyperspatial Travel
ESUS Danza Slap
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Prefix: The Aleph-Null Cardinality of
Name: Hyperspatial Travel

Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

"Yessir. That's right, sir. A native population, sir."

They were speaking, surprisingly enough, to Senator Goldsmith. He had just informed them that he had been promoted to the position of Minister for Colonization, and, as such, was no longer a Senator.

"Understood, sir. You want to speak to the marines, sir? Why?"

"..a heartening speech? Oh, you want to tell them about the magnitude of our discovery?"

From the other side of the ansible, Alan Goldsmith ground his teeth. The man was dull! Yes, perhaps he was a captain - but he couldn't even put him through to his marines!

"Yes. Captain, I wish to speak to the marines. If you wish to land on the planet.. the Federation Concilium is.. well, let me explain. Briefly. The Federation Concilium was formed six days ago, by the leaders of the three Home-system colonies, First Sight, Tamaris, and Home itself. The President is still the head-of-state, but, due to concerns from the Planetary Senate of First Sight, Tamaris was also granted a Senate, and was then able to make its own decisions. It was decided that this body would be set up to regulate the actions of the President, and create laws that applied in human space. All new colonies are now under the regulation of the Concilium, as are all non-defensive fleets."

He smiled. President Jonathan had not been happy about that. Then again, it virtually reduced his position to nothing - oh, he wasn't stupid. The man had railed against it as much as he could. But he still retained the power to negotiate, and to inflict planetary quarantine and sanctions. But the Concilium commanded the fleets! It had been a major victory for him..

His smile wavered, remembering that he was not in control of the Concilium - but he had been appointed to control the exploratory and colonial fleets. And, as such.. he looked down at the ansible he was gripping, and spoke once more.

"Put me through."

The image of the man faded, opening to the view of the marines. He spoke, quickly. "Order Nineteen. Non-sentient. Change. Accident."

With that, he sighed, and smiled. He had the foresight to give the marines codes earlier-on. And to make them loyal to him - the Senate of Home was remarkably naive in that regard, allowing him to do whatever he wanted to them.

Aboard the ship, the captain grinned. "Well, then. I've spoken to Senator- no, Minister Goldsmith. He's happy, all right. I think we can see a big bonus for this one, guys."

With that, the door to the bridge shuddered. He looked at it, and shook his head. "What was..."

The door burst open, the marines inside the ship bursting through. It was over in a few seconds. Bursts of silent pulse-fire, ripping apart the fragile forms of the crew. They hadn't even had time to realise who was betraying them.

John Samara, the leader of the marines, shuddered. He'd just killed five or six men. That alone would see him in sensory-deprivation for the rest of his life. But.. he hadn't really had a choice. He agreed with the Minister on one thing - they were aliens. Filthy aliens. And they had to be subjugated. The.. the scientists aboard the ship would've studied them. And they had. That was why they had to die.

The aliens would've been left alone - or worse, welcomed with open arms into the Federation! And humanity would be weakened by them. No, it had been for the best. Looking at the shredded, torn bodies floating below him, he suddenly felt his stomach lurch, and empty itself, a stream of vomit splashing against the controls.

He wasn't a killer. He wasn't! And then he looked down at the bodies again. And shuddered. "Men.. take control of the ship... dispose of those.. those bodies. The captain was going to bombard the planet. He had gone mad. The xenobiologist asked us to save them - but he threatened to destroy the ship. We had.. no choice. That's the story. Ok?"

His men grunted in the affirmative, and got to work. They were just good soldiers. He, on the other hand, was far more loyal, and inquisitive than they were - and that was why he was in command - the Minister needed his beliefs to work for him.

"Argenit, I want you to change the records. These are no longer sentient beings. They are nonsentient creatures who instinctively build clay nests, and spread food via their reproductive method. They are violent, and must be curbed, or destroyed, if we are to colonize that world."

As the records were changed, the ship powered up, slicing neatly between dimensions, entering hyperspace. They would return home - to Home, and they would collect their rewards. God knew he could use the money...

Down on the surface of the world, Ge'tqa's face curled in amusement. "See, W'rr'gj? The new-star is gone. Perhaps a god? Or perhaps a lost god?"

W'rr'gj's six eyes flickered around, looking at their sand-clay house, and their tiny, underground farms. "It was nothing. The big-storm may come soon. We must build. For the nestlings..."
It's amazing how a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of hungry wolves.
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