Well looky what I found!

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ESUS Testicle Monster
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Well looky what I found!

Post by Siesatia »

[16:49] Zekears: Christ, whose glory fills the skies,

Christ, the true, the only light,

Sun of Righteousness, arise,

triumph o'er the shades of night;

Dayspring from on high, be near;

Daystar, in my heart appear.

Dark and cheerless is the morn

unaccompanied by thee;

joyless is the day's return,

till thy mercy's beams I see;

till they inward light impart,

cheer my eyes and warm my heart.

Visit then this soul of mine;

pierce the gloom of sin and grief;

fill me, Radiancy divine,

scatter all my unbelief;

more and more thyself display,

shining to the perfect day.

[16:50] Machina Kyrios: Jesus saves. Allah forgives. Cthulhu thinks you'd make a tasty snack.
[16:50] Zekears: Jesus saves. Allah is a fake. Cthulhu is a myth
[16:50] Machina Kyrios: Jesus was real. God on the other hand...
[16:51] Zekears: Is also real
[16:51] Machina Kyrios: *cough* Right...
[16:51] Machina Kyrios: Go play, Christian-boi.
[16:51] Machina Kyrios: I'm workin' on something.
[16:51] Zekears: Whater my lot, hou hast taught me to say
[16:51] Zekears: It is well, it is well with my soul
[16:52] Zekears: Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,

let this blest assurance control,

that Christ has regarded my helpless estate,

and hath shed his own blood for my soul.
[16:52] Machina Kyrios: You do know this whole convo is going up on the ESUS boards, right?
[16:52] Zekears: Why?
[16:52] Machina Kyrios: Because I can.
[16:52] Zekears: lol
[16:53] Zekears: Then I shall use it as an attempt to show the Gospel
[16:53] Machina Kyrios: Just as you can spew your christian stuff to anyone on your contact list, I can grab the logs and post them.
[16:53] Zekears: lol
[16:53] Zekears: I like spewing Christian stuff. We are commanded to go out into the world and tell of Jesus' Ressurrection
[16:53] Machina Kyrios: We'll get a good laugh at you spewing christian stuff to a confirmed Agnostic.
[16:54] Zekears: Hmm...
[16:54] Machina Kyrios: Well, closer to Shinto-ist/Taoist than anything...
[16:54] Zekears: Mock me as you will
[16:54] Zekears: For Persecution merely increases my Heavenly Reward
[16:54] Zekears: Not that this is persecution, of course
[16:54] Machina Kyrios: Wasn't the 11th commandment somethin' like, "Thou Shalt Not Be A Douche"?
[16:54] Machina Kyrios: Not aimed at you, of course.
[16:55] Machina Kyrios: I'm perfectly willing to talk religion, just don't expect me to take any of it seriously.
[16:55] Zekears: You may mock me, but not God or His Word. I don't mind you spewing taoist stuff or whatever, but don't insult the Word... please?
[16:55] Machina Kyrios: For example, you do realize that Christian philosophy indicates that you're all imbred, right?
[16:55] Zekears: Well, look at it this way
[16:56] Machina Kyrios: ... Actually most religions seem to say that... Science 4tW!
[16:56] Zekears: When God created Man
[16:56] Zekears: Man's genes were perfect
[16:56] Machina Kyrios: Genesis clearly says God created only Adam and Eve. This, Adam and Eve were like God's children. Thus, Adam screwed his sister.
[16:56] Zekears: So, Adam and Eve's children would not have had to worry about genetic errancies due to impure genetics
[16:56] Machina Kyrios: Dun matter. People still boned their sisters.
[16:57] Zekears: And, not until the world's population was secure did God hand down the incest laws and things of that nature
[16:57] Zekears: Because, by then, Human Genetics had begun to deteriorate due to Si
[16:57] Zekears: n
[16:57] Machina Kyrios: So God was a flip-flopper? Woohoo! No more mocking Kerry, bitches!
[16:57] Zekears: *Sin
[16:57] Zekears: flip flopper?
[16:58] Zekears: No, He merely established the laws
[16:58] Machina Kyrios: "Go ahead. Bone your sister."

[16:58] Zekears: He did not contradict anything earlier, as He had not made any laws of that nature earlier
[16:58] Zekears: And, technically, Adam and Eve weren't siblings
[16:58] Machina Kyrios: He made Adam and Eve to populate the earth.
[16:58] Zekears: Yes
[16:58] Zekears: He did
[16:58] Zekears: And they did
[16:58] Zekears:
[16:58] Machina Kyrios: They both originated from God. Therefore, Brother and Sister. Besides, they had children. Thus, boning of teh sisters.
[16:59] Zekears: Eh. Still, God did not contradict himself
[16:59] Machina Kyrios: So if God were all knowing, as Christians say, he would know that that would be the only way. Thus, endorsing the boning of the sisters. Then he turns around and says not to do it.
[16:59] Zekears: No, just because one sees the future does not mean one takes action in it
[16:59] Zekears: For instance
[16:59] Machina Kyrios: If that's not contridiction, you're... wait... Logic and Christianity = Oil and Water
[17:00] Zekears: We know the past, yet that does not mean we had any part of the past
[17:00] Machina Kyrios: Seeing the future has nothing to do with it.
[17:00] Zekears: For instance, I know about the burning of the Spanish Armada
[17:00] Zekears: But I did not burn it
[17:00] Zekears: In the same way, God sees the future
[17:00] Zekears: But he doesn't neccessarily influence events
[17:00] Zekears: *He
[17:00] Machina Kyrios: If God knows all, he clearly must have the logic to know that there will be the fucking of sisters.
[17:01] Zekears: So, He did not "endorse teh boning of teh sisters"
[17:01] Zekears: It was not against the law at that point
[17:01] Zekears: It was necessary for population of the Earth
[17:01] Zekears: And then later, with a stable population, those laws were introduced
[17:01] Machina Kyrios: But the fact that he changes his mind proves that Uberchristians can no longer bash Kerry without bashing god.
[17:01] Machina Kyrios: OWNED.
[17:01] Zekears: No, God did not change His mind
[17:02] Zekears: And you did not "own" me
[17:02] Zekears: Because you still haven't proven He changed His mind
[17:02] Machina Kyrios: "That's okay." changing to "That's not okay" isn't changing his mind? Riiight...
[17:02] Machina Kyrios: It's still the same act.
[17:02] Machina Kyrios: God said go for it once, then said "no" later.
[17:03] Zekears: Dude
[17:03] Zekears: This is why I don't like evolutionists or non christians
[17:03] Zekears: You can't see logic
[17:03] Machina Kyrios: Or are you going to blame it on devine PMS.
[17:03] Zekears: Therefore, the first laws He made were not a contradiction of anything
[17:03] Machina Kyrios: But he knew DAMN well incest was the only way there would be people.
[17:03] Zekears: As for populating the earth, Adam and Eve's children were only fulfilling God's command
[17:03] Zekears: At that point, that was not a sin
[17:03] Zekears: Then, as the population increased,
[17:03] Zekears: Yes. But incest was not evil then
[17:04] Zekears: It became evil and wrong after He laid down those laws
[17:04] Machina Kyrios: Yet saying something is not evil and then it was is clearly changing one's mind.

Look, there's nothing wrong with that. God made Man in his image, right? That includes behavior.
[17:04] Zekears: Yes. Man was perfect, until he sinned
[17:04] Machina Kyrios: Thou shalt not kill. He wiped the earth of people HOW many times?
[17:05] Zekears: Righteous Anger
[17:05] Zekears: God is perfect
[17:05] Machina Kyrios: Yet Wrath is a sin.
[17:05] Zekears: The people had the chance to repent
[17:05] Zekears: But they continued in Sin
[17:05] Zekears: So God justly punished them
[17:06] Zekears: As the population grew larger, and God introduced the incest laws, people married others who were far-removed genetically from them, and then reproduced, still fulfilling God's mandate to multiply
[17:06] Machina Kyrios: LoL
[17:06] Zekears: So, God didn't change His mind, and allowed people to still fulfill His commandments
[17:07] Zekears: Now if you'll excuse me, I've got more Hymns to listen to.
[17:07] Machina Kyrios: See, none of this shit in Shinto. Shinto is quite clear on the Kami position. "WE DUN GIVE A SHIT."
[17:08] Machina Kyrios: It's pretty much Jews, Christians, and Muslims with their "3-in-1" Religion. ^_^
[17:08] Zekears: Nope
[17:08] Zekears: Only Christians believe in the Trinity
[17:08] Zekears: Jews think they're still waiting for the Messiah (Who already came, Jesus)
[17:09] Machina Kyrios: No, no, 3-in-1 indicating that all three religions have the same origin.
[17:09] Zekears: And Mohammad was trying to please the Jews and Christians when he made his bid for power in Arabia
[17:09] Zekears: Ah
[17:09] Zekears: Judaism and Christianity have the same origins
[17:09] Zekears: Islam's a tag-along
[17:09] Zekears: Anyway
[17:09] Zekears: Good day
[17:09] Machina Kyrios: Islam evolved from Judaism and Christianity.
[17:10] Machina Kyrios: Later
[17:10] Machina Kyrios: Have fun playing make-believe. ^_^
[17:10] Zekears: No, Islam sprang from Mohammad, who wanted power, and hung out with lots of Jews and Christians and tried to integrate their religions so as to make them more likely to convert
[17:10] Zekears: Okay
[17:10] Zekears: Later
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The Mindset
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Post by The Mindset »

[17:03] Zekears: This is why I don't like evolutionists or non christians
[17:03] Zekears: You can't see logic
ESUS Testicle Monster
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Post by Otagia »

I wonder what would happen if we told him God was dead? I mean, who else could it be buried in my back yard?

PS: Apologies to whoever that was shamelessly ripped off from.
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Post by Xenonier »

The Mindset wrote:
[17:03] Zekears: This is why I don't like evolutionists or non christians
[17:03] Zekears: You can't see logic
The best part is just beneath that you've got "honk" going. Lmao. :D
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Post by Chronosia »

Now that is hilarious. Even better example is "Where did Caine's wife come from?" In one paragraph, Caine gets exiled; then it talks about Caine and his wife. Sister Boning Alert!
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Post by Allanea »

Machina Kyrios: Thou shalt not kill.
Meh. The Hebrew original doesn't actually say that.
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Post by Arenumberg »

OMG, Allanea, you necromancer heathen, die.
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Silly Forum Johnnie
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Post by Allanea »

I already bear the title of Necromancer on another forum.

I demand it here. 8)
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Post by Arenumberg »

No, foul nave, !