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Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:31 pm
by Arizona Nova
Derscon wrote:
Arizona Nova wrote:Yes, I've been surprised by TFU in your IRC so far, Derscon. I mean I see glimpses of Old Rob, but I'm becoming uncertain that New Rob is only a facade.

The world is upside down. D:
It's been like this before. THis is nothing new. I'm not convinced yet.
Maybe. Yet, this sudden July Spring that NS has been experiencing, I dunno. It makes my ancient, calloused, bitter beef jerky heart stir, and question all its assumptions.


NEWS FLASH: TFU apparently ended US's brief stint at being a resurgent manipulative cunt recently by not bowing to his will after US invited him into the security council to use him. He's a fukken hero.


Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:31 am
by The Cerberus Alliance
Bryn proceeds to offer a "let's make Hermes the center of the universe" treaty, and refuses any changes that make the treaty much more reasonable. Truly a wise scholar and diplomat, there. The word "compromise" was never in his vocabulary, and now the rest if the universe must somehow pay for letting someone with his level of ignorance become so powerful. I believe that if we expose his thoughts to the galaxy, the destructive force of even 0.05% of the galactic population facepalming in response should be enough to wipe him off the map.

Unlike him, however, I will not use this OOC information to guide my interpretations of his actions. What was plainly displayed over normal diplomatic channels have allowed the Cerberan Protectorate to view Bryn and his lackeys as little more than an over-aggressive puppet network.


Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:14 am
by Arizona Nova
see: my latest post in the GA thread


Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:27 pm
by Telros
Indeed. And seeing as the GA is a good body for these kinds of things, when NOT under the control of Hermes and the corrupting idiocy of Bryn, I may move the headquarters to my space and have it be there, tho I'm sure they will object.

Also I will be helping TRIAD and SC move the meeting in a more peaceful direction and try to work out something. Hermes won't be involved, since they aren't there anymore, but I will do my best to see something worked out. If the ESUS nations there want to help mold what we do, feel free to work with my delegate. I also kinda had to have my delegate verbally bitchslap TGLT since his delegate was getting WAY too whiny.


Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:45 pm
by Sskiss
I'd like to tell all of you all those who are within IRON, that we are cooking up a neferious Sskiss grade plot!

It goes something like this; In the event of war, we will watch for awhile and see how things proceed. If IRON proves to be winning, we will, in true clandestine fashion join IRON by use of our stealth warships. If Hermes is winning, we will throw in all fleet assets, including mining and production and try to get other ESUS members to join in to crush the Hermes alliance.

In the event that there is no war, we will again, in a clandestine manner make arrangemnets to join IRON - very secretive arrangements. If agreed upon, which we feel would be likely. We will begin colonizing in earnest.

The only problem I see is that Bryn Shander will find OOC reasons not to ever loose any battle and start meta gaming, wanking and so on.

Arizona Nova: Your posts on the thread (which I enjoyed immensly) are a scream! :mrgreen:


Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:32 pm
by Telros
Oooh me likey that plan.


Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:47 pm
by Sskiss
Indeed Telros, I'm writing a post to that effect now...


Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:44 pm
by Sskiss
Post is complete....

Yes, we are scheming bastards! Perhaps the stereotype of the plundering vulture-like tick ridden Sskiss may have some truth... :lol:


Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:53 pm
by Central Facehuggeria
Sskiss wrote: The only problem I see is that Bryn Shander will find OOC reasons not to ever loose any battle and start meta gaming, wanking and so on.
Then you RKKV his planets and go home. :P


Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:35 pm
by Arizona Nova
Sskiss wrote:Arizona Nova: Your posts on the thread (which I enjoyed immensly) are a scream! :mrgreen:
Thank you sir! Your posts were also bright spots in an otherwise dreary affair.

SC, I'd hoped you would post theme music for your next post!