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Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:28 am
by Trailers
Zerstorendar wrote:I have no idea what made me rage the most in that sentence.
All of it.

Kanuck's good at that.

Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:42 am
by Central Facehuggeria
Kanuckistan wrote: No, that's an actual bone she's wearing as a strap-on - Zerstie's just compensating for my bioweaponing her people into a bunch of pre-teen girls for Mekanta.

That's so going into the "Kanuckistan" expansion of ESUS: The Gathering when I get around to making it.

Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:04 am
by Kanuckistan
Sskiss wrote: Kanuckistan, I have for the last while have come to the conclusion that you are a salesman! If you're not, you should be!
...I'm not sure if I should be flattered or insulted.


Sskiss wrote: ...but we couldn't sustain ourselves on it indefinatly because it lacks calories.
Like I said, ain't biotech grand? :wink:

Also, hydrocarbon-rich ice moon + orbital fusion lamps + seed stocks + trace supplements(maybe) = food by the megaton. 8)
Sskiss wrote: As for "growing meat" we do that but use tubs or vats that contain a nutrient fluid and just add some base cellular culture and viola! You get the meat item of you choice! Its that simple.

However, there is an advantage to handing the process over to self-contained organisms - you don't need any infrastructure and little or no support.

Central Facehuggeria wrote: ...ESUS: The Gathering...

Do tell.

Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:50 am
by Zerstorendar
This thread is now about ESUS: The Gathering?


Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:24 pm
by Sskiss
Kanuckistan wrote:...I'm not sure if I should be flattered or insulted.

Well, that would depend on what you think about salesmen now, would it?

I'll leave that up to you....
Kanuckistan wrote: Like I said, ain't biotech grand? :wink:
Perhaps it is, however, we are predators....

We simply don't feel the need to change nature as we have found out eons ago that if you do, sooner or later you end up getting kicked in the head so to speak. We simply take what already exists within natural world and just find more efficient ways to produce it. Quite simply, our system works well enough for our needs.
Kanuckistan wrote:Also, hydrocarbon-rich ice moon + orbital fusion lamps + seed stocks + trace supplements(maybe) = food by the megaton. 8)
Possible. You may still have to take into account the overall temperature of the moon in question - even taking into account the fusion lamps.
Kanuckistan wrote:Indeed.

However, there is an advantage to handing the process over to self-contained organisms - you don't need any infrastructure and little or no support.
Trust me on this, we are doing just fine....

Our methods are more efficient than you might think.

Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 8:22 pm
by Central Facehuggeria
Kanuckistan wrote: Do tell.
I've decided to revisit the old ESUS: MtG concept and flesh it out.

Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 8:33 pm
by Torontonias

Rather Dangerous FTL: Foldspace FTL, if you don’t take the time to calculate/chart out where you want to go, and just Fold randomly, you could fold into the center of a planet. While many nations may do this, Torontonias doesn’t have Advanced AI to calculate it for us, the bulk of the calculations are done manually with computer assistance (1-2) Hmm....Interesting, could have strategic implications.

Currently under the reign of a borderline megalomaniac: Garrett Perkins has gone from a properly appointed leader to a dictator extending his term through serial clones. Although this hasn’t led to widespread Civil Unrest due to a large disconnect from the electoral system. (1-2) This may be a transient issue but in the meantime can be a problem....

Lack of Shielding Technology: Torontonias still does not have shielding technology or substitute, and as shown in its last wide scale military engagement, it leads to massive losses in any modern fleet battles. (3-4) Nasty... and Ouch!

Privatized Research Labs: If the price is right, just about any research can be carried out at Torontonian Laboratories, which can lead to disastrous consequences for surrounding areas. (1-2) Ah, the old killer bug escapes from lab scenerio....Another classic!

Navy is a Bureaucratic Mess: The Torontonian Navy is organized as the Torontonian Spatial Defense Commission, which means that its “Brass� is actually a series of government committees that meet and decide everything from Mobilization Levels to Budgets to upgrades and research. With several levels in each stage, decision-making takes much longer than it should, even in times of war. (2-3) Quite problematic...

Army is Woefully unequipped and experienced: In the middle of a refit that has been tied up in decision making for several centuries, the Torontonian Armed Forces is an organization that hasn’t seen actual ground combat since the Metallinauti Civil War, back when we FIRST encountered the Sskiss, which was some time ago. (2-3) And wasn't that loads of fun....

Populace is largely ground under: Centuries under a system that treats you more like an Imput of Production and less of a person has a way of grounding out all free-will and creativity in a populace. Which means most Torontonian cultural works are uninspired and largely imported from more “inspired� nations. (1) Not a great weakness but an interesting one nontheless.

Economy is extremely interlinked: Since entry into the ESUS, the Torontonian Economy, while a powerhouse of the Alliance, has also become extremely intertwined with other Galactic Systems. So events which are completely disconnected from Torontonias, such as Waffle Buying Rush in the Cerberus Alliance can have rippling effects on the integrated Torontonian economy. To say “What is the price of Meat in the Sskissian Empire� is taken quite seriously in a Torontonian marketplace (1) I rated it a 1. It would have been higher if your economy wasn't all that powerful.

Scientific Community is separated and independent from National Juristiction: This has led to a gradual relaxation of morals and ethics in the community and has led to some of very grotesque experiments. As well, its fleet of research vessels administered through the “Torontonias Space Program� are ill equip to handle threats from Pirates and generally follow a strategy of avoidance. (2-3) Another nasty problem to be sure....

Totally Connected: Being one of the earlier members to join the alliance, the Torontonian way of life has completely been enveloped by the Union; everything done in Torontonias is more of a coalescence of every other culture in the alliance. Although it does not partake in some of the more extreme natures of alliance members, it means that many Torontonians cannot define what it is to be “Torontonian� only what it means to be in the “Extra-Solar Union of Systems�. Which makes whipping up a nationalist fervor ‘in defense of the nation’ particularly difficult. (2) Somewhat problematic - especially in times of war - loss of identity and all that.

Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:34 am
by Kanuckistan
...remind me to try and export the state religon sometime. 8)

Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 4:19 am
by Arenumberg
Please dont.

Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 5:27 am
by Arizona Nova
I do wonder how averse you'd be to a cathedral now... :twisted: