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Its Christmas, now comes the yearly inventory of the lewt.

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 6:05 pm
by Siesatia
Ok ye scallywags, record your phat lewtz...

I got a new Altec Lansing sound system that could bring the house down if I felt inclined to turn it past the third notch, of which there are 17 more notches I have not gone to yet.

Internet Tablet, like I don't spend enough time on it already, now its portable.

200 Text Messages a month added to cell phone.

Socks....... Lots of socks........ HEAPS of socks......

Re: Its Christmas, now comes the yearly inventory of the lewt.

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 6:07 pm
by The Cerberus Alliance
Siesatia wrote:I got a new Altec Lansing sound system that could bring the house down if I felt inclined to turn it past the third notch, of which there are 17 more notches I have not gone to yet.
Quick! Crank it to 11!

Re: Its Christmas, now comes the yearly inventory of the lewt.

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 8:30 pm
by Siesatia
I did... I think the neighbors might have called the cops on me... >.>

Re: Its Christmas, now comes the yearly inventory of the lewt.

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:29 pm
by Metallinauts
POST IN THE MORE IMPORTANT THREAD!!!!! NOT TALLY YOUR HAUL!!!*Cracks whip, and slightly opens the Pyramid Head Room*

In other news...

A portable DVD player, a ring and two t-shirts (one 300 theme, the other of a Firefly nature)

Re: Its Christmas, now comes the yearly inventory of the lewt.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 12:02 am
by Penguenia
Blazing Angels (Wii)
Rain/Snow/Fucking Cold Jacket
Pinstripe pajama pants
Suit/Dress Shirts/Ties
$100 (Grandmother)
$100 (Godmother. Spent before Christmas for other people's gifts)
$1000 (Aunt)
Candy/Cookies/Nuts (mmm... nuts)

I still have to go see my other aunt later and my brother sometime this week (he was hungover this morning so didn't want to do stuff today).

Re: Its Christmas, now comes the yearly inventory of the lewt.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:36 am
by Xenonier
$574 worth of CD's (went on an ambient music binge this week), and a new Pool Table made from solid Australian Jarrah, for placement in the second house in Melbourne.

Re: Its Christmas, now comes the yearly inventory of the lewt.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:37 am
by Arizona Nova
Penguenia: score man. Where did your folks ever find a Wii?

MST3K Volume 12. God yes.
MST3K Eps: Eegah, Mitchell, and The Crawling Hand.
An iPod dock/stereo contraption.
A knight lamp. It must be seen to be believed.
A tiny catapult.
John Cleese's "How to Irritate People" on DVD. I'm sure Nobuseri will LOVE that I have this.
A GPS contraption for my car.
European city themed calendar.
Wearable LED head light. Imagine a mining helmet without the helmet.
Multi-socket widget for my car (because of my GPS)
New cooling pad for my laptop.
25$ Best Buy gift card in my stocking.

Re: Its Christmas, now comes the yearly inventory of the lewt.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:00 am
by Central Facehuggeria
Behold, peons! Santa Cthulhu has come and left me with a marvelous gift! No, not madness or legions of gribbling horrors at my beck and call! Demonic tentacles!

Re: Its Christmas, now comes the yearly inventory of the lewt.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:03 am
by Telros
Clothes, lots of clothes. Which I needed badly.

The dvds for Rose Red and Bram Stokers Dracula.
A new multi-use beard trimmer.
A utility knife thing.
A new pair pf winter gloves.
Two pairs of boots.
Two large bags of Skittles (I luv mai Skikkles!)
And about 200 dollars or more in money.

And I am going shopping tomorrow, so....I will be getting more....from myself.

Re: Its Christmas, now comes the yearly inventory of the lewt.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:35 am
by Otagia
  • Clothes, including a Dalek t-shirt, a new winter coat, a hoodie, a hoodless hoodie (not sure what else to call it), and a few Hollister and Abercrombie shirts.
  • $25 in iTunes gift cards.
  • Some Best Buy cards (especially nice given my discount).
  • Borders gift card.
  • Tickets to see Wicked on the 3rd of January, for me and another (which is rather annoying because I'm single and my parents know it).
  • Tickets to see Body Worlds on the 10th of January.
  • A new ski helmet (old one was dented and thus useless)
  • The opportunity to play Rock Band on my cousin's 360. As soon as my X-Brick is repaired, I's gonna get my own copy.
  • 8 gig iPod Nano
  • The new Shadowrun medtech book