Past History

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ESUS Testicle Monster
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Prefix: The Great Therapodian Empire of
Name: The Sskiss

Post by Sskiss »

It should be reminded that Sskiss history is vast and as a result, specific dates are largely irrelevent. All dates are very approximate.

Sskiss timeline.

125,000,000 BP - Genesis of the Sskiss race. The Sskiss are originaly one species - Maniraptors (aka: "Raptors") are the first sentient race known on Earth and are originaly marauding pack hunters.

90,000,000 BP - The Sskiss enter the "Nomadic Herder" phase of development. Populations grow.

70,000,000 BP - The Sskiss enter the "sedentary Herder" phase. More specilized tasks and "Division of Labour" develop. First concentrated population enclaves. Populations increase by at least five fold.

68,000,000 BP - First organic based technologies are developed by Sskiss.

66,500,000 BP - Sskiss enter the "Food Preservation" phase of development. Populations explode and grow by at least ten fold. Later first primitve organic based space travel is developed.

65,500,000 BP - Primitive sublight travel is developed. First attempts at genetic manipulation. Sskiss achieve "oneness".

65,000,000 BP - Sskiss enter the "Food Growing" phase. Meat and other protien based foods are grown and harvested in "growth vats". Later, the "Great Death". Most Sskiss are wiped out due to an asteroid impact. Several million escape (in the first sub-light organic ships) along with most of the planets biosphere. Later, the Sskiss settle Riiss' Sslash ("Ancient Crech") - probably a few to several centuries later

65,000,000 - 50,000,000 BP - First major colonization stage occures at around this time. The Sskiss eventually colonize and inhabite approximately half the Milky Way galaxy. Later, the "First Seeder" phase occurs. Planets are seeded with various phytoplankton and other micro-orginisms to spawn life.

50,000,000 - 30,000,000 BP - First major genetic engineering phase occures. Sskiss "uplift" several other species of carnivourus dinosaurs to serve other roles and uses in civilization. Sskiss develop first caste based social structure. Primitive FTL travel achieved. The second major colonization phase occurs toward the end of this period.

30,000,000 - 20,000,000 BP - Mass terraforming occures thoughout Sskiss occupied space.

20,000,000 (apprx.) - 30,000 BP - Sudden onset. The Sskiss/Exultant wars. This war was unimaginably cruel and savage. Scores of worlds and billions perish over the eons. At the close of the wars, Sskiss preform genetic manipulations on humans. Humans and other humanoids (a probable result of genetic drift) are used as "hunters within that resemble prey" (spies?).

30,000 BP - The Sskiss exterminate (with the possible help of other species and races) the last of the Exultants finally ending the holocost. However, later the Sskiss galactic spanning civilazation is mysteriously destroyed with a matter of a few generations. Reason unknown. . .

30,000 - 10,000 BP - The Sskiss once again exist in the "First state of being" - that is, the "Hunter Phase" of existance.

10,000 - 1000BP - The Sskiss advance rapidly in organic based technology due in part perhaps by hidden precursor relics, cities and artifacts.

1000 - 200BP - The Sskiss begin to explore and colonize several systems including their own.

50BP - The Sskiss encounter several races, including Jordaxia, Skeelzania and Banderlok. Later, the Sskiss Join ESUS in 18BP.
Last edited by Guest on Sat Jul 31, 2004 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
"The Sskiss are prepared to share all - All that YOU have, that is!"

"Life is like a fresh kill, eat as much as you can before it all rots"

"Our blood drenched clade shall reclaim what is rightfully ours - and so wrongly taken from us by a whim of fate"
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Post by Jordaxia »

These Sskiss/exultant wars sounded quite interesting. Damn it, my interest was piqued.

"exultant, eh?"

Is what went through my mind. but then, that's a standard thought pattern for me.

"tv, eh?"
"cereal, eh?"
"internet, eh?"
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Post by Kanuckistan »

I started out modern tech 'back in the day', was threatened with genocide from some 'evil' nation for a while because most of my population was non-hunam, then advanced to future and later space; relations were almost entirly transient, however, so tho alot of interesting things have happened, they amount to little more than historical foot notes and isolated incidents. I never joined any alliances, tho I was allied with several for varrious periods.

Oh, and I blew up CorpSac's homeworld, then joined the new ESUS.
Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

My problem is that I don't quantify my history as such. It's mostly three or four major events with little in between except military buildup.
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Post by Torontonias »

Alright, here is Torontonian History in a Nutshell:

2003: The Federation of Torontonias is created, its ruling powers consist of the Capitalist Peoples of Tors, the Space faring Republic of Tonias, and the Communist faction of Red River. First Government seats are divided equally by the three groups.

2005: First public elections take place, with the Capitalist party taking the most seats, 145 out of 300, 100 to the Spatial Party, 50 to the Communist party, 2 to the expansionist party, 1 to the Separation Party and three to the Marijuana Party

2006: To work out a Minority government, the Capitalist and spatial Party agree to work together. In response, the Communist Party merges with the other three parties to form the Torontonian Alternative Party.

2010: Second Elections take place; Capitalists win a clear majority 250 of 300 seats, followed by 50 to the Spatial Party and 5 to The T.A.P

2011: The Space faring peoples of Torontonias work out an agreement to found the Torontonian Space Program.

2011 (Later in the Year): First independent Rocket, Sponsored by Torola, and shaped like an Enormous bottle, is launched and orbits the earth several times before coming back into the atmosphere

2012: The Spatial Party appeals for more funding, and is denied.

2015: After massive propaganda/Bribing campaign, The Spatial Party wins omniprencent victory, all 300 seats are taken.

2016: TSP Funding up 300% Military Budgets slashed, taxes soar.

2016 (Later): First TSP Lander lands on the moon

2017: First Torontonian Colony established on the moon

2018: First Torontonian Space Station constructed

2019: Facing civil unrest the Spatial Party calls early elections, are defeated by a landslide by the TAP. TAP: 256 Seats, Capitalist: 42 Seats, Spatial: 2 Seats

2020: TSP Eliminated, Military Budget restored, State Purchases most businesses and land opportunities. Enforces Torontonias to Police State Standards.

2021: Public Elections Terminated, State Assumes Control of Education and Health Care

2026: After years of Social and Economic Degradation, The Capitalist Peoples stage a rebellion backed by former TAP Allies. Civil war ensues

2027: Government collapses, anarchy ensues

2028: New Capitalist government formed, all TAP party members not already dead are executed.

2029: TSP Restored

2030: First elections in nine years takes place, Capitalist: 260 Seats, Spatial: 40 seats, Torontonias. Joins ESUS

2031: After noticing that NS Earth was becoming increasingly unstable, and a military beyond revitalization within feasible means, and with the rise to prominence of Space Faring Nations. Torontonias decides to establish new Administrative capital off planet. After Claims to Venus are rejected, Torontonias claims Mercury

2030: Elections: C: 256 S: 44

2035: Elections: C: 265 S: 35

2040: Elections: C: 270 S: 30

2045: After a poor five years on the Capitalists behalf, fringe parties begin to crop up again. Elections: C: 230 S: 65 COM: 2 REF: 3

2050: After extensive terraformation Government is informed of Mercury’s ownership by a very inactive nation. After negotiations break down, The Torontonians living on planet begrudgingly leave. Elections: Due to widespread capitalist bashing, they lose iron grip on power, and fall back into a minority government. C: 140 S: 100 COM: 60

2055: Elections: C: 150 S: 120 COM: 30

2060: After extensive search and background checks, The Epsilon Indi System is found, The Capital planet of Epsilon Prime is colonized, and Torontonias becomes of Space Nation. This helps the Capitalist and Spatial Parties resolitify their hold on power. Elections: C: 200 S: 90 COM: 10

2065: Elections are postponed due to Skyrocketing Crime and Unrest in the Traditional Communist Stronghold cities on The Earth nation of Torontonias.

2066: After a Communist plot is uncovered about inciting Civil war within the Government is discovered, A motion to dissolve the Communist Party is passed by a landslide, The ten Communist Representatives are denied entry to vote, and are later ejected from parliament. Immediately after, Communism and other forms of Socialism are declared illegal. Advocates are given 60 days to leave, and are then forcefully deported.

2070: Elections called: Remarkably, the spatial party wins, 230-70

2071: As Military vessels are introduced by Torontonias Space program, it becomes aware that a separate entity is needed for the militaristic branch of Space, thus the Torontonias Spatial Defense Commission is formed. (TSDC) They control all Military vessels and stations, and the TSP Takes command of all Civilian and non-military operations.

2072: Sensor Network around Capital system is begun construction.

2075: Network finished, Elections called, Capitalist wins 290-10. To ensure future wins, Corporations are given representatives in government, and all laws against Corporations in Government abolished. Through a series of rigged and bought out elections, the Capitalists ensure victory until present day. And although there is still a President, all decisions are passes or failed by the Corporations. Therefore creating the “Capitalist Oligarchy of Torontonias�

2077: More ships introduced into Torontonian Navy, The long forgotten membership in the ESUS is recalled in an invitation to join the reformed version. Torontonias accepts membership.

2080: ESUS/Shivian war breaks out. In an unexpected move, Corporations assets are temporarily frozen to pay for the massive remilitarization of Torontonian Forces. In this time of insecurity, The Government unveils plans for the comprehensive defense network for the Capital system

2082: A successful defense of ESUS and other nations space brings a quick end to the first stage of the war.

2082-83: A series of skirmishes between The Shivians and ESUS members brings an air of battle and war over the alliance.

2085: Rigged elections take place, Capitalists win; Ceasefire is in the works between Shivians and ESUS members, if only for a short time.
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Arizona Nova
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Post by Arizona Nova »

Oooooh. History. I like history. Hmmm. I shall do some tweaking to the mythology/history of Arizona Nova before posting it. This thread has piqued my interest. Credit to Klonor for pointing me this way.
[center]Wit ye well, that when no good men remain to stand against those who choose evil, what will remain to restrain them from unleashing their dark designs?[/center]

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Post by Penguenia »

I just redid my nation's creation story, here it is.

A Brief History of the Empire's Creation
One-thousand and thirty-three years ago there was a quarrel between the then President Istar Raziel and his son, Tobias about the future of the nation. While other, lesser nations were taking to space and colonizing every stellar body that was relatively habitable, the Conservative Republic of Penguenia did nothing to compete; Istar believed that colonizing space was a fool’s endeavor, something children wasted their time dreaming about. Tobias, of course, virulently disagreed with his father’s beliefs. He started a separatist group within the nation whom shared his ideals, his dreams. Fed up with his son’s behavior, Istar disowned Tobias and they would not speak again for five-hundred and thirty four years.

The anger and hate swelled within Tobias. The great nation of Penguenia’s people deserved their lot in the Universe... they deserved to be great. Using his immense wealth, he created a spacefaring fleet of 3 colony ships, as well as a warship to make those who would come with him feel safe. For two-hundred years his supporters toiled with an endless supply of money, and eventually they created the fleet, as well as an experimental system of travel that would make faring the vast abyss shorter.

As the fleet launched, President Istar laughed. His foolish son would surely parish along with all those dumb enough to follow him! Needless to say, two-hundred and thirty four years Tobias returned... with only the warship he had launched with. “He had failed! The fool boy had failed, and lost most of the twelve-million he had taken with him!� thought Istar, as he heard the news. He immediately invited his idiot of a son to meet with him.

Tobias came, dressed in a black uniform embellished with gold and white detail, flanked by 6 women in toned down variations of the uniform. He also carried with him a long sword; modest in comparison to those rulers owned. Istar paid no heed to these minor details and began to denounce his son from his chair in the main Presidential Hall. Tobias was silent though his father’s speech as the Presidential Court’s inhabitant’s laughed with delight. He then unsheathed his sword and declared that the Conservative Republic of Penguenia bow before the might of the Grand Imperial Dominion of Penguenia. The hall was silent. All eyes were on him and his cadre, unblinking.

Tobias told the story of how they’d found an inhabitable planet, no a system of inhabitable planets, and set up several colonies on the largest and most beautiful. The separatists had named the planet “Reach,� and the system “Marathon.� Istar exploded in a furious rage, refusing to bow to his son. He discredited Tobias, demanding proof, but Tobias would not acquiesce, and returned to his small warship in Earth orbit.

Then it came, without warning. A rain of blue and red and green fire, death from the sky. The Conservative Republic of Penguenia burned for 6 days along with all it’s inhabitants, then the rain of death stopped and there were none left. Istar’s lack of interest in space had left the nation defenseless to Tobias’ wrath.

The Emperor Tobias Raziel rebuilt the nation of Penguenia on Earth, and his space empire flourished, expanding across five systems with a fleet of over a thousand warships that put his small original one to shame. The Empire still continues to grow to this day.
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Arizona Nova
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Post by Arizona Nova »

The History of the Anikari: Old Lore and Recent History
(/ooc/the first section is the "lore" part of the Anikari's history, the second is the "history" part. Some historians hold that the lore is nothing more than entertaining stories, others hold that it is literal truth.

The Old World

The story of the Anikari is one older, some believe, older than Terra, or at least predates its first human civilizations. Much of this first history is lost, and now are distant legends concerning heroes and monsters, though truth is told, some hold that they are not legends at all. “Anikari don’t lie about history,� is the cliché of the people. As is, that these first legends even survive how they have is a testament to the written and historical tradition of this people.
The oldest recollections concern the “old world�, whose name has been lost to the annals of time. This first world was a place most would consider fantastic, filled with creatures comparable to elves and orcs, dragons, and other mythical creatures. The Anikari themselves were founded by their namesake “matriarch,� Anikar the Great. She was a martial woman, and had led the human people of this world (though the Anikari are extraterrestrial, they consider themselves human, and genetic comparisons have found Homo Sapiens and the Anikari essentially identical) and the “elves� to an incredible victory over insurmountable odds, against a great horde of orcs during the “Orcflood.� She was made, by mandate of the people, the Empress, and she in turn carved out an empire in lands won back from the desolation of the orcs. Her empire grew great in power and might, and she, it seems was corrupted by that power. Eventually she was deposed by the people who had “elected� her, though no record actually recorded an instance of her death. Thus, some even hold that one day Anikar will return and lead her people to greater glory. Nonetheless, the Empire turned into a Republic, which prospered long in the land. At first, things worked well, as trade flourished and alliances and treaties were made. Yet, factions grew up around the most powerful cities, which soon caused any sort of administration to break down, which in turn caused the Republic to split up into powerful city-states, all engaged in fratricidal warfare. Eventually, the Republic totally collapsed, as did the power of the cities themselves, and the Anikari, the once proud people, were reduced to nomads, wandering about the hills of their former empire, gleaning a living from the land and the ruins of the cities of yesteryear. This kept up for centuries, until the second rise of Anikar’s Gate. It had been the capital of the Empire, but it had been oppressed under the Republic, a hated remembrance of the Empire. It had been reduced to a town, and stripped of power. This proved to be a blessing in disguise, as it was spared the later cataclysms which shattered the Republic. Eventually, the desire for centralized government grew up again, especially among the richer nomads who were harried by bandits and thieves. Anikar’s Gate grew again in importance. The legends become more obscure here, only citing that this New Empire lasted long, and was prosperous as the first. Many years it lasted, through wars, sporadic orc invasions, and the like. Yet, when the New Empire was at its apex, something happened. Anyone who is telling the legends become highly agitated if pressed for details. The most in-depth descriptions state that some powerful force of darkness shattered the world itself, destroying it utterly. It would seem that should have been the end of them, forever, but it seems it wasn’t. For whatever purpose, the Anikari were given what they call a “second chance.� They found themselves on the “new world,� or Arizona in Anikari (one of the few words which have survived). It’s resemblance to Terran Arizona, is considered coincidental, but it still doesn’t seem an accident to many.


Finding themselves saved unexpectedly from the disaster, the Anikari set to rebuild their nation. This, though it encompasses at least a couple thousand years, is not considered as interesting as legends of the old worlds, and most of the history is relegated to the large tomes of history studied at prestigious universities. Be that as it may, after rebuilding, for a while the Anikari tried to forget the old world-they made a new language, and purposefully erased their history as they tried to start anew, though some noble houses nonetheless tried to preserve that heritage, and accept whatever pain came from memory. What was universally repressed was memory of the darkness that had destroyed the old world. The Anikari expanded over the face of what seemed an “empty� world, full of life, but no other sentients. They eventually split up into many countries, and had a history similar to Terra-middle ages characterized by feudal wars, minor religious crusades, and the like, an industrial age, and finally a modern age. With the birth of radio and later television, however, a shocking discovery was made. Alphonso Lord Chinera, its inventor, made more powerful versions, and discovered transmissions that could only come from other sentient beings. They had discovered the first transmissions from Terra, and after this discovery, the Anikari chose to not broadcast as much as listen to these signals. It took many years, but eventually the language which stood out the most, English to us, was translated. Many nations adopted it as their own language. Terran culture was emulated, but the biggest changes were yet to come. After discovering a series of religious Christian broadcasts, a religious revival swept the planet, as for whatever reason, the religions of the Anikari were always anemic compared to Terran religions (and they believed the "old gods," those who had been in their first world, perished with it) usually having little affect on anything. Christianity was a phenomenon like no other. Its spread was not violent in the least either; Arizona was spared the blunders of the great Terran crusades and religious wars of the Middle Ages and 20th centuries. It was a peaceful takeover. It was held by many that it was the God Himself who had rescued the Anikari from the destruction of the old world, and that He had done it so that they might spread His word to an Earth who, it seemed, was on the verge of rejecting it, if the broadcasts rang true. Yet they also had the further advantage of knowing the mistakes of Terran Christianity, and knew before the fact what to avoid. The stage, it seemed, was set for a religious revival unparalleled in universal history. They began to put great amounts of capital into space exploration and communication, until a rather unexpected event. One of the test probes they sent out suddenly stopped communicating, and probes sent after found nothing and in turn disappeared without a trace. Suddenly, different transmissions came in, and it was soon obvious that Terra was not the only hold of sentience. A cruel race of slavers, origin as yet unknown, wielding advanced technology, descended on Arizona. They gave the Anikari an ultimatum; to surrender the entire planet, and its entire people, to them, or be utterly destroyed. The Anikari, bolstered by their faith and belief in their just cause and defense, and technology comparable to 20th/21st century Terran technology, decided to not succumb to the ultimatum of “submit or perish,� given by these intergalactic fiends. A long battle for the planet and the people resulted, on the ground and air and in space. The ground forces of the slavers could not break the tenacity and toughness of the Arizonan defense, and air raids were proving fruitless. Soon, the slavers resolved to simply glass the planet over with plasma, and make it an example to others. In their arrogance, however, as they warmed up their plasma cannons to overload, they left their defenses down, enabling a well-timed and ingenious strike by the entire planet’s inventory of conventional and nuclear missiles to cripple the slaver spacecrafts, and junk most of their weaponry. The ships lost control, and the entire fleet plummeted through the atmosphere and into the oceans, inlands, forests, and cities of Arizona. Poisoned by radiation, or unable to enable any self-destruct protocols, the slavers were at the mercy of the Arizonans, but were shown no quarter after the slavers’ attempt to annihilate billions. With the slavers finally defeated, their evil plans finally thwarted, the Arizonans marveled at the ships, which while heavily damaged still held a vast treasure trove of technology that boggled the Arizonan scientists. Soon, the technology was imitated, reproduced, and began to hyper-modernize the planet at a rate that would seem incredible to any Terran. No technological revolution on Earth could even begin to compare to this. Industries would almost literally rise and fall overnight as technology was adapted and then replaced by something more efficient or powerful. As more and more technology was implemented, soon the pace began to slow down again, until essentially all of the technology that the slavers had brought was integrated, and now the cutting edge belonged to those who could improve it. The Anikari began to make spacecraft of their own utilizing the drive technology that had been left, and soon they found more worlds from which to get resources. Thus, the Anikari had come of age, now spanning planets in their empire. Never, though, did they forget what they believed was their calling, and they never left the church out of their planning, though some believers balked at using the tools of the slavers and isolated themselves from the rest of the people. These dissidents formed what later became the nation of Nominor.

Politics and Tomorrow, by Kierstan Gadry
(/ooc/ This work was written shortly after the destruction of the slavers over Arizona Prime. It is now considered the most influential work ever written in Anikari literature, for it surely changed the course of the Empire's history. This excerpt is from the introduction.)

The Imperial Corporate Nautocracy

In recent years, the technological quantum leap in Arizona Nova has thrown everything off balance, especially in the political sector. The transformation of the corporation into the super-corporation, by acquisition of heretofore unregulated technology and the means to duplicate it, and the growing importance of the navy in directing expansion and protection of planetary interests in the place of mere oceanic patrol, have both created three distinct political factions, all battling for absolute supremacy. Yet, if only one faction won out, the balance would still be off. Thus, there are only two resolutions to this problem:

The First Choice:

If any one of the factions should gain supremacy, it will have been a useless enterprise. For example, we shall say that the state wins out. Wanting to secure its control, it restricts the super-corporations, and puts a tight leash on the navy. The super-corporations, now limited in their freedom and access to resources, slowly die or are bought and scrapped by foreign companies, and the economy collapses. The navy, already subject to bureaucracy put in place to check it, now cannot hope to even maintain itself, due to the collapse of the economy, and it rots. Any corporations who survive become subject to pirate raids, now that the navy's protection is gone. Lacking any economic engine, or military and police protection, the state will soon follow, as either it is thrown out by a foreign power, or merely implodes now that the original foundation of its power is gone, causing Arizona Nova to revert to a primitive society of nomad and small vigilante groups, tribes, and warlords, except now they shall use spacecraft. Should the corporation rise up, it shall either lack the means to police that the state had formally reserved, or it shall grasp the reins too tightly and rather strangle political and civil rights, while abusing them to forward the corporate agenda, and the same would apply to the navy.

The Second Choice:

If, then, no one group can gain supremacy, the only other choice is that all three should simultaneously become supreme. The question which immediately follows such a proposition would be: how could all three manage this in the first place, and not sacrifice some power? The key to such a system would hinge on one thing: someone who is a leader in all three areas, or can lead all three areas. An ultimate leader, who can handle bureaucrats, capital ships, and business deals deftly, smoothly, and charismatically. Once this "ultimate leader" takes control, no one group will have to fully sacrifice its power, and the whole of society will bind itself to this triune of power. It will be the ultimate expression of political, military, and economic might, and thus the ultimate expression of Arizona Nova itself, a nation built on these three principles. For those afraid that the importance of the church will fade or diminish, to this there is only one answer - it will depend totally on the nature of the leader. Hopefully, the leader will be devout, but not fanatical, and use the influence of the church to influence the direction of the triune.
Once the triune is, as they say, "up and running," the entire nation will be galvanized. Then shall the true power of Arizona Nova, in the past dormant and sleeping as the nation grew, come forth and be utilized. Any one arm of the triune, while distinct and separate from the rest, can nonetheless benefit from the strength of the others - then, expansion, discovery, defense, conquest, whatever the nation sets its heart on, will be easier by the fluid and strong unity of the triune, and the near-effortless transfer of information, capital, and resources it will bring. No longer will the state be weary of the corporation and need to treat is as an opponent, or feel threatened by powerful military leaders, because all three interests will be united. Then, to use the cliché, the sky will be the limit for the Imperial Corporate Nautocracy.

As an added bonus: Bits of the Old Language of the Anikari! w00t

dissingo vai anethy=known of old; doesn't literally translate, used respectfully in relation to something venerable
Arizona=new home
kiyn=curse, used in frustration
ugelt=curse, used in fear
xet=destroy, kill, "fire" command, used specifically for when one intends to remove anything through violent force

Rip off any of it and I'll murderlate you.

FINAL EDIT: Don' like it? Argh! I'll use yee fur a monkey scrubber!

FINAL EDIT 2: :shock: w00tn3zz0rz! 1'm 73h t0ur9u1d3z0rz!!!

FINAL EDIT 3: "A place of discuss the politics of ESUS." What?

FINAL EDIT 4: To note, if you're wondering what all this "Anikari" business is, they're the main people group from Arizona Nova.
[center]Wit ye well, that when no good men remain to stand against those who choose evil, what will remain to restrain them from unleashing their dark designs?[/center]

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Five Civilized Nations
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Post by Five Civilized Nations »

Um... Let's say this nicely... My past history is a little to long to talk about... Its very complicated and very, how shall I say it..., interesting... :roll: :wink:
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Arizona Nova
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Post by Arizona Nova »

Five Civilized Nations wrote:Um... Let's say this nicely... My past history is a little to long to talk about... Its very complicated and very, how shall I say it..., interesting... :roll: :wink:
Can't be much weirder than mine...
[center]Wit ye well, that when no good men remain to stand against those who choose evil, what will remain to restrain them from unleashing their dark designs?[/center]

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