ESUS Census

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ESUS Danza Slap
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Post by Torontonias »

Nation: The Corporate Autocracy of Torontonias

Government Type: Autocracy, Corporations weild absolute Executive power, tied up with a "Republic" in the Process of being desolved.

Civil Freedoms:Poor, With pocket radios (Now Neuroimplants) telling you what to do with your Money, and with the populace being earmarked for skills and intelligence, its pretty hard to live the "Free" life, although many Citizens belive so.


GDP Per Capita:$38,148.45

Industrial Capability:With the Government practically in the control of the Most successful Companies in the Nation, its hard not to fall over name brands or advertisements, most of these products being produces for Torontonians, by Torontonians. Although we do not stripmine entire planets, extensive mining operations and manufacturing on Earth as well as Atlas, and resources in the Epsilon Indi system have lead to our nation having no shortage of raw resources in which to produce with. Also, in the same reason as top, Torontonian products not consumed are exported, and as several "UN" ranking would have one belive, we Export Everything. To say the least, Torontonian Industry is top notch and ready to work at any given moment.

Military Capability: 32, Unfortuneatly, with all the wealth the government could throw around, very little of it finds its way into the Military. Although the TSP is the single most funded Organization in Torontonias, the TSDC recives only a small fraction of that amount. This Underfunding leaves the military with very little offencive power, commiting only a few dozen ships to any offencive movement. However, when you look on the other side of the issue, The Epsilon Indi system is one of the most Heavily defended system around, with a layered, mostly automated defence networks which integrates every Defencive technology at our disposal, the citizens feel very secure. Also, with the few ships being committed to offensive movements, the rest of the fleet stays on homeguard, allowing a large disposal of the fleet to stay back and defend. This, combined with the Non-Agressive nature of the Torontonian people, leaves us feeling secure in knowing we have few enemies and many allies

Military Quality 41, Although the military may not be the most numerous, feared, or respected in the Galaxy, we do keep our forces repaired and updated on new innovations, etc. Although this number was considerably lower, the destruction of our land army left the TSDC with the task of redesigning the defunct system, which they are doing so with an eye on integrity.[/b]
Five Civilized Nations
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Post by Five Civilized Nations »

Nation: The Star Realm of the Five Civilized Nations

Government Type: Monarchy with a Parliament with little to no power. Control is vested in the August Emperor with an advising body of ministers in charge of their own ministries

Civil Freedoms: Little to none

GDP: $97,402,448,829,845.64

GDP Per Capita: $30,136.90

Industrial Capability: Because of its former status as a colonial power, the Five Civilized Nations possesses uniqually strong ties with four former colonies, now independent. Because of the relationship, the Five Civilized Nations imports all of its raw materials from these colonies and exports all of its manufactured products back.

Military Capability: ~38-40.

Because of the disbandment of all major army formations, the army is virtually nonexistent and exists primarily as the professional division of the militia contingents.

My fleet is massive, but horrendous spread out over a broad span of area, with a small patrol squadrons cruising around for defensive purposes. The primary military forces with offensive capabilities are three fleets, strategically positioned to react to intergalactic events.

With the absence of frontline planetary garrison forces, marines and militia units take up primary garrison duties. Therefore, the marines are a major force in the military, alongside the Navy.

Military Quality: 48, the military spends interminable amounts of money to produce the best military in the world.

The average training time for a typical enlisted Naval crewman is 5 years, with marines spending at least 4 years of basic training, and 2 years of advanced/specialist training.

Naval officers attend the North Watch Naval Academy for a period of less than 8 years, with the average term being about 10. Marine officers typically are trained for at least 2 years of basic training, 5 years of advanced/specialist training, and 3 years of tactical and strategic training.

Pilots and helmsman are trained for at least 5 years in tactical simulators and on-the-hands training.

Militia forces are inducted every year, with each college student training for a minimum of 1 year, spread out over 4 years, typically during semester breaks. Militia officers undergo training for a period of 4 years after graduating from college with guaranteed placement into government graduate schools and centers.
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The Silver Turtle
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Re: ESUS Census

Post by The Silver Turtle »

Nation: The Ineffable Imperial Dominion of The Silver Turtle, and the associated Ineffable Imperial Dominion of Leda Colony
Government Type:Dictatorship, under The Great Ineffable Bob
Civil Freedoms: Big Brother
GDP: $99,114,361,203,311.05
GDP Per Capita: $24,871.86
Industrial Capability: The Seven Systems, the home of the relocated Leda Colony, are mostly dead planets and asteroids, filled with mining equipment. Substantial mining and shipbuilding facilities are present in the asteroid belt in Sol also.,
Military Capability: 45. You don't mess with us. Actually, nobody ever has. There's a reason for that...*hides the GDODAD and pretends its his own military*
Small number of surface ships, countered by uberbattleships and excessive numbers of killer subs. Reasonable sized ground forces, backed up by a significant dropship force. Reasonably sized airforce also, rather large spacenavy composed primarily of small but powerful ships.
Military Quality: Training: 50 Tough conditions, excessive budget:
$29,360,217,858,048.00 44%.
Tactics: 40 Superb tactics, but takes the overwhelming power route often because it's easier
Technology: 45 Enough to kick the ass of most nations, but when dealing with exclusive space-techy ubernations tech is on the low-ish-side.
If we do not live another day,
Say this over our pyre:
They died like High Guard Lancers
With their faces to the fire.

Regimental Hymn of the 13th Imperial Lancers
Crystal Palais
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Post by Crystal Palais »

Nation: The Dominion of Crystal Palais
Government Type: Technocracy / Artificial Hive Mind - Every citizen has their mind backed up into DEITY in fairly regular intervals. DEITY, having the collective experience of every citizen in the Dominion, effectively is the government, and as it knows what the people want and can figure out how best to deliver it.
Civil Freedoms: Superb - Everyone essentially has the freedoms to do as they wish, so long as they conform to the laws of society.
GDP: $203 trillion
GDP Per Capita: $46,430.72
Industrial Capability: Extremely high - The Dominion does not colonize worlds. Instead, they occupy systems, build stations as they see fit, and completely take all planets in the system apart in order to best harvest their resources; they are reduced to their base elements and any resources that are left over after the process are stored. They've done this with a large number of systems, and while they're still presently taking planets apart (the process takes a bit of time) they've got about a dozen systems' worth of resources in storage throughout various systems, with another dozen and a half in progress presently. It does tend to mean that blockades are not very effective.
Military Capability: 36 - Taking population into account, the Dominion Navy is not an extremely large force. Granted, if they needed to they could begin to put a large number of ships together to supplement the fleets and compensate for war damage, but their normal strength is not really that high. The ground forces have their authorized strength of approximately 6.5% of the population, but with the Dominion being oh, nearly 4.5 billion, that's a whole awful lot of ground support to have.
Military Quality: 49 - If quality derives from training, then the military quality is extremely high, as they have a rigorous training program even for the normal soldiers and naval officers -- let alone the elite. While their technology is not, at the present time, particularly strong on offense, and their shielding technology is rather weak at this stage, their armor is extremely powerful and the ground troops are presently equipped with armored exoskeletons. Their battle philosophy, at this stage, is to essentially poke the enemy to death while either avoiding the shots that come at them or ensuring their armor takes the blows. As for their response, at the present their FTL is capable of traveling at 373,760c, so they can get wherever they need to quite quickly, since they can cover a bit over 40 light years in an hour.

(Of course, as of the 17th I've got three tech advancements that I haven't decided where to put, and I'm seriously debating either improving weapons or FTL - each step of the FTL is 16 times the previous level's speed, though it also takes up significantly more space. I doubt I'll ever end up with anything faster than Type V, as that's fast enough to cross the galaxy in a day, but if I decide to get Type X that's around oh, 100 trillion times the speed of light. Fast enough to travel between galaxies, or hell, even from one end of the known universe to the other, in short periods of time. 274 million light years daily. Still undecided overall though, and considering overhauling how research is done for CP, I might end up slowing it down with the higher TLs but researching more than one type of thing thing at a time, whereas now the research points just go into one specific field, such as offensive weaponry or missiles or hull fabrication.)
Wars are not fought over starships, nor are they fought over meaningless regions of interstellar space. They are fought over planets and territory.
The destruction of enemy forces is only a means to an end, and if it were possible to hit strategic targets without having to fight your way through opposing forces, any intelligent military commander would do it.
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Name: Metallinautsi Federation

Post by Metallinauts »

Nation:The Vast Interstellar Imperium of Metallinauts

Government Type:Constitutional Monarchy

As long as you don't cause harm to another, knock yourself out.


GDP Per Capita:$36,820.40

Industrial Capability:Moderately High. With large deposists of materials found in vast asteroid belts in the empire raw goods are in no short supply. Advanced building techniques put out huge numbers of ships, clothing, food what have you. The problem lies in the unions, the Emporer and Parliment support the unions, and as such, workers strike semi-often. Tihs can periodically slow production.

Military Capability: Current 39, Average 47.
The military is currently somewhat lacking due to the civil war. Yet, the ones that exist can certainly defend the systems and attack for a sustained period of time. Soon it will be fully re-built.

Military Quality:50
The military is the most imporatant aspect of the Empire. Soldiers must undergo 5 Years of intense Simulations, pyscho re-indoctrination and harsh phisical training. Ships are pain stakingly designed to be both beautiful and leathal. They are always the represntation of state of the art technology.
ESUS Spambot
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Prefix: The Shadow Command of
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Post by Zarahemla »

Obviously 50 is not an uncommon nor unattainable goal... When i rated my military, I assumed a 50 was almost a godmod, but it seems you people would put godmode at about 60... so I might have to reevaluate myself.
Drop a train on 'em!

Jangle Jangle Ridge
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Post by Jangle Jangle Ridge »

I would also like to note that my military quality and capability are about to drop drastically. You know, with the whole revolution thing.
'Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one' Albert Einstein, man of the big brain.

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Central Facehuggeria
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Prefix: The Second Imperium of
Name: Central Facehuggeria

Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Nation: The Great Human Empire (Post fall; Post reconstruction)
Government type: Soon to be Xenocidal Evil Human Empire
Civil Freedoms: Big brother is watching. Closely. So is the Inquisition. There are TWO people looking after your 'interests.' They just don't want you to screw up is all.
Gross Domestic Product: $75,125,466,167,471.98
GDP Per Capita: $30,713.60
Industrial Capability: Special. Resources can be easily transmuted from Hydrogen, Deuterium, Iron, and most other elements. Large scale factories available on Opterra Prime, the CFV Absolution, Chimera Shipyard complexes, most NEXT gen CF capital ships, and Achilles shipyard complexes.
Military Capability: 38. The Empire's natural cautiousness prevents large scale fleet deployments for the most part. Imperial force projection is extremely low, usually being no more than two thirds of the fleet at any given time.
Military Quality: 50++. The Imperial forces are all well trained, extremely well equipped, and motivated. Many members of the Imperial military are trained from birth to be soldiers (Imperial Knights especially.) Biological enhancements are extremely common. Typical duration of military service is 20 to 40 years. Equpiment is amongst the best designed in the Universe.
"Please tell me that you haven't heard military gossip about a fleet of invisible battleplates."
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Post by Crossman »

Nation: The United Imperium of Crossman
Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy/Benevolent Dictatorship
Civil Freedoms: The Crostapo keeps an eye on the populace, though they are free to live as they please, without fear of government agents coming after them... as long as they are following the laws.
GDP: $52,835,521,986,894.21
GDP Per Capita: $25,088.09
Industrial Capability: Very high. Several of the sparsely populated mining planets are also used as factory planets, making it easier to get the resources straight to the factories.
Military Capability: 45 The Imperium is well guarded, as it only occupies a few systems currently and is quite easy for the Navy and other forces to be deployed quickly to any corner of the Imperium.
Military Quality: 45 The Imperial Crossmanian Armed Forces go through rigorous training and are equiped with the best technology the Imperium has to offer. (I'm in the middle of overhauling my tech info and all that sort, so no big details.)
When life hands you lemons, throw them back screaming, "I said LIMES dammit!!!"

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