Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good haul ;)

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Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good haul ;)

Post by Tarot »

Well, it's that time of year again, and the loot is coming in. Yes, yes, it's not about the material side, but isn't it so fun to brag? ;)

As for what I got:

A nice new laptop (very important for those tight dorm rooms), with integral wireless and webcam, of all things. Came free with a VERY nice printer. All for about $600. Will need to upgrade the RAM eventually, but at the price we got it for, VERY worth it. Oh, and Alex got one, too. :P

Clothes. Including a nifty Cardinals hoodie.

More to come tomorrow, but that's the wrap from tonight. Merry Christmas, and try to keep in mind why we're all really getting together.
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Post by Kanuckistan »

Merry Christmas Y'all!

1:45am local, so I can't get with the looting quite yet, but I'm the hard-to-buy-for type, so I know most of what I'm getting already, anyway.

More fun to give, I think. Especially when my mother opened the $700 CND electric fireplace my siblings and I got her(opened early 'cause one of said siblings had to go home on Saturday) - the box was almost as big as a fridge, and sitting in the living room for several days it was driving her nuts! :twisted: :D :D :D
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Post by Torontonias »

Merry Christmas Alliance and Friends! It's currently 6:53am here at home. I've always been a stupidly early riser on Christmas for some reason. Even when I don't get excited over the whole "OMG Presents" anymore.

Since we trek up to my Dad's house an hour and a half away we have to leave early in the morning (Around 9:30am this year) anyway, so it all works out.

This is the time that drives me crazy, no one else is up, the house is silent and I can sort of make out what's in my stocking without blatantly looking in it. Plus I'm excited this year because I ended up with some pretty awesome presents for Friends and Family!

Christmas: Mystery, Religion, Consumerism, Food and Family all wrapped up in a festive package! What more could one ask for! Merry Christmas Everyone!
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Post by Siesatia »

Its 7:20 AM Local time, but I've been up since 5:13 AM, I always get up this stupidly early on christmas, I only got 5 hours of sleep because we had my brother's birthday party last night. I think I drank too much. :?

Anywho, when I succeede in coaxing everyone downstairs and we get to the unwrapping, I'll post teh haul for the year, so far it looks good, I know a few things.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good haul!
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Post by Flaming Souls »

Now that Xmas #4 of '06 is done, I should post my haul.

I got -
a Epiphone Acoustic Guitar...of DOOM.
a bicycle for my mobility needs.
an iPod Shuffle.
a $25 Gift Card to a local Grocery Store.
a wrist ball catchy thing.

Yeah, not a large haul, but a good haul.

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Post by Siesatia »

New Video Card, knew it was coming. =P.
Cell Phone Biznitches! Finally!
$70 Worth of Itunes cash from a multitude of people
Paintball Vest
Candy like nothing else,
A watch that 'Coo-Coos' or Crows like a rooster, and I'm definatly going to bug people at school with it. :twisted:

And, my boss just handed out Ipod videos like they were candy when I went in to report for the quick meeting she had scheduled for 12.
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Post by Arizona Nova »

I have officially ascended into nerdvana.

The headline items are:
A webcam (for use very soon when I am no longer in the Americas; details forthcoming in a later thread):
I will never reveal the wu-tang secret!

And the coup de grace: an iPod; and all out even. 30 Gig capacity, video capabilities, compatible with the iPod games, came with a service plan, and it's QUITE BLACK.

As you can also see, I already traded in their earbuds - yay for sony earbuds; less conspicious and they match!

I also got a good ol' couple cans o' air, and from my aunt and uncle a generous sum of $100 dollars. This, and an iTunes gift card and a Best Buy gift card give me some precious liquid assets. I also got the Volume 1, 8, and 9 box sets for Mystery Science Theater 3000, bringing me to the limit of legally acquired MST, and a bunch of converter plugs for foreign lands.

Edit: (for Nobuseri :p) As well, I tried adding some stuff to my video iPod but found it didn't field many formats well. It just so happened, however, that a well known cult-hit anime series I recently... acquired, was in just the right format for it. :D
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Post by Otagia »

What Kyle said, and this:



Also got some anime (Death and Rebirth + End of Eva; 1st disc of Ergo Proxy), a couple other shirts, Eragon, World War Z, and a few other things (CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!). Still a bit more to go, and I know what MOST of it is going to be (owing to the fact that I picked out most of my gifts myself), but there should be a few surprises still.
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Post by Metallinauts »

Electric Razor 'nuff said
Serenity Shirt
Irish Shirt
Shamrock necklace
a ring
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Post by Tarot »

Tack on a signed copy of A Storm of Swords, along with a signed copy of the Song of Ice and Fire art book. Also:

FMA Movie
Hellsing, full series (still need to grab the Ultimate series, tho)
Some minis
more clothes (hooah!)
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