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FTL speed benchmarks?

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:33 am
by The Mindset
How fast could you FTL 10,000ly?

Mindsetti voidholes have a range of 25ly, and the nilling d-sinks have to be recharged after each jump, taking five hours, meaning 10,000ly would take about 12 weeks. I know this is quite slow compared to most other FTL systems, but bear in mind that I've always been situated close to Sol and never needed to stray much further.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:22 am
by Kanuckistan
Well, displacers are based on uncertainty-based mass teleportation, so point-to-point travel is technicly instantanious.

This is off-set by drive cycle times and recharge rates, the later depending on the ship's mass and the distance to be traveled, up to the system's maximum.

I've never actually bothered to throw the numbers together, however, so it's typicly subject to the needs of the RP.

I also have forms of SLDS capible of FTL, and hyperspace drives, but those vary greatly. Tho classic SLDS drives are optimised for inertialess sublight travel and are extreamly limited in terms of FTL speed - only newer FTL-optimised systems can manage decent FTL speeds, but prolonged sublight use is, in their case, damaging.

Hyperspace drives are typicly slow, cheap, and robust, being carried as backups only in most cases(or as emergency FTL drives on typicly sublight craft, such as shuttles); their incompatibility with many ASPEW functions makes them unpopular in general.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:36 am
by Torontonias
Since Torontonian Jumpdrives are essentially a mix between Dune Foldspace drives and BSG Jumpdrives, they are, as Kanucks, technically instantaneous travel.

However, since there is no Spice Mutant piloting each ship, a complex mathmatical calculation has to be made in order to project the end coordinates. It is possible to make a "Blind Jump" to the endpoint, but there is no guarentee you won't end up in the middle of a Sun, Planet, or 10,000ly off target.

As well, the further the distance crossed, the more complex the calculation, so 10,000ly would probably take upwards of 12-15 hours to create. As well, there is also a half hour charge and cool down time on the FTL drives, so that will always add another hour onto however long its going to take. Consecutive jumps can be made, but you run the risk of burning out the drive. However generally you can take the time to make it in one jump.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:50 am
by Otagia
For Otagians, instantly, although QUITE expensive to keep the Necroscope on retainer. Of course, only one is needed per fleet, but most ships end up each having at least one so they can still escape if the flagship gets destroyed.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:27 am
by Central Facehuggeria
Well, it depends. You've got two drives present in Facehuggerian ships.

The Displacer Drive, which is pretty much instantaneous. (Much like Kanuck's displacer), and the Quasi-Spatial drive.

The former eats a lot of fuel, while the latter varies depending on luck and whether you're consumed by the vicious alien creatures that live there. It can be anything from an hour to cross that distance, to ten thousand years to negative years. (As in, depending on needs of plot, you can actually arrive *before* you left. :P)

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:13 am
by Rupil
Which nation?

Early A-I would take about three days to do 10,000 LY. Later A-I had two drives- one which would take about the same amount of time and one which would take a matter of minutes.

Rupil would be there almost instantly, if it had a pre-plotted course in its FTL torpedo. They used a drive that created a wormhole in front of the ship by destroying the torpedo it was mounted in. But travel time itself was near-instantaneous once a course was plotted.

My current nation could do 10,000 ly pretty fast, I'd say no more than a week. They're meant to be able to go from planet-to-planet and destroy them pretty fast. So they have to be mobile. But I've never given thought to actual spped. I suppose when the ships were first built, they wer as fast as Mindset's but now they're about as fast as late-period A-I.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:07 am
by Hyperspatial Travel
Well, I use dimensional travel, which only occasionally corresponds with the actual universe itself.

Thus, sometimes, it's actually faster to use sublight drives, however, it is quite conceivable for a ship to travel intergalactically within seconds, without recharging, so long as the Truespace Paths are... well, right.

We also use a wee bit of hyperspace, on those occasions traveling 2 LY would actually take us about 10 years via Truespace.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:21 am
by Kanuckistan
Hyperspatial Travel wrote:Well, I use dimensional travel, which only occasionally corresponds with the actual universe itself.

Thus, sometimes, it's actually faster to use sublight drives, however, it is quite conceivable for a ship to travel intergalactically within seconds, without recharging, so long as the Truespace Paths are... well, right.

We also use a wee bit of hyperspace, on those occasions traveling 2 LY would actually take us about 10 years via Truespace.

Ah, typically Truespace refers to our nominal realm(along with realspace, 3-space, etc), but it sounds like you're using it to refer to another dimension?

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 11:18 am
by Sskiss
We never developed our FTL capability to any great extent mainly because of the nature at which we expand. Needles to say, Sskiss FTL drives are quite slow, but sufficient enough for our purposes at the moment considering the size (volume) of the territory we currently occupy.

Remember, necessity is the mother of invention.

It's enough for us to get from one side of our territory to the other in a matter of a few days at the outside. This is done by a jump or as we call it "leap" drive method. We simply do not need to travel to far beyond our territory except for the exploration and survey of new systems for colonization and even these travels generally do not exend more than a thousand light years or so beyond our borders. As a result we need "stargates" or something analogous for truely vast distances when engaged in trade agreements with other races such as what we currently possess with Balrogga. Otherwise trade would be impractical with nations located thousands or tens of thousands of light years away.

The course of the jump is calculated and plotted and then initiated. The jump is not instantaneous. The time it takes the ship to get there is usually based on a formula (or ratio) of distance travelled by the number of days it will take. For example: a ship capable of travelling 550ly/per day.

As a general rule smaller ships tend to be faster in FTL than larger ones. This is because the size of the FTL drive needed to move a larger ship at the same speed as a smaller vessel becomes impractical due to the sheer volume and energy consumption of the FTL drive. As a result of this, a Sskiss fleet must travel at the speed of the slowest ship in the fleet.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:40 pm
by Jordaxia
Wormholes are instant up to a light-hour, because the tech is new in Jordaxia. Traditional hyperdrives are highly variant, and adapt to the RP.