Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

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Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Solar Communes »

First, I believe that it is important to mention that in my case, I'm not a real fan of Sci-fi and there are very little movies and series that I have watched in the "main circle of Sci-fi", although overall I watched lots of movies. In fact, the Science Fiction stuff I watched was some Star Wars movies, the Stargate SG1 movie, Event Horizon, most Alien movies, including those made of fail, Serenity and Gayniggers from Outer Space and some real crap I'd rather never have watched.

The series I liked the most(and that I found enjoyable enough to watch more than once is Firefly because I'm more of a fan of Westerns and real men fighting with real guns than of Space Operas and dogfighting in space with stl lasers. And because of the gritty style of it and lack of clear "Good Guys vs. Evil Guys" stuff. My least favorite, if someone haven't already guessed, is Star Wars, because really, George Lucas was likely thinking "If I was looking to make a Sci-fi for young teens and kids... how would it be?" when he created it, and it seems like "Now I'm rich, I'll leave the scripting to a trainee" when Episodes 1, 2 and 3 were released. Tbh I somewhat liked Episodes 4 and 5, but that was back when I was 7 years old.

The movie I liked the most is the first Alien, because it focuses on the horror rather than on the Sci-fi trope of trying to explain things with technobabble. The movie I most hated was the predestinated piece of shit called Battlefield Earth... although any movie based on Scientology would be like that. Because really, how could people who believe in shit like this do anything good?
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Sskiss »

War of the Worlds - the 1953 version is a favorite. Soylent Green is another favorite. Most of my favorite films in general are what I like to call "low tech/special effect" films.
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

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Sskiss wrote:What I like to call "low tech/special effect" films.
Including this one?

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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Allanea »

Of those currently running?
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Solar Communes »

Allanea wrote:Of those currently running?
Nope, of everything since the times of Black and White movies.
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Naggeroth »

My favourate sci-fi movie series is without a doubt the original Star Wars movies, partly because it was my first ever experience with sci-fi but mostly because before lucas got the modern special effects he actually had to focus on making the ones he used count while focusing more on the story and characters. Before the prequals fucked the canon five ways till sunday and shat on the series it was my favourate setting, and now I've learned to ignore the original series it can be once again. Another good one is Renaissance if only the art gives me an intellectual stiffy. There is also Serenty, the Prestige (Which mostly isn't Sci-Fi, but the last plot twist focuses exclusivally on it), the New War of the Worlds (Except for the ending, and not they died from the bugs but that the little shit survived), I am Legend (With the original "Contriversial ending", becsause its contriversial to come to a peaceful resolution with you enemies), Star Ship Troopers (for the lulz mostly) and of corse Men In Black.

Least Favourate Sci-Fi Movie...I'm tempted to say Dracula 3000 because that movie was awful but honestly I don't think it can count simply because the makers just didn't try. There were so many places they could have gone with it and I was dissapointed to find Dracula dressed as the count of fucking transylvania. So I'm going to have to say something like Star Trek Nemisis or something...I dunno since i don't actually remember what movies I reallly hate of the top of my head.

TV series is a little more difficult. Starship Operators, Tytania, Firefly, Stargate SG1 (Earlier stuff), Star Trek (the new one with Archer Specifically), Ergo Proxy and many others which i simply can't think of of the top of my head. Firefly is one of the better ones though, and is the only one which I actually own completely.

One I hate Is some of the newer Star Trek stuff, especially voyager, but once again i tend to have a "drop and forget" theory with things i dislike watching, in that i only remember I hate them if the name is brought up.

As you can see I'm not much of a fan of the concept of "Favourate" as I am not one who can numerically order the importance I feel, and the number can change with the mood i happen to be in.
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

Firefly. I dislike sci-fi shows as a rule, but Firefly was an exception. A lot of sci-fi shows are there solely for the shinies - the alien babes, the explosions, the technobabble, and the horrifically ridged foreheads. Admittedly, that's also the case with almost any other genre of movie - except they're generally normal babes, and the technobabble is even less excusable as it seems to be directly mocking those who use modern-day technology competently.

Or at all.

So, yeah. It was a nice exception. I rarely watch anything at all, someone made me watch Firefly (seriously, I thought it was going to be another Star Trek). Same person got me into Coen Brothers movies.

I hate almost all of sci-fi, however. I loathe Star Trek, I don't like Stargate, I (and I'm sure this will get me killed for blasphemy) didn't like Galactica. I enjoyed Star Wars when I was ten, and would only really watch it now for nostalgia's sake.

I did like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The British TV series, that is, not the cheap knock-off movie.
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Favorite movie? Legend of the Overfiend. It has to be Overfiend.
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Arizona Nova »

You all realize that if anyone on the internet ever said he didn't like Firefly he would be immediately jihaded, crusaded, and otherwise purged out of existence? You can photoshop the Pope doing a line off a hooker but you don't knock Firefly on the internet. :lol:

I DO love that series, I'm making clear. It's just hilarious that it seems so infallible.
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Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Sci-fi TV Series or Movie

Post by Arenumberg »

I dont like Firefly.

Didnt like Serenity either.
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