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Hide your Potter (NSFW)

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:33 am
by Skeelzania
I used to read the Harry Potter books, but never got around to 6 because I got too old. Fortunately, in anticipation of the book where the little screwball gets offed (I'm guessing), the people at whipped up some covers to hide your Potter books.

WARNING: Some of these are probably as juvenile and childishly violent as one can get. Needless to say, I laughed my ass off.

Again, not work-safe.

Re: Hide your Potter (NSFW)

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:41 am
by Central Facehuggeria
Ari Posner, Nazi-hunter!

That link is filled with sublime excellence. *Tips hat at Skeelz.*

Re: Hide your Potter (NSFW)

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:23 am
by Kreshh
I would award you the internet... but I already gave it to someone else that linked me to that particular lolocaust.

Sorry... :cry:

Re: Hide your Potter (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:35 am
by Allanea
I have PDF of the book.



Now I will go and bleach my brain for hours on end.

Re: Hide your Potter (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 2:49 pm
by The Mindset
Allanea wrote:I have PDF of the book.



Now I will go and bleach my brain for hours on end.
You spoiled it via your MSN name. You do that here, and I'll ban you permanently.

Re: Hide your Potter (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 8:05 pm
by Kanuckistan
The Mindset wrote: You spoiled it via your MSN name. You do that here, and I'll ban you permanently.

I'd support a temp ban, but perma? :wtf:

Seriously, it's only a book.

Re: Hide your Potter (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 8:17 pm
by The Mindset
Kanuckistan wrote:
The Mindset wrote: You spoiled it via your MSN name. You do that here, and I'll ban you permanently.

I'd support a temp ban, but perma? :wtf:

Seriously, it's only a book.
There is zero honour in spoiling something for those who don't want it spoiled. I'd already read the book before seeing his display name, but if I hadn't, or he (or anyone else) had posted it here, I'd have been incredibly pissed off. The same goes for anything else, not just Harry Potter.

Re: Hide your Potter (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 9:15 pm
by Kanuckistan
The Mindset wrote: There is zero honour in spoiling something for those who don't want it spoiled. I'd already read the book before seeing his display name, but if I hadn't, or he (or anyone else) had posted it here, I'd have been incredibly pissed off. The same goes for anything else, not just Harry Potter.

Indeed, but to permaban is to forever remove a friend from a whole community - I don't think the indiscretion warrants such a harsh response.

Re: Hide your Potter (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 9:36 pm
by The Mindset
Kanuckistan wrote:
The Mindset wrote: There is zero honour in spoiling something for those who don't want it spoiled. I'd already read the book before seeing his display name, but if I hadn't, or he (or anyone else) had posted it here, I'd have been incredibly pissed off. The same goes for anything else, not just Harry Potter.

Indeed, but to permaban is to forever remove a friend from a whole community - I don't think the indiscretion warrants such a harsh response.
If he had spoiled it for me prior to my reading, I'd have injected liquid nitrogen into his eyes then smashed them with a pickaxe. He would've deserved no less. A permanent forum ban is nothing in comparision.

Re: Hide your Potter (NSFW)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 10:10 pm
by Kanuckistan
The Mindset wrote: If he had spoiled it for me prior to my reading, I'd have injected liquid nitrogen into his eyes then smashed them with a pickaxe. He would've deserved no less. A permanent forum ban is nothing in comparision.
It. Is. A. Book.
