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Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:38 pm
by Penguenia
He isn't "the federation." His nation is The Fedral Union.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:46 pm
by The Mindset
It doesn't work like that. To me, claiming you're RPing a "federation" of 267 or so worlds is simply a different face on puppet-wanking. Cope with your nations budget, don't make up imaginary ones to fund your wank.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:24 pm
by The Emperor Fenix
*sigh* well i dont know why hes doing it, he didnt give any warning of it. Hes not increased his troops or indeed anything any of you were ver likely to come into contact, i dont see why it metters frankly.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:55 pm
by Central Facehuggeria
The Emperor Fenix wrote:*sigh* well i dont know why hes doing it, he didnt give any warning of it. Hes not increased his troops or indeed anything any of you were ver likely to come into contact, i dont see why it metters frankly.
Get him into a war and that will change faster than a chameleon on a disco ball.

Wanking yourself that many more people is quite simply, cheesy. Oh well. More mouths to feed, and especially defend. Time to break out the slaver fleets again.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:35 pm
by Crossman
Penguenia wrote:
Crossman wrote:Well, he did say that he doesn't use the pop to make omg uber-fleets. I just didn't realize we could RP our population.
You can, but it's wank. I'm all for freeform RP, but springing people out of nowhere is silly.

Well, yeah. That's what I thought.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:37 pm
by Crossman
DemonLordEnigma wrote:I found a way around the population issue. When I start a RP, it's frozen at the NS year I started it and uses the population and ships of that time. An example is the latest Cherry Ridge conflict, where my troops are just adjusting to their new abilities and are still using P3X40s (they were redesignated PL3X40s to reflect the alterations made after that conflict was over). My main fleet, however, is building and using DLEX60s and DLEMB10s.
You've fought Cherry Ridge? Did he GODMOD on you? He used to be in my region, then betrayed us, then we tried to attack him a few times but he always godmodded. Now I just ignore him, since he refuses to do a decent rp.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:40 pm
by Klonor
Technically the IC pop of klonor is well over 10 billion, but I only RP with the pop of my main nation (Klonor itself).

A bit of background info: Each inhabited Klonor system is represented by a created nation. Deneb is represented by Klonor itself, Regulus by Klonor2, Epsilon Pegasi by Klonor3, Gamma Draconis and Ross 128 (The former settled the latter) by Klonor4, and SR-2091 by SR-2091 (That one is actually named since I had originally planed to make SR-2091 a completely independent nation. Maybe a break-away colonoy, sharing a relationship like Britain/USA in RL).

So, on all government reports and official statements of population it's the total of all those nations combined, but since I at least try to avoid Godmodding I only build ships and employ an army that I could support with the original Klonor.

It's worked well for me so far.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:11 pm
by The Emperor Fenix
This info is now very very out of date :D go Rob

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:40 pm
by Wormia
I RP my nations population as it is on NS. The Wormian population lives on one of two planets:

Terralonius III - Wormian Homeworld

Karasitha - International Planet. 13 Nations own parts of 7 continents.[/i]

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:09 am
by Underwater Asylum
I have a trillion populations, but only the billion or so of UA are the ones who do anything important, and so they are the only real ones that count, unless it's recruitment time.