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Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:51 pm
by Five Civilized Nations
Because of the relatively great distance of the Five Civilized Nations, a lot of work has been done to build the fastest FTL drives possible. The fastest drives (but relatively inaccurate) have a range of approximately 1,000 light years. The slower, more accurate drives have a range of approximately 125 light years.

But still, the fastest systems are still the warp gates that connect Sol to my homeworld all the way out there. However, the journey of some 35 million light years still takes some 35 days, approximately a million light years a day.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 7:01 pm
by Metallinauts
Central Facehuggeria wrote: It can be anything from an hour to cross that distance, to ten thousand years to negative years. (As in, depending on needs of plot, you can actually arrive *before* you left. :P)
Someone has been inspired by the Warp a little too much.....

My FTL is a long caluclation and very energy consuming. Yet it is very fast. The system folds the void of space and we just cruise of the newer shorter distance. Though the only systems that can run during this process would be Sensors, Life Support and a few other essentials. This is an expiramental form of FTL. Soon the will be no power black out necessary. The total time including calculation and travel, roughly 9 1/2 hours.

The standard FTLi uses slipstream type propuslion. We kind of phase out of this dimension into one where distances are shorter and phase back out onto this plane. This version is low power but slower. The journey would roughly take 20-40 hours.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:39 pm
by Rupil
I'd like to tone down my FTL spped benchmarks by half or more. I always assumed that the galaxy was a lot bigger than it is.