k buy

General debate and discussion. (OOC)
The Cerberus Alliance
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Re: k buy

Post by The Cerberus Alliance »

I'm just trying to find an RP that I can actually feel motivated about participating in. Most are stalling before I can feel comfortable with throwing characters and/or fleets into the fray.
This won't end well.
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Re: k buy

Post by Derscon »

I'm still around...ish...

and while I didn't know you all that well, It's still sad to see any respected member of the Old Guard go. :(
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Re: k buy

Post by Otagia »

The Cerberus Alliance wrote:I'm just trying to find an RP that I can actually feel motivated about participating in. Most are stalling before I can feel comfortable with throwing characters and/or fleets into the fray.
I know what you mean. Most tend to be either noobfests, closed, or as you said, stall (I blame me).
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Re: k buy

Post by Xenonier »

In case this is indeed a permanent goodbye, it's been interesting, Mindset. Sure, we've all grown terribly disillusioned with NS, but I don't think I'd have enjoyed NS as much another way and that's a homage to everyone. Have a good time, wherever you may be headed.
Last edited by Guest on Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: k buy

Post by Siesatia »

I Agree with AZN, I don't view the ESUS in this whole, Twilight thing, if we wanted to, we could rebound as strong as ever... If mindset is truely gone, we need to find a secondary Senior Admin, and I have an idea on who it will be. (Not me, heck no!)

And if need be, I can take the domain under my account on Go Daddy, and if worse comes to worse and Mindset can't continue hosting due to some unforseeable circumstance, we can transfer it onto my own hosting service, Wiki and all.

The ESUS is the greatest community on the internet, we've all literally grown up with each other, half a decade at this point. I think the community itself has the ability to continue for a much longer time, we're a group of very intelligent people with a wide range of abilities, contacts, and interests.

The one thing I disagree with that has happened is we opened up the General Chat, when we did that, activity kinda dropped off. Is it Elitist? Yes, who the heck cares, it was our private chat section, if we wanted to talk with the rest of NS, we would make General Chat posts in the NS General Chat.

I'm going to be getting a new bank which isn't stuck in the stoneage and has online banking, which means I'll be able to deal with all these online transactions, so this may become rather easy as pay pal becomes accessable.
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Re: k buy

Post by Trailers »

Jesus Christ..he's right. I've been with you guys since at least early '05.

We're like family without the awkward thanksgivings.
Traileric Empire

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Re: k buy

Post by Siesatia »

Who knows, when someone needs somewhere to stay over the holidays and they're nearby, who knows what craziness might occur.

"Meet Central-Face-Hugger, he's a meglomaniac mech-phile with a penchant for destruction, death, and decay and a love of tentacles. He needs a place to stay for a while."

Dear god no... XD
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Re: k buy

Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Mechaphile?! Grah! GRAAAAH!
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Re: k buy

Post by Arizona Nova »

You've awakened the beast! Ye gods, what HAVE YOU DONE?!
[center]Wit ye well, that when no good men remain to stand against those who choose evil, what will remain to restrain them from unleashing their dark designs?[/center]

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Re: k buy

Post by The Mindset »

I just checked, and the domain name is valid until August 2008. This will probably be my last post, at least for a long time, provided nothing serious happens to the forums.
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