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Re: "Overall Power Ranking" of Species thoughout Knwn Space

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:09 pm
by Arizona Nova
I retain the right to stereotypes, dammit! :P

Re: "Overall Power Ranking" of Species thoughout Knwn Space

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:11 pm
by Balrogga
Neo-Mekanta wrote:1. Mekantans
2. Mekantans
3. Mekantans
4. Mekantans
5. Humans
6. Mekantans

That is not believable, Mek placed humans above the lowest Mekantan.

Who edited his post?

Re: "Overall Power Ranking" of Species thoughout Knwn Space

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:29 pm
by Indra Prime
Like some others, Indrans live in their own little sphere. But its ok, they know us here.

Its kinda hard comparing perfection with plebes. :P
Sskiss wrote:On a somewhat related topic, Indra Prime can we talk again about RP'ing?


Re: "Overall Power Ranking" of Species thoughout Knwn Space

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:43 pm
by Neo-Mekanta
Balrogga wrote:
Neo-Mekanta wrote:1. Mekantans
2. Mekantans
3. Mekantans
4. Mekantans
5. Humans
6. Mekantans

That is not believable, Mek placed humans above the lowest Mekantan.

Who edited his post?
Mekantans DO have newborns.

Re: "Overall Power Ranking" of Species thoughout Knwn Space

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:49 am
by Kanuckistan
Kanuckistan doesn't consider any single nation a threat it's incapable of dealing with single-handedly. Only large military alliances are seen as major threats to national security, even befor factoring in the ESUS.

Of course, that view's not entirly consistent with reality. :wink:

Trailers wrote: That should piss everyone off equally.

Why would I be mad? You put me on top.


Re: "Overall Power Ranking" of Species thoughout Knwn Space

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:51 am
by Central Facehuggeria
Kanuckistan wrote: Of course, that view's not entirly consistent with reality. :wink:
*Cough* Too true.

Just kidding. My army isn't up to tackling the Kanuckistani High Guard. Talk to me after being blooded against the Grand Master Planet Eaters.


Arr, Indra's "Great Evil."

Re: "Overall Power Ranking" of Species thoughout Knwn Space

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:35 pm
by Sskiss
Evidently, all of you have misunderstood what I meant.

Re: "Overall Power Ranking" of Species thoughout Knwn Space

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:24 pm
by Central Facehuggeria
Sskiss wrote:Evidently, all of you have misunderstood what I meant.
I understood. I'm just holding off on posting it until I can make it shiny and IC. After all, a report from Facehuggerian intelligence on all you seems like it'd be a lot more amusing than "Kanuck first, blah blah blah." :P

Re: "Overall Power Ranking" of Species thoughout Knwn Space

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:18 pm
by Arizona Nova
Sskiss wrote:Evidently, all of you have misunderstood what I meant.
Yes, but you must understand Sskiss, that any topic one makes has a 5% chance of getting hijacked to /b/dom. It's just a hazard of posting on ESUS, and nothing personal against you. :P

Re: "Overall Power Ranking" of Species thoughout Knwn Space

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:03 pm
by Central Facehuggeria
"Known Galactic Rankings" as compiled by the Second Imperium Intelligence Division. (2IID).


Economy- Overall economic vitality, size, and economic projection.

Military- Fleet strength, experience, observed leadership.

Land Army- Army strength, experience, observed leadership.

Political/Cultural- Ability to influence nations without resorting to military or economic methods.


Nation: Kanuckistan. Classification: Zoophilic Utopia.

Overview: Kanuckistan is one of the largest nations in the known universe, with Kanuckistani citizens showing up wherever there is trouble, often simply for amusement. The nation is inordinately wealthy due to mass foreign exports, and their military is famous for its strength. However, Kanuckistani do not put much effort into exporting their culture along with their goods. A good thing because the Kanuckistani culture rates a whopping ten on the Clinton Moral Corruption Index. The reasons behind this lack of assimilative effort are unknown at this time, for surely the Kanuckstani have the military and economic power to dominate galactic politics.

Economy: As mentioned, the Kanuckistani economy is extremely robust, and is on the threshold of post-scarcity. It is believed that the nation of Kanuckistan possesses the economic clout to outright buy many medium size nations.

Military: The Kanuckistani military is famous throughout the universe for its power. Indeed, old records state that fear of Kanuckstani intervention prevented Imperator Halsey from launching attacks upon the peoples of Arenumberg despite his legendary hatred of Elves. (cREF: +Halsey Journal, Entry 9/9/4000IE+) The Kanuckstani military does not appear to have lost any of its potency. As such, 2IID recommends that the Second Imperium do everything in its power to avoid conflict with the Kanuckistani. Even assuming ideal New Fleet Doctrine (NFD) projections, a conflict with Kanuckistan will be a very costly endevour and is likely to weaken the Second Imperium such to cause potential collapse.

Land Army: While the Kanuckistani fleet is well-known throughout the universe, their army is, in comparison, practically unknown. No records have been discovered of them have fighting in any prolonged land war. As such, they are likely to be inexperienced and unpracticed in the field of war. While their equipment is likely to be highly effective given the Kanuckstani exports, the Kanuckistani army is a far less intimidating foe than their fleet due to their inexperience and the Kanuckistani predelection against civilian casualties.

Political/Cultural- The Kanuckistani wield great influence in the ESUS alliance due to their age and power. Often nations will seek the advice of the Kanuckistani, and they are often the most passionate and skilled debaters when discussing member rights. However, oddly, while they possess this power, they never appear to abuse it as any sane nation would.

Notes: The Kanuckistani have a strange fondness for "Foxgirls" and other furred sentients. As such, 'hairball' jokes are to be avoided when interacting with Kanuckistani citizens.


Nation: Ile Sorne Classification: Democratic Federation

Overview: Created from the union of the nations of Arenumberg and Arizona Nova, the Republic of Ile Sorne is the most massive nation in the ESUS. They are a diverse nation, including many sentient races in an equal partnership for mutual benefit and defense.

Economy: The economy of Ile Sorne is ostensibly larger than that of Kanuckistan, however it is less vivacious and robust. Ile Sorne does not export nearly as much as Kanuckistani companies, and as such, is less powerful overall.

Military: The fleets of Ile Sorne are not as remarkable as those of the Kanuckistani. However, they are of a reasonably high quality, and are fairly numerous, with decent leadership. Overall, the military of Ile Sorne is considered as the standard for all first-universe powers. Mixing the best of Eldarin and Human (Subset: Anikari) design, Ile Sorne fleets are formiddable foes, if less intimidating than those of other powers.

Land Army: Ile Sorne relies heavily upon war-droids and Elvish mobility for the bulk of their land forces. An effective, if mismatched setup. It is believed that the synergy between IS land forces is very low, and as such, a more complementary force can take advantage of this flaw to take apart IS armies piecemeal.

Political/Cultural- Ile Sorne wields power in the ESUS alliance due to their sheer size. When they say something, nations will often listen. However, like the Kanuckistani, they are not large on exporting their culture to others. It is believed that Eldarin arrogance is to blame.

Notes: Arenumberg Elves are to be shown every consideration, no matter how abrasive they may be. The First Imperium was resonsible for gigadeath crimes involving cousin species.


Nation: Torontonias Classification: Capitalist Ogligarchy

Overview: The nation of Torontonias is a large and economically vital nation, with a particularly strong informational technology industry.

Economy: As mentioned, the nation of Torontonias is one of the leaders in informational technology in the universe. Torontonian computer systems are highly popular in all extra-solar markets, and it is believed that the nation of Torontonias is an economic competitor to Kanuckistan and Ile Sorne.

Military: The Torontonias fleet has great potential, however, it is marred by a lack of energy shielding and/or regenerative hull armour, and a lack of large-scale combat experience. Torontonian assets are typically robust and very survivable, possibly due to the capitalist notion that it is easier to repair a capital warship than to replace it. If the Torontonians were to acquire efficient self-repair systems and were to participate in a battle against an equal opponent, 2IID believes they could be an effective competitor to the Ile Sorne fleet.

Land Army: Like their fleet, the Torontonian army has great potential. However, they are untested, and it is not believed that they have had much impetus to advance their doctrines or modernize their equipment. They are fairly numerous, however, and thus effective for long-haul occupations even given their lack of hands-on experience. (Being primarily human without access to intimidating combat droids or power armour also allows them to interact with civilians more comfortably.)

Political/Cultural: Oddly, the Torontonians do not have as much influence in the ESUS alliance that they should. It is believed that their habitual silence is the cause of this. Members often forget the Torontonians are even present, until they open up with a scathing pro-capitalist remark.

Notes: Avoid wearing power armor in Torontonian presence unless engaging in hostility. Facehuggerians are renowned for their powersuits, and doing so will throw off most Torontonians.


Nation: Sskiss Classification: Rigid Biological Hierarchy

Overview: The Sskiss are quite possibly the oldest species in the ESUS. They possess a history stretching backwards millions of years. Curiously, they prefer to use organic technology for all tasks. Descended from hunters, the Sskiss have a primarily predatory mindset tempered by an extremely rigid caste-based hierarchy. Individual Sskiss are completely subservient to their leaders and the good of the species as a whole.

Economy: The Sskiss economy is dangerously dependent upon imports, primarily bulk quantities of anti-matter and neutronium. However, Sskiss space is ripe with valuable resources which they use for trade. Interestingly, they do not use currency of any form, instead preferring a barter system based on trade of precious metals.

Military: The Sskiss fleet is relatively primitive by 2I standards, however it is very numerous, and its biological composition offers unique advantages over standard technology. More importantly, however, is the Sskiss mindset lends itself extremely well to space combat. Sskiss fleet officers are some of the best in the universe, and this allows them to remain competitive even against superior technology.

Land Army: The Sskiss ground army is the only one that Imperator Halsey truly respected. (cREF: +Halsey Journal, 1/5/10240IE+) during his reign. Sskiss warriors are well-armed, biologically tough, and possessed of a predatory intelligence that makes them ideal for warfighting. However, the Sskiss find it very difficult to occupy other nations, preferring to feast upon civilians rather than win their hearts and minds. Even so, individual Sskiss warriors are formidable opponents. it is suggested that 2I warriors do not, under any circumstances allow the Sskiss to get close, for the Sskiss are unstoppable in melee combat.

Cultural/Political: The Sskiss culture is related primarily to Sskiss biology, and does not export well to non-Sskiss. They wield a moderate amount of influence in the ESUS due primarily to their aloofness and advanced age.

Notes: The Sskiss language is highly dependent on body-movement. Do NOT attempt to communicate with the Skiss without a Sskiss-Basic translation device. (Available at all 2I-Sskiss embassies.)


Nation: Neo-Mekanta Classification: Tentacleocracy/Hive Mind/Absolute Dictatorship.

Overview: <Classified Level Cthulhu/OA.>

Economy: Unknown. (Post-Scarcity?)

Military: Unknown. Reports suggest that the new Mekantan fleet is capable of going toe to tentacle with the Kanuckistani High Guard. If hostile <darkship> is detected, immediate use of <BFG> is suggested.

Land Army: Unknown. Swarms of Silicon based life forms have been observed (cREF: Gilgamesh Incident.)

Cultural/Political: Unknown.

Note: Mekantans have an inherent belief in their own superiority. When interacting with Neo-Mekantans, display your strength but do not imply that you are superior to any Mekantan.


This concludes 2IID's report on notable allies in the ESUS.