General debate and discussion. (OOC)
Central Facehuggeria
Site Admin
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Joined: Wed Jun 09, 2004 1:29 am
Prefix: The Second Imperium of
Name: Central Facehuggeria

Post by Central Facehuggeria »

I saw it some time ago, but I haven't had the ability to put my thoughts down... until I made this for another board:

"Please tell me that you haven't heard military gossip about a fleet of invisible battleplates."
Posts: 2595
Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2004 3:29 am
Prefix: The
Name: Metallinautsi Federation

Post by Metallinauts »

Take Off Every Zig For Great Justice!
Posts: 2038
Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:27 pm
Prefix: The Glorious Hellenic Empire
Name: Trailers

Post by Trailers »

I can see it now: Brokeback Thermopolyae.

(Bad hillbilly accent) "Ah wish ah could quet yoo Leonidas"
Traileric Empire

Guide our souls to the Elysium Fields
Bear us home upon our shields
Lay coins across our brows and sound the bells
We're paying our fare on the river to Hell
And when our sons and mothers lay us upon the funeral pyre
Tell them we died Hellenic soldiers with our faces to the fire
ESUS Testicle Monster
Posts: 2996
Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2004 1:59 am

Post by Kanuckistan »

Central Facehuggeria wrote:I saw it some time ago, but I haven't had the ability to put my thoughts down... until I made this for another board:

*backhands CF*

Quit getting teh ghey in my mindless violence, damnit!! :x

ESUS Danza Slap
Posts: 778
Joined: Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:30 pm

Post by Kreshh »

Kinda brings a whole new meaning to 'the hot gate,' don't it?
I've only ever asked God for one thing: "Lord, make my enemies ridiculous," and he granted my request.

My immediate advice is to go buy Brewsters. It is a dictionary, and a quite fine one. This you should use to bludgeon yourself comatose each and every night, in the faint hope that some of the knowledge contained in it might be transferred. If not, it would at least leave you damaged enough that you wouldn't be coming here and violate our senses with your retarded babble.
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