NS idea I've been thinking about

General debate and discussion. (OOC)
ESUS Testicle Monster
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NS idea I've been thinking about

Post by Sskiss »

This is an idea a friend and I thought up some time ago using various resources (among other things) as what we liked to call "Roleplaying Cues". These are meant to stimulate not only RP but provide real concrete reasons for conducting trade and war. They are also meant to represent real world events and politics which inevitably center around the acquisition of various strategic, food and luxury resources. But first, some basic rules.

Time period: To be decided by a majority vote.

Races: All races must be human or races that are "compatable" with humans meaning such races cannot be too alien in their biology, outlook and so forth. All races must have certain common goals and needs.

Nation Population: All nations must be starting nations, meaning no older than two weeks.

And the usual no brainers such as no godmodding, no noobs, no tech wanking nor rude or disrespectful comments to your fellow roleplayers and so forth. Remember to know the difference between IC, semi IC and OOC posts. Good roleplaying is encouraged overall. Furthermore, a map of the world (not necessarally Earth, but a world) will be needed.

Territory Size and Area

To start, every player receives 200 points for "buying" from the various catagories offered below. All players must first choose the size of their territory that comprizes their nation. Note, this is the size of your nation to start - it may be expanded later through colonization and/or war. The world map will further divided into roughly equal "territorial areas". Each of these "areas" costs 5 points each. Important Note: It's up to each player to do their own calculations as well as list all their purchases. Furthermoer, each area may have more than one resource within it.

Resources - Types and Point Cost

There are 12 basic resource catagories that will be used by all nations within the region.

The "cost" of each resource catagory is indicated by the first number within the brackets. In addition, their will be a limited number of each resource within each catagory, as noted by the second number after the slash within the brackets. In other words when there gone, there gone, so be quick! First come, first serve always applies. And lastly, the percentage chance indicated after the brakets indicates the chances of finding the resource when claiming an area for settlement during the course of roleplaying. Each percentage will be rolled in turn to determine whether or not that a specific resource catagory is discovered. It's assumed that if a nation does not possess one or more of the resources listed, they most import those resources they lack in order to gain access to them. This can have interesting roleplaying possibilities...

Important Notes: Any nation possessing more than one of a given resource type would probably indicate that a greater variety of that resource exists within that nation. For example, A nation that possesses 3 Timber could have a larger variety of timber (for example, oak, maple and spruce) within their borders for their own use and for export. Players may also buy more than one of the same resource. For example, a player may buy up two fresh water resources.

Foodstuffs (1/200) 20%
This is pretty self explanitory. These are bulk foods to feed your population. Each point spent allows one of these foodstuffs within your nations borders. Catagories of foodstuffs are listed below;

Grains and cereals - including rye, wheat, rice, barley, spelt, oats and so on
Vegetables - including various root vegetables, beans, peas, legumes etc.
Seeds and nuts - various types available
Fruits - various types available
Livestock - dairy cows, beef cattle, pigs, sheep, horses, poultry, goats and so on
Wild Game - moose, deer, elk, rabbit, bison etc.
Seafoods - various types of fish, oysters, whale, crab, shrimp, lobster, scallops, kelp, seaweed etc.
Herbs and spices - including salt, pepper, garlic, parsley, thyme, ginger etc.

Note: Its important to realize that certain foods will only be present within certain climates and temperature ranges. You're not going to have pinnaples in Norway!

Fresh Water (1/40) 10%
Again self explanitory. Fresh water is used for drinking, cooking and irrigation. It is also used for certain industrial processes. Through sometimes taken for granted, it is a highly valued resource and as a result, indispensible. Each point spent alloes one source of fresh water within your nations borders.

Timber (1/50) 20%
This resource is always in demand and will include a wide variety of both hard and soft woods from forests. Applications include crafting high quality furniture, art objects, plywood, flooring, wood moldings, planking, pressboard, various construction uses and so on. Each point spent allows one type of timber within your nations borders. This catagory can also include the byproducts of plants such as rubber, honey, cotten and syrup. Each point spent allows for on type of timber or plant based resource within your nations borders.

Common Metals (2/50) 10%
Common metals are amoung the most widely used and usually the most inexpensive metals. To this end, they are and are sometimes refered to as a "workhorse" or essential metals because there are critical to any industrial civilization and are involved in numerous applications. Well known examples include iron, nickel, titanium, lead, tungsten, chromium, cadmium, zinc, tin, aluminum, cobalt and copper among others. Needless to say, they are both indispesible and critical for any technological civilization and as a result are used widely in a large number of such applications. Each 2 points spent allows for on type of common metal within your nations borders.

Precious Metals (4/20) 5%
The best known precious metals are gold and silver. While both have industrial uses, they are better known for their uses in art, jewelry, and coinage. Other precious metals include the platinum group metals: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, and of course, platinum. All are very dense, heavy, resistent to corrosion and are used in various industrial and technological applications. Each 4 points spent allows for on type of precious metal within your nations borders.

Radioactives (3/10) 2%
Best known examples are uranium and thorium and are typical of this group. Some radioactives, such as plutonium are created from uranium. Used mainly as fuel in nuclear power plants and military applications and in the case of thorium to also produce strong alloys. Each 5 points spent allows for on type of precious metal within your nations borders.

Silicates: (1/30) 10%
Such examples are various types of stone, clay and marble typically used as fine building material for prestigious buildings, monuments and the like. Each 2 points spent allows for on type of silicate within your nations borders.

Gemstones (4/20) 5%
Represents various precious and semi-precious stones such as diamond, amethyst, quartz, turquoise, sapphire, emerald, peridot, spinel, jade, agate, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, tourmaline, topaz, ruby and so on. These and many other gemstones exist in a wide variey of types and hues and are best known for their use in jewlery and art. However, they also possesses certain industrial and technological uses. Each 4 points spent allows one type of gemstone within your nations borders.

Luxury Resources (3/20) 10%
This catagory could include various miscellaneous luxury resources such as ivory, incense, furs, silks, pearls, coffee, porcelin, tobacco, cotten, suger cane, dyes and so forth. Each 3 points spent allows one type of luxury resource within your nations borders.

Natural Gas (3/10) 5%
Natural gas is a hydrocarbon, like oil, but it has many possible uses that oil does not. Like oil, natural gas can be used to generate power and to burn as heat for homes in furnaces. Natural gas can also be used as fuel in cars, to burn in stoves and other appliances, and to replace electricity driving machines in factories and production plants. The liquid byproducts of natural gas, such as propane and butane, have additional uses, such as fuel for heat and cooking.

Oil (5/5) 5%
As a fuel, oil is used primarily in the form of gasoline and deisel to power vehicles. Thus it is the source of our mobility. Almost all cars, trucks, buses, boats, trains and planes run on oil. Significant amounts are also used to power portable devices and stationery engines. Also, oil is also used for heating, cooling and without oil there would be no plastics industry. It is also used in pharmacuticals, lubricants and paint.

Coal (3/20) 10%
Coal is mainly used for the generation of electricity by providing fuel for power plants. While extremely polluting, it is a relatively cheap and reliable source of fuel.

Resources - Deposit Size and Point Cost

All of the resources listed above (except for all of the food based resources) will also have a "deposit" size. This is basically the amount, tonnage, volume etc. of a given resource that exists within a nations borders. The cost for the size of the deposit will be a multiple of the base point cost of a specific resource. Deposit sizes and costs for each are as follows; Small No cost (default), Medium x2, Large x3 and Very Large x4 and Huge x5. In addition, an icon representing a particular resouce could be used to reflect and indicate the size of the deposit - the larger the icon, the larger the deposit. During the course of an RP, if a resource is discovered by a player's nation or race the size of the deposit must be immediatly determined. The chances are as follows; Small 01-50%, Medium 51-75%, Large 76%-95%, Very large 96-99% and huge 100%

Habitate Types

This aspect will help determine just what type(s) of habitate exist in your nation. Different habitates or environment types will offer different advantages and disadvantges to your nation. Note that a nations overall size will directly determine the number of habitate types it can have. Tiny nations can only have one, Small nations can have up to two, medium up to three, large up to four, very large up to five and huge up to six. Simply pick the ones that would be most appropriate to your nation. These habitate types can act as roleplying "cues" and when at war can add bonuses for "home turf" as well. There is no point cost for this, but is included for "atmosphere" and "colour". Note, use common sense as to what habitates are present within your nation.

Habitates include the following;

Temperate Forests
Temperate Grasslands
Mountains and Hills
Swamps and Marshlands
Tropical Forests
Tropical Grasslands

Major Population Centers (cities and towns)
All players in the region should list all major cities and towns within their nation as well as where they are located on the map. In addition, the type(s) of industry and general functions of the city or town should also be noted. Some examples are below;

Light Industry
Heavy Industry

Note that most cites and towns will have more than one industry and function.

Trade and Trade Routes

If any nation lacks a resource and wishes to acquire it must trade for it with one or more other nations. All trade routes will be noted and listed along with what is traded and who is involved in the trading. Finished products may also be imported or exported to other nations.

If anyone else would like to add to these rules, feel free to do so, thanks. Oh yes, don't do anything yet until other ideas are presented and discussed.
Last edited by Guest on Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:25 am, edited 11 times in total.
"The Sskiss are prepared to share all - All that YOU have, that is!"

"Life is like a fresh kill, eat as much as you can before it all rots"

"Our blood drenched clade shall reclaim what is rightfully ours - and so wrongly taken from us by a whim of fate"
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Post by Aegeus »

Well, this seems like quite an interesting idea, probably best applied in anything up to PMT, or near future tech.

My idea for my nation woulprobably be a nation of nigh-human water dwellers, meaning that we would also need to devide the seas up into territories, as (if we are in near future tech) geodesic domes and the like can be built on the seafloor.
Quitters never win, winners never quit,
but those who never win AND never quit are idiots.
War was good until you Yanks came along with your aircraft carriers and broke it.

"sir, there's a tank column approaching!"
Doesn't matter, I'll use my carrier!
*Carrier fucks tank column over*

ESUS Testicle Monster
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Post by Sskiss »

Aegeus wrote:Well, this seems like quite an interesting idea, probably best applied in anything up to PMT, or near future tech. .
It could also be that certain resources will "reveal" themselves if a certain level of technology has been achieved. However, it could just as easily start at MT or PMT level.
Aegeus wrote:My idea for my nation woulprobably be a nation of nigh-human water dwellers, meaning that we would also need to devide the seas up into territories, as (if we are in near future tech) geodesic domes and the like can be built on the seafloor.
I've been thinking about this myself. However, an amphibous race would be inhabiting shallow seas as they possess the most abundent life. Deep oceans are basically "desert". So shallow seas would be counted as territories in there own right.
"The Sskiss are prepared to share all - All that YOU have, that is!"

"Life is like a fresh kill, eat as much as you can before it all rots"

"Our blood drenched clade shall reclaim what is rightfully ours - and so wrongly taken from us by a whim of fate"
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Post by Aegeus »

Very cool. if you want I can generate a map for it sometime relatively soon, I think i've still got a planetgen somewhere.

Quitters never win, winners never quit,
but those who never win AND never quit are idiots.
War was good until you Yanks came along with your aircraft carriers and broke it.

"sir, there's a tank column approaching!"
Doesn't matter, I'll use my carrier!
*Carrier fucks tank column over*

Hyperspatial Travel
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Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

I would, but the old box is still dead. If this is up and running by the time I get it back, and still open, you can probably count me in. Although I think we'll need some way of determining nation population, to be honest.
It's amazing how a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of hungry wolves.
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Post by Aegeus »

NS population as far as I can tell. thats why their only 2 wks old.
Quitters never win, winners never quit,
but those who never win AND never quit are idiots.
War was good until you Yanks came along with your aircraft carriers and broke it.

"sir, there's a tank column approaching!"
Doesn't matter, I'll use my carrier!
*Carrier fucks tank column over*

ESUS Testicle Monster
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Post by Sskiss »

Hyperspatial Travel wrote:I would, but the old box is still dead. If this is up and running by the time I get it back, and still open, you can probably count me in. Although I think we'll need some way of determining nation population, to be honest.
Don't worry, we'll save you a place HT. Besides, it will be awhile yet and all nations must be reletively new -- meaning not older than two weeks if possible.
"The Sskiss are prepared to share all - All that YOU have, that is!"

"Life is like a fresh kill, eat as much as you can before it all rots"

"Our blood drenched clade shall reclaim what is rightfully ours - and so wrongly taken from us by a whim of fate"
ESUS Testicle Monster
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Prefix: The Great Therapodian Empire of
Name: The Sskiss

Post by Sskiss »

Aegeus, do you think you can make a better map? That one (as many seem to be) is just too fractal looking. I would prefer something more "natural" looking.
"The Sskiss are prepared to share all - All that YOU have, that is!"

"Life is like a fresh kill, eat as much as you can before it all rots"

"Our blood drenched clade shall reclaim what is rightfully ours - and so wrongly taken from us by a whim of fate"
Posts: 1012
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Post by Aegeus »

Yo, here's some reworked maps.



Quitters never win, winners never quit,
but those who never win AND never quit are idiots.
War was good until you Yanks came along with your aircraft carriers and broke it.

"sir, there's a tank column approaching!"
Doesn't matter, I'll use my carrier!
*Carrier fucks tank column over*

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Post by Blademasters »

Aegeus wrote:Very cool. if you want I can generate a map for it sometime relatively soon, I think i've still got a planetgen somewhere.

image snipped
Way to use my work as your own, buddy :P

and as to the fractal-ness of it, it was made by the Fractal World Explorer, soo... It sorta comes with the territory in that way >.>
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