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Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Facehuggerians don't go for the Mekantans because they're scared shitless of them. They know that if they attack the Mekantans and fail to wipe them out in the first strike, they'll be raped by bladed tentacles until they all expire.

This is not at all helped by history books and various entertainment productions which paint the Mekantan/Neo-Mekantan/Facehuggerian war as one of the most destructive and bloody conflicts in Facehuggerian history. Or, for that matter, the Mekantan-fetishist porn imports.

They're not nearly so scared of the Kanuckistani, even though the Kanuckistani are more powerful than they are, because the Kanuckistani paint themselves as a benevolent force. As such, they won't start mass gang-tentacle rapes of the surviving population.

As for other races: Ironically, were it not for the fact that Elves are, well, Elves, they'd be close enough to human to qualify as full Facehuggerian citizens. The only reason the Elves are near the top of the 'exterminate when viable' list is that the Facehuggerian Emperor has a rather serious grudge against them. This will of course change in the next few weeks as the pieces are set and the cogs of war start grinding, but that's in the future.

Sskiss are a rather special case. Facehuggerians almost consider them akin to... not really parents, but forebearers. Uncles, if you will. They're from Earth and have motives that most Facehuggerians can identify with. (Survival, advancement of the species,) and they're even better at ground warfare than Facehuggerians, who pride themselves on their armies. (In fact, the only reason that a Facehuggerian army could break even against an equivelent Sskiss force is because of all the firepower and especially nukes.) -They mate animal cunning with sapient intellect, and whenever a Facehuggerian Legion-Commander looks at holobooks from the ESUS archives dealing with the Sskiss/Torontonian fighting during the Metallinauts Civil War, they shudder and are forced to privately admit that they wouldn't have fared much better than the poor Tories in the same situation.

Sskiss are like the uncle that you bribe into doing things. *Nods.*

Anyway, the list of Extermination:

1. Actively malevolent forces with the stated desire and, more importantly, the ability to eliminate the human race.

~+~ Protocol 201: Highest priority! If a Type I race is encountered, dedicate all available resources to its total annihilation!~+~

OOC Note: Ironically, the Facehuggerian 'God' is a member of a Type I race. Though he himself is not looking to eliminate the human/Facehuggerian race. Other than that, the Facehuggerians have never actually encountered a Type I race, and they never expect to (arrogance and all that.)

2. Elves. Ref national subset: 'Noldorin/Menalmacari/C'tan'

~+~ "Tactical assessment: Avoid contact whenever possible until armament levels have reached 5471.042% increase from IE 10012 levels.

Suggestion: Begin full scale mobilization and upgrade of mothballed fleet assets. Initiate massive scale buliding and resourcing operation. Perform research to demoralize Noldorin civilian population centers. Cultivate fear amongst civilian units. Target Noldorin children for processing into infiltration servitors. Incorporate Noldorin into Facehuggerian religion as lesser 'demons.' Release mutilated Elf slaves as infection units." -Report compiled by General Septimus' personal AI unit. ~+~

3. Nonhuman races with high potential to become a threat to humanity.

~+~ Historical reference: "Why wait until the Xenos are at our gates when we can kill them all with a relativistic asteroid today?" -Star General Septimus justifying the fuel expenditure of redirecting an asteroid into the previously peaceful planet of Endor, IE 6021. ~+~

4. Nonhuman races which are presently a high threat to humanity.

~+~ Historical reference: "See here? This is one of the creatures who lived on Zeta-Fraguli-IIa. They thought they could raid human frontier settlements. There is no planet called Zeta-Fraguli-IIa today. Draw your own conclusions." -Imperial Museum exibit for Type IV Races. ~+~

5. Human races which consort with alien races, and put alien interests before human ones.

~+~ Religious citation: "Ye brothers may be led astray by the silver tongued alien! Yet never forget that in every human breast beats a human heart! No man or woman is beyond redemption! Freeman welcomes all humanity with his crowbar, for all can further the cause of good; though they not it not! Let not your eyes be blinded by petty hatreds between brothers when the true monsters, the Elves and Xenos still draw breath!" -The Book of Lambda, 66:60. ~+~

6. Nonhuman allies.

~+~ Statement of Policy: "We've been part of the ESUS for a long time now. Why should we waste resources tearing it apart from within just to get at a few aliens? No, we have bigger Xeno-fish to fry." -Senator Liffen, IE 3006. ~+~

7. Human races who's long term goals are not conductive to human supremacy. See also: allies.

~+~ Historical citation: "Yeah, those Xenoniers guys are crazy. It's a good crazy, though. Really decadent, but we can forgive them that. Now if only they realized that aliens are not for orgies, but for killing! Well, excuse me, but I have to break in a new elf wench." ->>Name Withheld<<, cited in Imperial Times, copyright IE 10260. ~+~

8. Exceptions. Nonhumans which are more useful exploited than dead.

~+~ Present list of exceptions and reasons:

Wookies -Gladitorial combatants. Pets.
Kilrathi -Gladitorial combatants.
Sskiss -Gladitorial combatants. Mercenaries.
Twi'lek -Distilled Twi'lek brain material is used in the production of high potency aphrodesiacs.
Kaleesh -Leather boots.
Gungans -Veal.
Sentient Mold -Penicilin production.
Intelligent shades of the color 'blue' -Research.
Lobstermen ->>Entry 'Lobstermen' does not exist. Are you sure you have the right species?<< ~+~
Last edited by Argheraal on Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Arizona Nova
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Post by Arizona Nova »

The Hug wrote: Kalee -Leather boots
What did the Kaleesh do wrong? You must veriously dislike IS then, especially now that we have psionic fish.
[center]Wit ye well, that when no good men remain to stand against those who choose evil, what will remain to restrain them from unleashing their dark designs?[/center]

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Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Arizona Nova wrote:
The Hug wrote: Kalee -Leather boots
What did the Kaleesh do wrong? You must veriously dislike IS then, especially now that we have psionic fish.
They did nothing wrong per se. It's just that their skin makes such fashionable boots that they've been added onto the 'exploit' list rather than the 'exterminate' list. :)
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Post by Kanuckistan »

Central Facehuggeria wrote: Sentient Mold -Penicilin production.

I'm sure they'd be happy to help, even if it involved killing lots of their biomass.
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Post by Metallinauts »

Central Facehuggeria wrote: Gungans -Veal.
Ewwww... your people are allowed to eat Gungans? :P
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Arizona Nova
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Post by Arizona Nova »

The Church of St. Paul stipulates that unclean animals cannot even eat Gungans.
[center]Wit ye well, that when no good men remain to stand against those who choose evil, what will remain to restrain them from unleashing their dark designs?[/center]

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The Mindset
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Post by The Mindset »

On the contrary, if The Mindset as a nation still existed, it'd eat ALL your races with a nice Chiante. They wouldn't care if it caused a diplomatic incident, or if the race was sentient or unclean. They'd eat it anyway.
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Post by Neo-Mekanta »

The Mindset wrote:On the contrary, if The Mindset as a nation still existed, it'd eat ALL your races with a nice Chiante. They wouldn't care if it caused a diplomatic incident, or if the race was sentient or unclean. They'd eat it anyway.
Which means the only two Ally Eaters left are Neo-Mekanta and Sskiss, unless I missed someone...

... I'm going to rape you all so hard your various orifaces will be an unending river of blood, and when I'm finally done with everything from your eye sockets to your arsehole, I'm going cut new holes to use...
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Post by Torontonias »

Central Facehuggeria wrote: Anyway, the list of Extermination:

I just want to ask CF, where on the List does Torontonias fall now that it has incorporated the Nubians into the Autocrasy?

Although no one has seen them since my only major RPing is through the GFFA-ESUS War which is taking place in the same timeline (Which I want to get over with before I advance away) so they can't instantly disseminate through the Nation in a split second.

However, any new RPing would feature prominently my new race which was introduced in my Dawn of a New Age RP with Megas. There is a second instalment in the works but RL has been getting in the way recently.

The Nubians are a Sentient Reptillian Humanoid Race. They are Bipedal and Physically superior to Torontonian Stock, but the lack the Motivation or Leadership to rebel against their inferior status in Torontonian society ...Just yet.
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Arizona Nova
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Post by Arizona Nova »

They hold not a candle to the stiff-necked sons of Kalee.
[center]Wit ye well, that when no good men remain to stand against those who choose evil, what will remain to restrain them from unleashing their dark designs?[/center]

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