Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

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Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Solar Communes »

Third Spanish States Curse: Any RP thread I open that is not Modern Tech doesn't attract anyone to participate.

Or was it because nobody cares if a species of sentient methane breathing jellyfishes who use magnetic resonance for communication becomes extincted by a bunch of xenocidal humans? I just cannot create humanoid NPC aliens, all of them are totally alien, and adding a Klingon NPC victim to the equation RPed by myself would end borken. A thread about black-holing and murdering billions of sentient beings in an entire planet unsuitable for human life but full of life will call much less attention than one about killing 6 millions of -insert human ethnic minority here- in Modern Tech or as Nazis/Stalin in Space.

Do I really need a civil war between Bioconservatives and Transhumanists about a law mandating all new fetuses to be infused with nanites to call attention?

Unfortunately this is no dystopian cyberpunk Corporate-ruled power, so there won't be a nano divide between the genetically, cybernetically and nanotechnologically enhanced rich and the helpless poor. It's all a matter of implications of a majority trying to push their view of post-humanism into a conservative but resourceful minority, and of ideological differences between standing for a perfect, boring utopia and for freedom of choice between an hedonistic immortality or a meaningful short-spanned life. Yes, I remembered of Total Annihilation when I was thinking on all the clinical immortality stuff.

I made a Re-intro thread, it's in a timeline after their ingress on ESUS. Unfortunately jolt is gone again so I'll have to wait and edit this post later because I forgot the link.

I just need some ideas to attract people to the given thread.

Basic script is: Solarians come to colonize the fictional Super-Earth Deneb III in a huge ice mothership, find aliens in Deneb V, suck it into a black hole after launching a not so huge missile with a superlarge Hadron Collider or FT equivalent inside. Handful of aliens retreat and accidentally escape into a gateway to WH40k Warp while being hunted by relativistic self-sufficient unmanned kamikaze ships on collision route towards them.

I know the fleet is arguably a bit excessive(I think 1 dreadnought, 25 battleships and 50 frigates), but that is the entire defense force for the system which is considered of extreme strategic importance to them, and they really want to build a dyson ring over there. And of course, there's alway more to do than declare war and blow everything you can, but even I consider peaceful roleplays boring unless something different happens(and I'm not referring to cyb0rz, like the addendum to Rule 34* I suggested once).

I have trimmed lots of useless spacecraft classes which are either too small to be worth or completely redundant. Like a certain site about realistic space combat suggested, if one can afford to have an all-battleship force, it's useless to have anything smaller, except for a not-so-smaller frigate for purely economical reasons.

Or maybe I could explore deeper the Nets(Solar Communes Virtual Reality)... a place where someone can suffer the pain of all sorts of horrible deaths like being eviscerated multiple times, or being impaled by tentacles without dying in reality is really stuff of nightmares. There are even legends about Snuff movies being clandestinely produced there, except for the "dying in real life" part. It's "Second Life meets The Matrix", only thankfully without furries(I would rather not discuss how exactly they managed to end with it), and without the "if you die in it you die out of it too".

*If a peaceful RP exists, there is porn in it.

Last edited by Zerstorendar on Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Arizona Nova »

Not Transhumanism! :( I think it's possible to modify the human body however you damn well please without wrapping it up in a *highly* dubious ideological package.

It's no longer possible to RP FT on NS alone in the hopes that someone will find it interesting. I'm fairly sure that by now close to everyone who plays FT has withdrawn into their own alliances (like this one) and depend on them for "validation" of their roleplays, and the rest who are unaffiliated either by choice or circumstance have friends who roleplay with them. If you see an RP on NS that is getting a ton of responses and attention, it's only because those peasants lack their own forum to develop it on. And you can tell them Arizona Nova from the ESUS "country club" said that too.
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Telros »

Honestly, SC, the only rp I've seen you make is the Warp one with chron in FT. Everything is has been MT, or you joined a thread I was in. If you want some help, I'd be glad to help you.
Pyramid Facehugger would be fucking brutal. I don't know if I'll ever get to sleep with the thought of that genocidal rape behemoth rampaging through the large-eyed schoolgirls swimming in a sea of biceps that populate my subconscious.

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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Solar Communes »

Telros wrote:Honestly, SC, the only rp I've seen you make is the Warp one with chron in FT. Everything is has been MT, or you joined a thread I was in. If you want some help, I'd be glad to help you.
I'm a slow paced poster balancing my time in NS between three Tech-spheres(MT, FT and AT), and thus a good part of my IC posts are of the "tl;dr" type.

I have threads and replies which I take lapses of months to continue because of random bursts of inspiration.

Those with the greatest lapses are my best ones.

Also, when I started Solar Communes I was looking for a mostly Hard Sci-fi approach, also inspired by a certain game called Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. I have changed a lot its concept, or otherwise I would be limited to writing single-author stories about it, for I only know two others who occasionally RP Hard Sci-fi. This version I refer to here is Solar Communes 5k, but I haven't ditched the less technologically advanced 2200s version. Which I choose to a RP will of course depend on whether its overall tech level matches Far FT or Near FT.

Also, this problem isn't specific to my FT thread. I mentioned anything besides MT.

Then a n00b posts a 5-line "I Invade Lulzistan!!!11one" and it gets 40 replies... :shock:

*Edit: The best help would be to join the party. But like I mentioned, the Return of the Jolt must end first for me to link to the thread.
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Telros »

I have something I need to test anyways, what is the thread about by the way?
Pyramid Facehugger would be fucking brutal. I don't know if I'll ever get to sleep with the thought of that genocidal rape behemoth rampaging through the large-eyed schoolgirls swimming in a sea of biceps that populate my subconscious.

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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Solar Communes »

Colonization of Deneb III, and the opening of another Warp Overlay in Solar Communes universe close to the Deneb system, which is a sort of handful shortcut to it.

It is just a coincidence that the last Warp Overlay happened right after they brutally annihilated a native alien species of one of the first extra-solar planets they colonized.
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Telros »

By Warp Overlay, you mean the Immaterium clashing with real space?
Pyramid Facehugger would be fucking brutal. I don't know if I'll ever get to sleep with the thought of that genocidal rape behemoth rampaging through the large-eyed schoolgirls swimming in a sea of biceps that populate my subconscious.

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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Solar Communes »

Telros wrote:By Warp Overlay, you mean the Immaterium clashing with real space?
Yes, they are like WH40k Van Grothe's Rapidity and the Maelstrom.

As anarchists who destroyed an interstellar government, plunging four Star Systems into statelessness, and as the murderers of two species, they surely, even if involuntarily, pleased Tzeentch and Khorne, even though their last xenocide was dully bloodless.
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Telros »

How is a xenocide bloodless?
Pyramid Facehugger would be fucking brutal. I don't know if I'll ever get to sleep with the thought of that genocidal rape behemoth rampaging through the large-eyed schoolgirls swimming in a sea of biceps that populate my subconscious.

Oh you're starving? WELL FUCK YOU THEN, HADUKEN!
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Re: Need Help Breaking the "Third Spanish States Curse"

Post by Arizona Nova »

One word: furnace.
[center]Wit ye well, that when no good men remain to stand against those who choose evil, what will remain to restrain them from unleashing their dark designs?[/center]

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