I'm losing interest in NS Forums

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Solar Communes
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I'm losing interest in NS Forums

Post by Solar Communes »

Thread says it all. It just doesn't budge to make stories because of the jarring lack of interaction with other people in the process, and I would not find entertaining either to lower to the usual level of "Post ORBAT + 1-liner" of 99% of II Modern Tech or to make ridiculously detailed accounts of what each platoon from an entire division is doing at a time. If the player behind a NS is just looking for a competition, then I would be willing to schedule a Hearts of Iron 2 multiplayer match with him instead of a war RP. It avoids the inconvenient of having to write, for if the only point is "to win", then it's much easier to click on a bunch of bombers to order interdiction and ground strike missions and on a bunch of marines divisions inside a transport to order an amphibious assault against Mallorca in Hearts of Iron 2, than to write more than 30 pages about the same operation.

As for peaceful RPs, besides the pet peeve I have with any attempt to transpose Habbo Hotel fail into a freeform play-by-post RPG, I just find it mostly pointless unless there is clearly an agenda and point behind whatever events are happening. Thus, a diplomatic RP where I'm about to forge an alliance with one of the 10+ billion pop strong NS, where there are conflicting agendas at stake and where not-so-small ideological differences, despite being all left libertarians are an issue, is very different from a ball created only for the sake of cyber-dating and, by extension, cyb0rz. I already find games like The Sims boring as hell, and to multiply tenfold an effort of a mouse-clicking in a boring game for a boring thread is certainly something I find difficult.

Likewise, the "quality" of the majority of the last FT threads in II already convinced me to stay at the "country club". Now I might mostly forfeit Modern Tech roleplaying, and even my ongoing(at a sluggish pace) epic MT war thread*, because it is the sort of thread where storywriting is more important than posting ORBATs and alike.

*Unless I find someone to take the role of Soviet Spain. Playing both sides of a chess game isn't fun at all.

As it goes, I might stick to ESUS only, because here I won't be only writing stories, which isn't as engaging as RPing. Maybe I'm just losing interest in the very premise of NS. Maybe I'm too much of an elitist dick for II. Maybe I'm too much of a slobbering bastard to write and RP at a coherent pace, or maybe it's my natural tendency to not finish what I start.

I don't really think I will miss much by abandoning International Incidents.
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Re: I'm losing interest in NS Forums

Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

God, I wish my internet would support HoI 2. I'm possibly the most addicted Paradox addict you'll ever meet.

That being said, not many of us spend much time on II anyway.
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Re: I'm losing interest in NS Forums

Post by Trailers »

Thats why we have this little elitist country club. :D
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Re: I'm losing interest in NS Forums

Post by Arizona Nova »

Thats why you're here? I haven't RPed on the NS forums for a year... maybe years by this point.
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Re: I'm losing interest in NS Forums

Post by Zerstorendar »

I roleplayed on NS once. It was kind of bearable, but then again it was a closed ESUS thread.
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Re: I'm losing interest in NS Forums

Post by Telros »

I was going to say, hardly any rping is done on here. I'd like to get involved but I don't know how...>->

Also, I am doing MT and don't like to win, so maybe we can do something. I may be interested in playing Soviet Spain but my knowledge of MT tech and how to use militaries is laughable at best.
Pyramid Facehugger would be fucking brutal. I don't know if I'll ever get to sleep with the thought of that genocidal rape behemoth rampaging through the large-eyed schoolgirls swimming in a sea of biceps that populate my subconscious.

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Re: I'm losing interest in NS Forums

Post by The Cerberus Alliance »

I'm having a hard time just finding shit to do on NS anymore. Especially in the FT sections where most things outside of the country club wind up either dieing or becoming heavily populated by people like Sephrioth *shudders*.

However, I might be more compelled to hit the reset button on my nation and try starting over from scratch. Just tell me how to actually delete articles in the wiki and I'll get right on it. :D Hell, I can even work this into to one RP I'm in. Then we can see what happens after that.
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Solar Communes
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Re: I'm losing interest in NS Forums

Post by Solar Communes »

Telros wrote:I was going to say, hardly any rping is done on here. I'd like to get involved but I don't know how...>->

Also, I am doing MT and don't like to win, so maybe we can do something. I may be interested in playing Soviet Spain but my knowledge of MT tech and how to use militaries is laughable at best.
If you see the Fall Schwarz thread, you'll notice how there is very few lines detailing strategy, tactics and technical details, and lots of lines detailing the events as they are seen from the point of view of a few soldiers, their actions, thoughts, sensations and fears. It's thus not a conventional NS-grade war RP by any stretch, and the other primary war RP I have, which also is in a standstill isn't conventional either, and even more character-focused. This other one actually involves Modern Tech + Dark Fantasy (or just Horror), but it's essentially a low Fantasy thing, where witchcraft is just a bunch of mundane Scientologists, Illuminati conspirators, stereotypical Satanists and New Age types evil guys making sacrifices for demons and alike rather than fireball-hurling munchkins, and the supernatural and "fantasy" part being essentially that of haunts, ghosts and psychological horror, even though no pyramid face came in yet.

The skill in making epic and dramatic battle scenes or preludes is more important than strategic skill to really add quality to the RPs I start. For me the skill to the describe the gunfires, the "facing death" moments, the psychological tension and horrors of war is more important for a RPer than the skill of posting ORBATs, building realistic and practical armies and making the right strategic and tactical decisions.

This is basically a good benchmark. Anything as or more epic than this game level start is good enough.


And here are they:

Fall Schwarz

Aiming for Heaven though Serving in Hell

PS: I've tried to make a convincing Modern Tech Inquisition that hunts daemons(though not with big guns, but as in "The Exorcist"), witches, and... if an UFO lands in Prazinia, Xenos as well. I liked the result, and there's nothing like Communist Fundies, or an Inquisition approved by democratic referendum :twisted: . Apart from Ouija boards, this is basically as far as the fantasy part goes

[teaser] "Dmitri. We have witnessed pens and glass cups temporarily withholding fallen angels, but we have never found anything like this dagger. There is a demon inside it, with its touch limited to those who wield the blade with their bare hands. Those hearsays were wrong about our order safekeeping cursed artifacts, until this exact moment you brought me this. You have seen a demon visible to the naked eye, a dagger used for the darkest brutalities holding a foul spirit, an abyss to the bowels of earth. It is worst than we have thought. Thank you for so much insight, now come, you are deserving of knowing some of our secrets, and about what is happening." [/teaser]

Actually, I'm finding Prazinia a more interesting MT NS than my first one. And except for that fundie faction in Alpha Centauri, there is not much of "Bible-thumping" types in Sci-Fi. Again, they would dowrightly refuse "anything that twists man from how God has created him"(genetic changes, nano and cyber augs included) longevity treatments, AIs and clinical immortality and not even try to develop them. Seems like a fun idea to have COMMUNIST FUNDIES IN SPACE!.
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