Race or nation weaknesses

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ESUS Spambot
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Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Post by Kostemetsia »


Diplomatically Inept - the Kostemetsian diplomatic corps has a talent for choosing that which is worst for it.
Average-ey Ships - the Kostemetsian navy's ships are at about the same standard as those of the US navy.
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Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Post by Trailers »

I hope you mean Sithy and not America. o.O

Also, you and Tor really don't have to worry much about naval power, the bulk of the ESUS has that department covered, thus economically focused nations like Tor and Crystal Palais (Either of whom could literally buy out my nation) don't really need to focus on military assets as much.
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Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Post by Penguenia »

In no way comprehensive. I'm sure that if I actually roleplayed, there would be more of these.

- Penguenians are very much normal humans. They aren't genetically modified or very significantly evolved (other than a tolerance for long-duration zero-g space travel) past any other species of humans that originated on Earth. (1) Not a major weakness really as humans have their strengths as well.
The Nation
- At times, there is much discontent between the nobility and common folk who, due to the Emperor's voluntary aloofness, have a relatively equal amount of power thus causing unity on many issues. Not sure I understand this one. Need more information.

- Penguenia is composed of three star systems with only five inhabited worlds between them. Due to a high priority placed on pristine beauty, planet-side defenses are limited to a scattering of shield generators that only protect places of extreme importance and a few planetary-based military bases in remote areas. (2-3) surface based defenses could use some beefing up. May not be adaquate enough.

- Problematic leadership. The upper echelons of Penguenian command are fiercely independent. Only an Imperial Directive can get the fleets and armies to cooperate at times. The fleet commanders do not work well with each other or with foreign commands. (2) Fleet command or co-op issues a problem.
- Penguenia relies on politically risky covert missions as a means of aggressive foreign policy rather than overt military actions. (2) Ah, covert operations! Sneaky, aren't we.... Definatly diplomatic issues - if you're caught that is.

- Penguenian ships rely on shielding to protect them from harm. Once shields fall, they are quickly destroyed. (3) Nasty....
- Penguenia lacks FTLi (I object from an OOC standpoint). (3)
- Small force reliant on carrier groups (think WW2 US Navy, but smaller). Most ships in the fleet are smaller capital ships. (2) An over relience on certain ships types may result in more predictable tactics.

- Again, a small force. The whole of Penguenia's ground forces are incapable of sustained occupation on even a single planet without endangering homeland defense. (2) Invasion unlikely.
- Heavy-hitting firepower is provided by close air support. The heaviest vehicle in the Penguenian arsenal are light tanks. (1) Not so bad if you're well coordinated.
- No huge powered armor or mechs. The power armor that is used is small and in limited service with special units. (1-2)
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Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Post by Otagia »

Diplomatic Nightmare: While the Regency does a good job of covering it up, we're rather prone to genocide if the target's occupying some territory we want and they're not up to fighting back (most pre-stellar civilizations). Add in the fact that Otagian law only applies to Citizens and the protection of same, and you get all sorts of issues with the nastier amongst the population doing all sorts of things to foreigners without any punishment at all. Finally, Otagia is on the far side of post-scarcity, and it's rather difficult for many amongst the Citizenry to grasp how the galactic economy and other societies at large function. (2-3) A fairly major problem regarding diplomacy....

Gravitic Weakness: Singularity or coherent gravy weapons one-shot many Otagian vessels and cut through my missile walls like a hot knife through butter. Can be prevented by disabling the sublight drives, but leaves ships dead in the water. (3) An interesting well thought out weakness.

Weakness to Kinetics: While shields will still stop them, Otagian armor is extremely focused against CREW weaponry. The main component of Otagian naval armor plating, while quite dense, is about as soft as lead. (3) Ditto - see above.

Indivisible: QUETZAL has an intense aversion to splitting the thirteen battlegroups, and will nearly always send a Brother and its entire escort to deal with any given problem. I don't understand this one. More information is needed.

Nuke-happy: Whether it be Avatars self-destructing or MAMA ortillery, Otagian ground combat is heavily reliant on massed nuclear weapons. While still reasonably capable without them, the Avatar Fleet is comparatively ill-suited to defense or seizing hostile territory without collateral damage. (1-2) Can be lumped with the first weakness as a diplomacy issue.
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Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Post by Otagia »

Average-ey Ships - the Kostemetsian navy's ships are at about the same standard as those of the US navy.
If you mean United States, your ships are either screwed (gunpowder is kinda outdated by FT) or seriously underestimating the sheer unadulterated power of the United States Navy, as it's the single most effective means of force projection on the planet.
Stercus stercus stercus Moriturus Sum
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Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Post by Godular »

Actually, I got some extra stuff for the Godulans:

Vulnerability to Energy Dampening Fields-- Though it typically weakens various aspects of power generation, the Godulans (and in particular the Godulan Kythons) have a rather annoying weakness against Energy Dampening Fields because it causes the Kythons to lose energy for their special abilities and also their general movements. Subject a Godulan Avatar to a strong enough dampening field and the Godulan Mind controlling the Avatar is expelled entirely, leaving the original Kython programming to operate on its own until the Avatar exits the field and the mind can return. Ships that are caught within a dampening field in space will typically attempt to Psychoport away as quickly as possible and pick apart the offending vessel with Red Rain or Javelins. (3) An interesting weakness and very exploitable.

KANLY!-- The Godulans keep grudges... forever. Prescribing to the aspect of 'No better friend, no worse enemy', they will tend to devote resources towards exacting revenge against any that have wronged them. Possibly even to their detriment. (Only two nations have caused this reaction: Corneliu and the Humankind Abh) If they cannot exact revenge immediately, they tend to sit back and seethe with raw hatred until a chance to act presents itself. One might say this is the 'Those bridges are TOAST' weakness. (1-2) Overall weakness will depend on just how intense this grudge holding can be and whether or not it interferes with other concerns.

Voidshields-- Typically considered the Godulans greatest weapon, possibly second only to Kythonization, this counts as a weakness despite its utility because it is a blanket effect. Neither enemy nor ally can fire a superlaser or other direct-fire energy weapon of similar yield without dire consequences. This has been demonstrated time and again in fights where the Godulans have been yelled at because the allied nations can't use their most potent weapons... or in allied commanders forgetting that ships equipped with the Voidshields are present, and killing themselves (go go gadget Thrashia). (3-4) Wow! Yeah! Everyone will either 1, not want you around, or 2, form an ESUS alliance commision for you to get rid of the damned things, or 3, both. In addition, military alliances as well as aid will be impossible or at least very inconvenient for everyone, including yourself.

Angry extra-dimensional critters-- Various Godulan actions, particularly in respect to their source of power and their burgeoning work in mastering virtual matter, have caused them to attract the ire of a rather potent extradimensional entity that refuses to be named because names are a contrivance of 'existence', and as such would actually weaken its overall power. It remains largely powerless to stop what it feels are violations of its own essence by Godulan 'Usurpers', but if one were to provide it with a method to channel its power into the material plane, it might cause a crippling loss of power in Godulan ships at a critical moment... or even cause massive damage in a more extensive attack. (1-2) Potentially nasty at the wrong time.
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Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Post by Balrogga »

OK, here goes my list. It is not complete but all I can think of at this moment.

[center]Weaknesses of the Fallen Empire[/center]


The drives of my ships contain a secret/unknown one shot kill. If they are hit with a certain weapon they will destabilize and cascade until they rupture the dimensional structure of the area resulting in a nova-like explosion. The explosion is actually repeating in an infinite time loop due to ruptures in the fourth dimension so it actually appears they are a star that has been formed. This has happened three times in my history and has resulted in the star name Bryce, ended my interaction in one of the Shivan incursions by US, and in the original Cluster, combined with a temporary Warp intrusion brought into Seaquest’s territory by MM and Chronosia resulting in a fully fledged EYE of Chaos. Could potentially be catastrophic! The weapon type does exist and I have seen it in use although at the time it was from an ally. Since I didn't know of it ICly I could not have the characters freak out, I just had to pay attention to AoE of the particular weapon effect and was lucky there was nobody within range. Also, if I were to use this type of attack it would blow the ship just like as if it was the target so I cannot even use this weapon. I know I am not mentioning it but that is for IC research. (1-4) Will depend on how easily this can be done.

The Mirage Drives register as having the mass shadow of a small star and the power output of the ships cannot be masked in any way. We light up like a star under just about any sensor. There is no way they can be cloaked because the singularities in the drives would still be detectable by just about anyone. They conside the use of any cloaking device to be dishonorable. (2-3) Basically you'll never suprize anyone.

The Fallen Empire will not use FTLi. We do not possess any kind of FTLi unless another player opts to use the gravity signatures of our ships as one. While that might count as one, it is solely at the option of the other player and is nothing I do intentionally. Note: the Dimensional Anchor doe not prevent FTLi, it just pins the single ship/object in relation to one place/object like a boat anchor.(3) Like some of us here.

My strongest weapons will not function without being powered by my Space Minus Powertap. This means that another player could discover a way to disrupt or break my power supply limiting my use of weapons to conventional only.(1-4) Refer to weakness #1.

If a way to counter the B Strain Kythons is discovered, it will cause the entire navy of the Fallen Empire to become worthless and ineffective. While the Kythons are immensely valuable, the complete dependence upon them by the Fallen Empire will eventually cripple them.(1-3) Again, refer to weakness #1. Could exploited effectively.

Due to the way Kythons combat, there is no way the Fallen Empire can undertake a planetary assault without infecting the planet itself. This means we cannot help allies retake a planet because it would destroy it in the process. We can fight the space battle but not the planetary one. (1-2)Limits your usefulness to others.

Kythons are susceptible to Kinetic Damage. While they absorb energy attacks, they get no healing energy from kinetic attacks and could quite easily pop into a liquid mass if the damage is great enough. This means they cannot heal damage from Kinetic weapons very well if at all while energy weapons causes them to replicate. Currently, somehow all the GFFA nations are suddenly using massive amounts of kinetic weapons where they never had them before. There is no way I can armor the Kythons to counter this change in tactics of theirs because when they going into combat mode, the armor would just get absorbed/infected and go away. Hand-held ralguns slaughter them as well do ship weapons based on kinetics, not to mention muskets and other more recient models of slug throwers (guns). This means a low tech nation could do some serious damage to a Kython while a high tech laser toting soldier would shit his pants because his weapon does not stop them, but makes more to fight. Unfortunately slug throwers are commonly issued as sidearms and are more common than energy weapons, unless you are a Trekie...(2-3) Okay, this explains alot. Basically it makes Kythons as killable as anything else and nullifies a major advantage they have. Sinse virtually everyone possess kenetic based weaponry to at least some degree, then yes this is most definatly a weakness and an interesting one to boot!

The Ta’Nar do not take prisoners. They cannot conceive the reasoning behind taking a fallen enemy and helping them survive. They should be killed so they are not a liability to the Empire. (1-2) A diplomacy issue of some importance....Which reminds me....


The Ta’Nar considers all other races to be below them. They disguise this but the other nations are still populated by “meatbags�. (1) A minor diplomatic issue.

Ta’Nar do not consider races without psionics as cultured. They are nice to the “handicapped meatbags� if they have to be but still will not consider them truly sentient. (1) Ditto.

The Ta’Nar and the Childer cannot reproduce. While they do live a long time, if they are slain, there is no way to replace them. Losses are permanent. The only way to get more Childer is to locate a race and undertake centuries-long eugenics programs to evolve them into bodiless entities of pure minds. If a situation develops where there is an actual risk of permant death, the Ta'Nar will attempt to choose other options. (3-4) An almost crippling weakness...

When the Balrogga Empire fell, only about six million Ta’Nar and 60 million Childer survived. Out of a nation that should have almost nine billion people, only about 70 million Childer and Ta’Nar survive. The remainder of their nation is made from their strain of Kythons. The total population is about 700 million. Combined with the one above? Makes losses even more crippling. (2) Low population. May not be as bad if your people as a whole are efficient.

Ta’Nar are dependent upon their communal mind. If they are separated from it for any length of time they will slowly lose their sanity. An insane Ta’Nar cannot recover without assistance from the Communal Mind. (1-2) Depends on whether or not this can happen easily or rate of frequency.

Hits to their memories (both Childer and Ta’Nar) are considered permanent damage and cannot be recovered naturally. Erasing their minds means true death to any Ta’Nar or Childer. Amnesia is death. (2) Depends on nature of potential opponents. Take heed of psionic or similar endowed opponents.

Childer are engineered to be co-dependent upon the Ta’Nar. They will not be able to operate without some sort of guidance from them either directly or through channels. The Kythons are also this way, being dependent upon both the Ta’Nar and the Childer in order to keep them from rebelling. Simple orders will keep them going but if they have to deviate from directions, they will not know what to do and will try to get some sort of verification from their handlers. (1-2) Depends on how easy this co-dependence is to disrupt or severe. Potentially quite problematic.

The Fallen Empire can be influenced through the Link. Chronosia “infected� them with Entropy in the previous encounter with the Eye in the Cluster and they were made more evil when Palpatine afflicted Admiral Ba’El, causing the Childer to turn on each other killing five billion in one evening. Each Ta’Nar due to their weakened state were only able to each save ten Childer. The Kythons went berserk and devoured the civilization on the worlds of the Fallen Empire leaving nothing but ruins in places. While this does not seem to be a massive weakness, if something does take advantage of it there will be serious changes that are long lasting. (1-2) Refer to the above.

The Ta’Nar cannot possess any mammal or reptile. If they try, they will experience a nasty feedback that would have the effect of an increasing migraine that gets worse exponentially. The most a person can be controlled is a few minutes before the pain would expel the Ta’Nar. It is the same for the Childer but most of them will never be strong enough to even possess another being during their entire long lives. (1) Hmm....I guess we're safe...

Ta’Nar and Childer have to project their own image in order to interact with “meatbags�. If a race is anti-psi, there is no way to directly communicate with them (Yes, that is you Mindset). They will have to channel their communications through some electronic device or through other beings that can hear them. (1) A fairly minor annyonce, otherwise nothing major.

Notes: Interesting weaknesses all round and some excellent RP potential.

EDIT: Thanks, I thought long and hard to make ones that were serious enough and had potential to offset the advantages I have yet were somewhat unique and logical to the Ta'Nar. I edited in a couple comments and provided info as you requested.
Hyperspatial Travel
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Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

I'd just like to note that I've updated my list with a few more weaknesses, Sskiss.
It's amazing how a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of hungry wolves.
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Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Post by Sskiss »

Okay HT,I finished yours. Kanuckistan, I'll look into it again.
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Re: Race or nation weaknesses

Post by Sskiss »

Balrogga wrote:I think I clarified my Kython question of yours you asked about.
I see it. Okay, the weakness has been rated.
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