Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

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ESUS Testicle Monster
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Kanuckistan »

Solar Communes wrote:The "interdimensional" is just an excuse for me to enforce Special Relativity in Solar Communes home systems so I won't be completely annihilated. And because it makes space flight and combat completely different from the usual NS-grade FT RP.

Well personally, I've always fought sublight, if that's what you mean.

Will this be hindering sublight drives, reactors, or other non-FTL tech?
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Solar Communes »

Kanuckistan wrote:
Solar Communes wrote:The "interdimensional" is just an excuse for me to enforce Special Relativity in Solar Communes home systems so I won't be completely annihilated. And because it makes space flight and combat completely different from the usual NS-grade FT RP.

Well personally, I've always fought sublight, if that's what you mean.

Will this be hindering sublight drives, reactors, or other non-FTL tech?
Gravitics propulsion that wank-accelerate at 100000g and similar won't work, but antimatter drives, metallic hydrogen fusion and anything more or less reasonable will work. Again, this does not necessarily equates not being badass, because I would be unfair if I didn't allow others to possess X/GRASERS Invisible Death Rays in Battleplates or alike. Same about kamikaze ships with superhuge Hadron/Whatever Colliders inside for you know what.
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Kanuckistan »

Sounds bad for my pulsed singularity Hawking reactors, solid-state decadence conversion reactors, reactionless rotational-potential-turned-linear-actual drives(also used in coil form in slugthrowers and particle beams), and inertialess uncertainty-based Steaming Linear Displacement Drive System.

Which neatly kills all my military everything. And most of everything else.

The lasing rods will still work, and the gyros, computers, entanglement datalinks, sensors, but the dual-purpose warhead won't detonate, or power missile drive systems that won't work either. Maybe I should tie it with a bow and hope your engineers accidentally breach the passive neutronium superfluid fuel containment while looking for candy?


What about active gravitic scans? I use those alot. Needs uber-weak(hard to spot even with the right gear-type weak) gravity waves.

Of course, there's always reality-tweaking ASPEW. :mrgreen:
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Solar Communes »

reactionless rotational-potential blah blah blah
OMG My brain is seizing with Technobabble! :shock:

Degenerate Matter and Gravity scans are all right. And the Law of Inertia is another one which complements the Special Relativity package.

As for using a singularity for power... more likely whatever contains it from sucking the entire spacecraft would fail* :twisted:

*Not really, I'm just joking. As long as your singularity engine doesn't do ridiculously absurd accelerations, it's OK. But still, a Chernobyl³ involving a Singularity would be an interesting premise for a RP
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Kanuckistan »

The Hawking Reactor compresses a bit of normal matter(usually neutronium, to save storage volume) into a singularity, then harvests the resulting thermal pulse as it immediately and naturally decays via Hawking radiation. Smaller the hole, the exponentially greater the speed as which it decays.

The other reactors take a neutron stream and field-induce it's decay; more efficient but it doesn't yet scale up too well, and is rather less conducive to bomb-ification.

So it looks like I have plenty of power, but no propulsion?
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Solar Communes »

So it looks like I have plenty of power, but no propulsion?
Wouldn't you have nanites, advanced construction robots or something that could "improvise" the construction an exhaust port to propel the byproducts of some of these reactors?
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Kanuckistan »

Solar Communes wrote: Wouldn't you have nanites, advanced construction robots or something that could "improvise" the construction an exhaust port to propel the byproducts of some of these reactors?

Not an issue - just wanted to see what would work. Or, rather, what wouldn't.

I know my shields wouldn't work, for example - most wouldn't, I imagine, but mine use uncertainty fields, induced zero-point particle emission, etc., etc. Luckily I have good armour.
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Trailers »

I'd be boned as well, as I use less techno-babbled Hawking Reactors, and bundled grav fields are what I use in railguns as oppossed to magnetic polarity switches
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Solar Communes »

Electromagnetic Reactive Armor, which also is standard issue for all armored vehicles.

Except it projects a much stronger field than what these projects intend to thanks to -not named yet unobtainium- with a 5 times higher magnetic saturation level than that of iron which also makes coilguns feasible.
Gunner: "Commander, we have incoming fire from the south"
Commander: "Roger Gun....Driver, increase power to the port shields..."
Driver: "On it.."
I'd be boned as well, as I use less techno-babbled Hawking Reactors, and bundled grav fields are what I use in railguns as oppossed to magnetic polarity switches
Then it's not really a railgun, it's a grav gun.

Don't worry, we can sell you gauss cannons and metallic hydrogen fusionable rounds that need only 0.01c to detonate and can be fired from even recoilless rifles(Davy Crocket LOL), albeit you really ought to have a huge open field to avoid blowing up as well(except if you are a suicide bomber). And just the standard depleted uranium penetrator fired at relativistic speeds which theoretically releases as much energy as if it was made of antimatter.

I have a question though. Does quantum entanglement conserves the entire characteristics of amplified light so a laser beam coming from one side will return perfectly like it was before to its receiver?
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Kanuckistan »

I think Quantum Entanglement does whatever you want it to; iRL, iirc, it's useless for even comms.

I use Contextual Thermal Entanglement(CTE), however - unified thermal state, with the specific heat being the sum of that of the two entangled bits.

I also have access to large amounts of cheap antimatter, can process it into self-contained MEAN(Micro-Encapsulated Antimatter Nodules - looks like black sand), and put it in smallarm bullets. :mrgreen:

My armour starts with Nuclear(bond)-Enhanced Silver(NES) and goes up to the designer materials of SAPL(sub-atomic particle lattice). Superconducting and Neutronium Laminate layers are also common in composite.
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