This is why we can't have nice things...

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This is why we can't have nice things...

Post by Metallinauts »


Fuck you JJ Abrams... fuck you

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Re: This is why we can't have nice things...

Post by Penguenia »

It's going to be cool.
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Re: This is why we can't have nice things...

Post by Metallinauts »

I mean seriously... does no one believe in the idea of "let sleeping dogs lay" Jesus! I mean yeah Star Trek is a dying franchise ( and I am a big fan of ST) but going back to the old Trek does not breathe life into the fucking franchise. For one, they are fucking up the story line, yeah they can say it's an alternate story line all that want, I know the truth, you know the truth and Raptor Jesus knows the truth.

Secondly WHY THE FUCK DID THEY CAST SYLAR AS SPOCK!!! AND WHY THE FUCK IS LEONARD NEMOY IN THIS FUCKING MOVIE!!!!!!! I mean the only character that I am looking forward to seeing is Simon Pegg as Scotty, other than that I see dread in this movie; Carl Urban as Bones ftl.

Thirdly what the fuck did they do to the Enterprise???? It looks like an electric razor mixed with one of Howard Hughes' wet dreams. The interior is just as awful it looks like they blended BSG, ST and SW to get one shitfuckcuntass mix of an aesthetic nightmare.

Fourthly, the god-damned-mother-fucking-piece-of-shit-ass-spelunking plot. Someone goes back in time to kill Kirk. What the fuck shit brick. Are we really that lame as writers now? We have to degenerate into the realm of bad fan fiction? What about what happened to the TNG crew after Nemesis? How about we explore the mysterious Enterprise J? What about the Enterprises F-I? I mean my God Jim, Gene Roddenberry would roll in his grave. Star Trek has usually been a comment on Society (WoK&Nemesis WMDs, FC and Generations on aging, Undiscovered Country on making peace with old enemies ala US and USSR and so forth) what the fuck is this a comment on? I mean there has been so much shit going on since Nemesis that would be a perfect story to tell and they opt for shitty as Fanboy wet dreams. I am angry and disappointed.

[/end rant]
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Re: This is why we can't have nice things...

Post by Sskiss »

Funny, real funny - I actually laughed, but that's because its true...

EDIT: Oops, I meant the "Iran has nukes" near your sig.... After all, I couldn't careless about ST!
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Re: This is why we can't have nice things...

Post by Metallinauts »

Sskiss I will eat you lol
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Re: This is why we can't have nice things...

Post by Arizona Nova »

[center]Wit ye well, that when no good men remain to stand against those who choose evil, what will remain to restrain them from unleashing their dark designs?[/center]

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Re: This is why we can't have nice things...

Post by The Mindset »

You're all idiots. This movie is going to be sixty billion times better than any the franchise has put out in the past. The TOS is a load of shit and established a precendent that meant every further iteration was stuck with a 60s idealistic mindset. It's time to grow up. Everything should be discarded. There's no point beating a dead horse, the franchise is dead, and rightly so. It no longer fits with the current times. You say Star Trek is a comment on the times? In its current format, it's unable to do that. It's out of date, dusty, irrelevant. This reboot fixes that.

You say the rebooted aesthetic is bad? Would you rather they kept the old aesthetic? If so, you're in no position to criticise any kind of design work, because you're blind.

You, and all fanboys, need to let it go. Go see the film when it comes out. I assure you, if you let your prejudices fall by the wayside, you'll fucking love it.
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Re: This is why we can't have nice things...

Post by Otagia »

The Mindset wrote:You, and all fanboys, need to let it go. Go see the film when it comes out. I assure you, if you let your prejudices fall by the wayside, you'll fucking love it.
Unless, you know, it actually does end up sucking. ;)
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Re: This is why we can't have nice things...

Post by Kostemetsia »

Haha Mindset, I would agree with you except that part of the definition of 'fanboy' is 'someone who simply cannot let it go' in my experience. :p
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Re: This is why we can't have nice things...

Post by Telros »

Sorry, I have to agree with Metal once I heard the "go back in time to kill Kirk part." A plot that shitty cannot be forgiven by awesome graphics, a shiny ship, and whatever new stuff they have. That plot is something a fanboy would come up with or someone whom just wants to send out a movie to make money and not care about making a, you know, decent plot. I am not a major ST fan, I could care less. But if someone can't put the proper amount of effort into a plot for a movie, I'm going to give it a big fuck you.
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