...as the footsteps of doom!

General debate and discussion. (OOC)
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The Cerberus Alliance
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Re: ...as the footsteps of doom!

Post by The Cerberus Alliance »

Arizona Nova wrote:Well there wasn't exactly time to roll out the welcome wagon. :P We'll do ceremonies after the siege.
I know that. That's just common sense. I guess that my fleet just ended up on the far side of the planet, or something.

Oh well, cover fire for refugee ships was about all that fleet's really going to be good for, anyway.
This won't end well.
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Re: ...as the footsteps of doom!

Post by Zerstorendar »

If Skeelzania is flanking right, and the order I just gave was to flank left, I guess to keep in character I should rescind that order and hold position. There's no way my fleet can flank a fleet so much larger than mine while simultaneously putting a fleet magnitudes bigger than THAT fleet to my own flanks.
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Re: ...as the footsteps of doom!

Post by Arizona Nova »

The Cerberus Alliance wrote:
Arizona Nova wrote:Well there wasn't exactly time to roll out the welcome wagon. :P We'll do ceremonies after the siege.
I know that. That's just common sense. I guess that my fleet just ended up on the far side of the planet, or something.

Oh well, cover fire for refugee ships was about all that fleet's really going to be good for, anyway.
Well neither is the Departed targeting anyone in particular. If it focuses on the Fist it's only because it spat one bundle of sun-killer goodness at them. I would too.
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Re: ...as the footsteps of doom!

Post by Arenumberg »

My internet is being lame today, add to that general tiredness, annoyance coupled with this feeling im about to vomit i cant shake - I might not be able to post tonight. Bearing that in mind, AZN might be able to extrapolate something up, or at least a place holder.

AZN, I cant login on msn or xfire, and i get about 5 mins of browsing really randomly, so if you want to ask some questions pop me a PM and i might be able to help you if you want to keep the ball rolling, aside from that im posting this before i loose connection and the forums eat my post :).
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Re: ...as the footsteps of doom!

Post by Skeelzania »

Zerstorendar wrote:If Skeelzania is flanking right, and the order I just gave was to flank left, I guess to keep in character I should rescind that order and hold position. There's no way my fleet can flank a fleet so much larger than mine while simultaneously putting a fleet magnitudes bigger than THAT fleet to my own flanks.
Yeah, that might be best. My picture of the enemy fleet had very little to do with the reality; the most liberal description of SKZ actions I can give is that they're taking the Imperitus' left flank (on our right) head on. Itd expose them to fire from the bulk of the fleet, but if the Skeelzanians break through (or god help us, win), it'll give them an opening to make an escape.

Edit: I have work this afternoon, but I'm going to go ahead and post a 'damage' post anyway when I get home.
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Re: ...as the footsteps of doom!

Post by Arizona Nova »

Alright. Kertai, the digisent that helps Anikar, is now going to use the BattleNet to coordinate a devastating attack on the Departed. However, he can only do so if you allow him very temporary control of your ships. He will use information he harvested from the Departed (as described in the post) that highlights all their weaknesses. Skeelzania and Zerstorendar will be the only ones for whom this will not be directly possible, but he will send you both everything you need to know. You all need to react to that request, and you can say no. However, whatever of your force remains will be in the same peril as it was before. Those who say yes will be able to save their remaining forces.
[center]Wit ye well, that when no good men remain to stand against those who choose evil, what will remain to restrain them from unleashing their dark designs?[/center]

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Re: ...as the footsteps of doom!

Post by Arizona Nova »


This may not help my case but the idea is the same. The more of you agree, the better chances everyone - including you - will have. The more people say no, the greater the chances are everyone - again, including you - will be wiped out. I hope people see it that way.
[center]Wit ye well, that when no good men remain to stand against those who choose evil, what will remain to restrain them from unleashing their dark designs?[/center]

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Re: ...as the footsteps of doom!

Post by Kanuckistan »

To note, in addition to my Superfortress 1 lightsecond above the planet, my freighters are continuing evacuation efforts, jumping into and out of the atmosphere - the failure of the planetary shield will have seen them shift efforts to the far side of the planet, where the enemy can't shoot at them.

I also plan on having some KAG trickle in starting with my next post, as soon as we can resume the battle.

Skeelzania wrote:Nanites, yeah. I need to address those in my next post.. Nasty little things.
Remember, the first stage of nanite infection is impact - if you're moving very fast, that impact will reduce the nanites to sub-atomic shrapnel. Can still hurt exposed systems if you don't have shields, however; just like a sand canister, albeit probably far more dispersed.
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Re: ...as the footsteps of doom!

Post by Skeelzania »

I figure my fleet would be moving at around 300 meters a second by now, on average. The top speed for an Ishtar is 440m/s if I remember correctly, but that's at flank speed. Since the Skeelzanian ships are also covered with nanite sludge, I would think that they couldn't be going fast enough or they'd risk throwing off their only active defense. But I'm not very good with the physics of this sort of thing.

In any case I'll address them as best as I can in accordance to my image of them; they're not crippling to Skeelzanian vessels, though they are affecting ordnance in unpleasant ways.

Like I said earlier, I'm posting a damage post now. Its bound to throw a wrench into AZ's plan for a massive strike, but thats war for you.
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Re: ...as the footsteps of doom!

Post by Kanuckistan »

Skeelzania wrote:I figure my fleet would be moving at around 300 meters a second by now, on average.

That's... that's only 1080 km/hour.

That's sub-sonic.

That's insane.


Also, is there a list of the enemy fleet's composition somewhere that I've missed? Feels like I'm shooting at shadows without one.
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