If the entire ESUS got into a war

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If the entire ESUS got into a war

Post by Klonor »

Who would win?

I mean if every single member of the ESUS fought every other member at the same time.
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Post by Kanuckistan »

I would, probally; with a 100 lightyear deep FTLi feild, any attack would talk over 3 RL months to reach me. Combined with the Battleplates and Superfortresses hunting down and burning enemy infastructure, and picking away at any enemy fleet enroute through the home cluster's ASPWE-based FTLi, and Kanuckistan would be a real bitch to invade. We could sit back and launch attacks of opertunity while the rest of the ESUS ripped each other apart.

Realisticly, however, I suspect most of you guys would gang up on me. :shock: :D
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Post by Sskiss »

It's hard to say, but I'd think Kanuckistan, Mekanta and Cental Facehuggria would have the best chances. But the scenerio is unrealistic...The weaker races would at least band together, or would seek a more powerful race to ally with.
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Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

I dunno. Kanuckistan would dominate the space, but could he be dislodged from that position? Perhaps there is some way to get troops inside a Kanuckistani battleplate? Kill off the crew and blow the reactor. My men could do it. It'd take a lot of men, and a way to actually get on, but I could do it.

Basically, this is a tossup. Sskiss and I would dominate on the ground, with Mekanta's robots coming in a very close second. In the end, I expect Mindset and Indra to hold out for long, 5CN will survive as well, but he'll probably lose a few colonies. I would likely lose a few cities. If someone found a way through Kanuckistan's FTLi field, he'd lose a few planets.

Jordaxia, Wetland, and Anuremburg would be dominated I'm afraid. Only if they banded together could they survive. CorpSac has been so weakened by the Shivan conflict that he can't win...

Klonor's gone, and even so, he's still rebuilding his empire.
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Underwater Asylum
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Post by Underwater Asylum »

I'd be the guy pulling the strings behind the scenes!
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Post by Metallinauts »

I'd probobly die with in the opening skirmishes as I still am completely rebuilding my fleet :roll:
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Post by Blademasters »

I'd probably be in the shasdows, hoping you guys didn't remeber I was there, as I seem to have an ability to make people consider me a worthless target, whilst building up some big nasty suprise for you all *koffsupernova torpedoeskoff*
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Post by Aegeus »

Well, i wouldnt win, but i wouldnt lose either.

Simply put, there is a HUGE Fing mass of of freespace in comparison to normal galactic space, and without any light or anything filtering out there, all i have to do is move my asteroids a few lightyears away, turn off the power, and boom

"wher'd he go?"

also, the only one here who knows my <b> Current </b> location is blademasters.
Last edited by Guest on Sat Jul 31, 2004 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"sir, there's a tank column approaching!"
Doesn't matter, I'll use my carrier!
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The Mindset
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Post by The Mindset »

Most likely, I'd lose all but one of my systems to an advancing fleet that large. My government has been pacifist for a very, very long time, and our defenses are only strong in our capital system of Midna Beta. In short, I doubt I'd come out well in a battle like this, since my nation is not (currently) designed to wage wars on this scale.
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Post by Penguenia »

I wouldn't daresay I could win a war of that grandeur, however I would survive. Half of my Empire would be abandoned so that forces would not be spread too thin, and those places I defended would mostly stand. My Terran capital would be virtually untouchable, and in space I would hold back nearly anyone who tried to conquer my held systems. As is apparent my strategy would be one of survival rather than offence. I would try to form a pact with someone worthy of alliance (even if in this situation an alliance would have been had and broken :roll:) then crush aggressors with our now combined might and try to put an end to the war.
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