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Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:54 am
by Jordaxia
Medieval 2 Total War: Collectors Edition. That's what I got.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:08 am
by Kreshh
I hate you all.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:27 am
by Central Facehuggeria
Nobuseri wrote:I hate you all.
Don't feel too bad. All I got was socks and foodstuffs.

Oh, and two dynamo-powered flashlights (those ones that you shake or crank, which don't need batteries.)

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 7:55 am
by Jordaxia
half life flashlight!

And you can't hate me either - literally all I got was medieval 2, and that was it. Trust me, you don't wanna know the rest.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:07 am
by Hyperspatial Travel
Firstly, and foremostly, a phone. I never really wanted one, but it's got like, a year of useryness on it, all paid up. Plus it has a tetrisy game. And it's shiny.

Secondly, a poker set. A shiny suitcase, with a lot of chips, rules, and cards. This is far more exciting that it sounds, primarily 'cause we had a big game. In which we used everyone's Christmas lollies as currency.

On an unrelated note, I now have enough liquorice to construct a life-size replica of my house. Well, perhaps not quite so much. But more than any person could humanely need or want. I'm building a castle out of it.

Thirdly, a model flying-thing. Whatever. It's some sort of freaky 'UFO' toy, which cost about twenty bucks in a discount bin somewhere. It's awesome. I can chase people with it. As well as animals. And cars.

Fourthly.. money. Fifty bucks.

And.. well, that's about it, disregarding candy, about fifteen political satire books, a desk fan, a water gun that can knock people over, and a cutlery set, a CD-marker set, and, most importantly, a plastic sippy-cup. No longer will I spill my coffee in vain! For the sippy cup hath come, and the impossiblity to spill is his herald! ALL HAIL THE SIPPY CUP!

..actually, I got two of them. Yeah. I'm possibly the luckiest guy EVER.

Oh, and we're getting satellite internet installed. With a three-gig download limit. That's my primary present. I'm really the only person who uses the 'net, and this 56k is agonizing.

I also upstaged my little sister as she got up to wake everyone up (having stayed up 'till five), and ran around the house screaming "WAKE UP, IT'S CHRISTMAS", and then promptly went back to bed, making everyone else wait four hours until I was damn well good and ready to open presents.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:40 am
by Xenonier
Actually working a full time job for your money means you pretty much just use christmas as an excuse to spend more. ;>

I was given about 500$ worth of music, an amazingly cuddly and useful small beanbag pillow coloured a wonderful green, and free spending time. I manage the finances in my house, not the wife, so I was able to save up for the buying of about 7000$ au worth of computer part, the reason being so I can set about custom building another speedbox of doom.

Also bought a pair of 500GB Drives. Two TB was used up so fast. :'(

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 2:30 pm
by Arenumberg

The Normal Toiletries/Clothes/Chocolates etc.
A Mobile Phooone
A Watch.
Warhammer - Mark Of Chaos.
Medieval - Total War 2.

And £101 for something i wanted that will remain undisclosed!.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:58 pm
by Kanuckistan
Medieval 2(seems popular here)
Stargate SG-1 Season 9
Halo: Ghosts on Onyx(still in the mail)
DVD Recorder for the TV, along with blank DVDs
Alarm Clock with a spiffy little LCD projector
Some candy, but not much
Clothes - lots and lots of clothes, including a new jacket.

Unfortunately, I have absolutely no interest in clothes, so it's hard to appreciate the majority of my gifts. :(

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:04 pm
by Arizona Nova
Jeez dude, send them my way. I always need more t-shirts. Mostly got sweaters and pull-overs this year; they're nice, but if I could have extended my t-shirt range by a week that would have been sweet.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:31 pm
by Torontonias
I just got access to a computer for the first time since the last post I made about a day and a half ago. Christmas, as usual, was rediculously busy (As it would be when you travel 130km to get from one parents house to the other, and go to TWO Christmas Dinners :D) but fun nonetheless.

I was actually mildly suprised this Year, most of my friends didn't stick to the suggestions I gave them, even though they came to me asking for them.

From Friends I got:

A Nerf Gun (A Massive Floor-by-floor Residence Nerf Battle is in the works back in University)
Treasures of Art Urghan (Expansion for FFXI)
A New Set of Dice, and a MASSIVE fifteen centimetre D20 (To inspire fear in my players)

From Family:
Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail and Thank you for Smoking DVD's
The Road to Dune (Its sort of a hodgepodge of Souce notes I believe)
Lego Star Wars I & II
Battlestar Galatica Season 2.5
A T-Shirt, Socks and Underwear
$10 Second Cup & EBgames Certifcates
A New Digital Camera and all the fixin's (Flash Cards, Battery Charger)
$120 Cash

That's about it, I don't like to flaunt my Presents, but everyone else seemed to be showcasing all their stuff, so I figured I might as well too. I'm looking forward to spending a good deal of what remains with my break with the Star Warses and BSG. (I missed a good deal of the First and Second Season)