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Re: k buy

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:32 pm
by The Mindset
blaesa wrote:Any way you could transfer it to GoDaddy, or that we could use a non- domain? It's just that GoDaddy is so much cheaper ($7 for a year instead of $5 a month), and my wallet is not THAT flexible.
I'm not too bothered either way.

Anyway, here's Disunity v0.6.995 released under the GPLv3 free software license:

Re: k buy

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 8:21 pm
by Trailers
I would like to see the alliance, as an IC presence, hold together.

Sorry to see you go TM, and I will miss you and your rapier anti-American wit very much. I would love to help in hosting a domain, but the truth is I'm a year too young to have a credit card in my name..

EDIT: What about the wiki, is that also under this site's hosting, or is it seperate?

Re: k buy

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:35 pm
by The Mindset
Once again:

I will always be able to host the website. I will NOT be renewing the domain. This means that the website, the forums and the wiki will all stay up, they just won't be at, because I won't own that domain anymore.

Re: k buy

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:28 pm
by Arizona Nova
Torontonias wrote:I had suspicions that the ESUS was in its twilight the last few months, but this pretty much confirms it.
With all due respect, that is your suspicion, and no one else's. At least not mine. If that seems harsh, I don't apologize - I don't truck with the "twilight nostalgia" where ESUS is concerned. NS, maybe, because there are actual falling numbers to back up the idea of the game fading. Not here though.

Also, anyone who destroys /b/ will receive a vivisection. Not kidding.

Mindset, we've had this issue before. People have asked and been willing to send money via Paypal to keep the domain going; typically you came upon some other solution before resorting to that. As I now have gainful employment I would be willing to put forward funds to that.

As far as site administration goes, we still have CF for that. I believe SAs are elected, so we could nominate someone while you're still around.

Re: k buy

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 12:09 am
by Penguenia
Who cares about the domain? As long as we still have the community (which is all the ESUS really is anymore), it's all good.

Also: Bye, Mindset. You've been awesomesauce.

Re: k buy

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 12:39 am
by Central Facehuggeria
Penguenia wrote:Who cares about the domain? As long as we still have the community (which is all the ESUS really is anymore), it's all good.

Also: Bye, Mindset. You've been awesomesauce.
Quoted for truth in all respects.
As far as site administration goes, we still have CF for that.
I'm really more of a figurehead. That is to say that I dole out titles and other easy to do things, but if there's a major board problem (ie if it were to be hacked again), I have no idea what to do.

Re: k buy

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:00 am
by Arenumberg

To coin a phrase.

Re: k buy

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:34 pm
by Balrogga
If need be, after I figure out what my hosting service is doing to the payment I sent them last january (They claim they never recieved it but I have the scanned copy of the money order) I can host the site if need be, the same offer I made the last time this question came up.

If I need to switch my hosting, it will be a valid offer as soon as I get a new hosting service. I don't plan on going without my web site (it being offline bugs me something awful) for long so I want to get it back ASAP.

Re: k buy

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:17 pm
by The Mindset
Argh! I'll still be hosting the site, it's just the address that'll change!

Re: k buy

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:17 am
by Trailers
The Mindset wrote:Argh! I'll still be hosting the site, it's just the address that'll change!

TM, we're fucking retarded, remember?