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Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:28 pm
by Aegeus
Way to shaft me mekanta :D

Yeah, after this abttle my engeneers are going tot ry to figure out how the eff your guns were screwing with my power grid, but I've got a tempoerary solution for now :D

here's a hint:

Elcerophants + energy = pwnsauce.

Oh, and white-text below for you mekanta.


Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:44 am
by Metallinauts
Trailers this is via battlenet

Mekanta, are you ignoring me?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:21 am
by Otagia
Shivan sex, eh? Go ahead, and don't spare any sordid details. ;)

And something I've always wondered... What does a Shivan look like sans crab-like robotic exoskeleton?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:28 am
by Central Facehuggeria
blaesa wrote:Shivan sex, eh? Go ahead, and don't spare any sordid details. ;)
Ten schoolgirls says that it involves tentacles.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:20 am
by Neo-Mekanta
Metallinauts wrote:Trailers this is via battlenet

Mekanta, are you ignoring me?
Did someone hear something? And where's Metallinauts? I haven't seen him around...

Actually, with so many damn participants in that fight, I can only open up on a few people at a time.

Shivans apparently have ADD.

A Worldflleet Shivan, sans mechanical crab-shell... Look like unshelled crabs. After birth, a Shivan (full-grown) looks a lot like how they look with the mechanical crab shells, only minus the mechanical-ness. The powerskeleton is an adaptation for the military caste, as are other enhancements.

Shivans have a queen-like caste, whose sole purpose is to lay eggs. They're pretty much genetic blanks, and genetic material (any kind, Shivans don't really have reproductive organs) is fed into the egg, which absorbs resources from a concentrated soup-like atmosphere like the Shivans natural environment. When it's fully grown, a full-grown Shivan bursts out. The whole process takes about two terran-standard years. They also have a small measure of genetic memory, and all warriors are derived from the same genetic stock, so creating an average pilot/operator/marine of the warrior caste only takes four or five years from egg laying to hatching. Given that a Shivan queen lays anywhere three to seven hundred eggs per day, Shivans have an explosive population growth. Even after a crippling defeat, their rapid production and retraining can bring a full recovery in less than a decade.

That's the other scary factor. The war will introduce the SI Tartarus. Anyone familiar with Freespace designations will know that "SI" is no doubt equivalent to the "GTI" in GTI Arcadia. The Tartarus serves as the center of Shivan support and administrative services. Or rather, clusters of them do. A single dock from an SI Tartarus can churn out a fully equipped SD Demon with full fighter and bomber wings in two days. The average Tartarus has between four and twelve docks, depending on the installation. A single Tartarus can keep a fleet of two hundred of Demons, or fifty Sathanases, supplied for three years if it stops production. Eris will, in the first part of the war, have fifteen Tartarus installations jump in. This will be expressed as an "outpost" of the Shivans.

Wanking to an obscene degree, I know, but hey... They're Shivans.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:35 pm
by Neo-Mekanta
Attention all chronomancers and missile addicts!

The Shivan Worldfleet has an announcement to make: You don't have to go home, but you can't stay in Eris. If you want to make a last stand, or a token resistance, I'll delay bringing in the SI Charon and flinging everyone to some distant star system in a massive Shivan "GET THE FUCK OUT" expression.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:20 pm
by Trailers
What about long ranged artillery that ACTS like missiles, but is really just a super advanced form of rail gun? :o

(Atlas sling!)

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:42 pm
by Neo-Mekanta
Trailers wrote:What about long ranged artillery that ACTS like missiles, but is really just a super advanced form of rail gun? :o
"Get out."

Sorry about the Mekanta-standard delays. Fucking classes...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:56 pm
by Trailers
No. I want to take losses. That way I have an excuse to bring in some full scale hurtin power.

And aim things at TFU by accident.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:14 pm
by Neo-Mekanta
TFU already ran like a little bitch. Y'know, like I intended. He'll be seperated from the ESUS threads, don't worry.

And alright, I'll have the Lucy take notice of your ships and fire off a few flux cannon shots.

The other destroyers will be busy raining hell on the Dominion and Blademasters, ramming Aegeus, or simply watching and whacking off- wait, no, these are Shivans, not Mekantans...

One more post, not counting this one, until the SI Charon jumps in and sends you all flying. Or... something.