Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Zerstorendar »

The Pokemon games were fucking sweet. Pokemon Silver was the crowning masterpiece of the GBA.

It also seems to be a recurring theme that people are forced into Firefly and quickly learn to love it. Insofar as to be myself, it was my older brother that chucked it in my face and went "WATCH IT OR DIE", and with my "hurrr" facial expression on and a critical mind I quickly learned to love almost everybody on board that epic, epic bucket of bolts they call a spaceship.

As for loving/hating Firefly, there are only two options: being a non-faggot, and being this: http://users.livejournal.com/_allecto_/34718.html
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Telros »

I want to hurt the LJ person a lot.
Pyramid Facehugger would be fucking brutal. I don't know if I'll ever get to sleep with the thought of that genocidal rape behemoth rampaging through the large-eyed schoolgirls swimming in a sea of biceps that populate my subconscious.

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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Kanuckistan »

Ah, Firefly. Good show, tho I apreciate it more now. And I didn't need someone else to force me to recognise a good thing.

Also, Space: Above and Beyond. Fun show for the one season it had befor Fox killed it.
Zerstorendar wrote:The Pokemon games were fucking sweet. Pokemon Silver was the crowning masterpiece of the GBA.
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Metallinauts »

When I find the author of this, you all can start writing to me in prison...
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Kostemetsia »

As far as this goes, though, Futurama. And the expanded universe thereof, i.e. fan stuff. Fry and Leela may just be the best animated / all sci-fi couple in history.

Doctor Who is win. I've never watched Serenity or Firefly.
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Naggeroth »

've never really understood the attraction of the Star Wars films. The acting is wooden, the characters are two dimensional, the plot is tacky and cliche. The only thing going for those movies is the special effects and set design. That's why I can't understand why people prefer the original series over the prequels. The prequels, to my mind, are clearly superior, quite simply because they're prettier. Star Wars never had anything other than that to its credit.
Well excluding the fact that you're wrong on the acting and characters (I could go indepth, but frankly its not worth the argument) I prefer the effects in the old movie because they actually give you the feeling what your seeing is real rather then a very noticablly computer generated enviroment. Using the old Models and touching up certine areas with special effects (the weapons/engines/shields) actually works better then "Oh look at me I'm so flashy we do almost the entire film in front of a greenscreen!"
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Celestial Seibutsu »

The Mindset wrote:I've never really understood the attraction of the Star Wars films. The acting is wooden, the characters are two dimensional, the plot is tacky and cliche. The only thing going for those movies is the special effects and set design. That's why I can't understand why people prefer the original series over the prequels. The prequels, to my mind, are clearly superior, quite simply because they're prettier. Star Wars never had anything other than that to its credit.
Honestly, the reason the OS are more liked it because the prequels have a story. Wooden acting, two dimensional characters, and tacky plot all roll rampant through Star Wars, I agree, but there's that strange draw of such a well thought out universe that makes Star Wars attractive. Why OS is so much more appreciated is because there's that small ounce of real story in it. The prequels are nothing but special effects with a story just thrown into the background. The OS actually has a minor story to it, which makes it slightly desirable. I personally think the third episode was the best honestly. Whiny little bitch aside, most of the characters start to have a third dimension to them. That might just be me though, as I effectively watched the series in order instead of 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3. I saw 4, 5, and 6 when I was a kid, but I didn't really remember them as I was so young. I remembered the big bang zoom fight between Luke and Vader at the end, but I didn't remember that Vader was Anakin(so yes, I sat through that terrible kiss between Luke and Leia for the first time knowing they were brother and sister).
Central Facehuggeria wrote:
Celestial Seibutsu wrote:to the point I've read almost all the SW books.
My condolences. There is some pretty crappy stuff in the SW EU.
No fucking kidding. There's also some good stuff too. There's a few real authors that write in the SW EU.
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Solar Communes »

The only good thing in SW EU is that mercenary from the FPS Dark Forces, which I've played years ago, because he sounds like a sort of SW-equivalent of Doomguy meets Duke Nukem. And in that game, it seems like the Imperial Stormtrooper School of Marksmaship did a better job than on the movies because they can actually hit you there.

Also, there should really be an easter egg that allows you to kill Jar Jar Binks in one of the SW games.
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Solar Communes wrote:The only good thing in SW EU is that mercenary from the FPS Dark Forces, which I've played years ago, because he sounds like a sort of SW-equivalent of Doomguy meets Duke Nukem. And in that game, it seems like the Imperial Stormtrooper School of Marksmaship did a better job than on the movies because they can actually hit you there.
Ah, Kyle Katarn. In later games he becomes a kickass [ie not wussy at all] Jedi. He's sorta like the SW equivelent of Chuck Norris.
Also, there should really be an easter egg that allows you to kill Jar Jar Binks in one of the SW games.
Well, there is The Force Unleashed, which has Jar-Jar frozen in carbonite as an easter egg.
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Otagia »

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