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(3:08:21 PM) Arenumberg: elves keep their freshness longer

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 5:21 pm
by Arenumberg

Re: Immigrants Wanted

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:00 pm
by Central Facehuggeria
Arenumberg wrote:Elf-massacre.
Elves are made for proper exploitation, not extermination. Seriously. Unnaturally beautiful and long-lived? Keeping that beauty for most of their lives? They make the perfect sexual playthings. And they're even close enough to human in temperament/personality so time-honored methods of breaking them will often work!

Re: Immigrants Wanted

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:06 pm
by Sskiss
The Sskiss do not see much in the way of differences between elves and humans. Yes, each smells a liitle different, and both run the same and at around the same speed, and both die just as easily.

We are rather confused as to why you humanoids stress such minor differences you have with one another.

Re: (3:08:21 PM) Arenumberg: elves keep their freshness longer

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:23 pm
by Arizona Nova
Anikari have double standards where elves are concerned. They blame Arenumbergian elves for the collapse of the Sornei Empire, by way of their apparent collusion with the genocidal Imperiatus, and are suspicious of other elven species by association. Even so, the elven language remains a "high tongue" much like Latin after the fall of the Roman Empire, and on planets such as Varanar elven architecture is still occupied and emulated.

Re: (3:08:21 PM) Arenumberg: elves keep their freshness longer

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:51 pm
by Central Facehuggeria
Arizona Nova wrote:Anikari have double standards where elves are concerned. They blame Arenumbergian elves for the collapse of the Sornei Empire, by way of their apparent collusion with the genocidal Imperiatus, and are suspicious of other elven species by association. Even so, the elven language remains a "high tongue" much like Latin after the fall of the Roman Empire, and on planets such as Varanar elven architecture is still occupied and emulated.
Ah. Love the culture, hate the people.

So do they hold Elves as slaves? After all, the law of conservation of hatred means that for every nation that stops hating elves, another nation has to start. And now that I'm all happily multicultural, someone must keep up the slack.

Re: (3:08:21 PM) Arenumberg: elves keep their freshness longer

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:21 pm
by Arizona Nova
Central Facehuggeria wrote:
Ah. Love the culture, hate the people.

So do they hold Elves as slaves? After all, the law of conservation of hatred means that for every nation that stops hating elves, another nation has to start. And now that I'm all happily multicultural, someone must keep up the slack.
Well I never said it was a healthy or well thought out position. Academic takes on the fall of the Sornei Empire are naturally much more complicated. Reverence for Anikar, and by extension, Anandil and his line have, popularly, tended to excuse their part in instigating the collapse of IS. There are also some surprise revelations coming down the line too. :P

The detioration stops there, though. The Sapient Civil Rights Act is still a revered tenant, much like the US Constitution, and as well nobody can afford to be full-on xenophobic anyway; what with the Tzoy and the Kaleesh minorities becoming a significant percentage of the AN population after the diaspora.

Re: (3:08:21 PM) Arenumberg: elves keep their freshness longer

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:34 am
by Solar Communes
Solarian fags and lesbians treat Elves as they would treat any Xenos. What a measure is a non human means they will usually just ask for them to leave, and nothing more. On the other hand, if they were Yiffsters, then you can imagine what would happen.

Solarian straight people see no distinction between humans and elves(beggars can't be choosers) and are becoming increasingly homophobic. On the other hand they treat any unwanted pregnancy very poorly, unaware that they created a civilization of Ayatollahs and Jihadists because of it.

Re: (3:08:21 PM) Arenumberg: elves keep their freshness longer

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:03 pm
by The Fedral Union
I am pretty sure all the elf haters secretly have stacks of elvish porn around. I at least can admit to having a thing for them. For great justice!

Re: (3:08:21 PM) Arenumberg: elves keep their freshness longer

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:04 pm
by Solar Communes
Arenumberg wrote:Elf-massacre.
Maybe yes, maybe not.

Solarians like to play mind games with them.

PS: It's Herrers, not Shepard, so don't expect that.

PS 2: Tzeentch likes playing mind games with both Solarians and elves.

Re: (3:08:21 PM) Arenumberg: elves keep their freshness longer

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:13 am
by Otagia
Last time Tzeentch played mind games with Aren, it ended with a few of her worlds burning. :D