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Re: StarCraft

Post by Trailers »

[quote="Kanuckistan] you're a fucking idiot[/quote]
Central Facehuggeria wrote:I've never seen Kanuck swear at anyone. Xenon, run.
Traileric Empire

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Bear us home upon our shields
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Re: StarCraft

Post by Xenonier »

Xenonians don't run from anyone, I assure you.

Kanuckistan, you're incorrectly attributing my argument for that of CS's original response to Kressh's statement about Homeworld supremacy. This is not an argument I have ever tried to raise, and if this is what makes Kanuck swear then I find the foxgirl transformations to be more of an inconvenience.

The whole debate that I entered into centered around the quote from CS of
"it's the most balanced RTS out there."
That in itself pretty much defines everything I've been responding to, not some sort of comparison over which game is better in the overall stakes or how professional competition makes a game better than others inherently. If I was seeking to get into that conversation, I would have quoted it and argued it from the very beginning (and no, I don't intend to argue it). The explanations of professional competition I entered into was because you disagreed with my assertion about balance being key towards it's longevity and I argued it that way as such, not as a tangent argument from some main idea of Starcraft being superior because of it's professional pedigree. I entered into this firstly talking about balance and mechanics and that's where I have tried to keep it, unless other people have raised some other discussion point that I feel is wrong.

My point has been that the balance is one of the best in any RTS (if not the best), with Professional competition as proof of this and that it is a deeper game than people here give it credit for. As you said, it is a worthy target for competition, a large cornerstone of that being possible of a balance few games can claim to reach (and this is the part we disagreed on). Our reasons for thinking a game is better than another are our own and they won't change. I've just been stating Starcraft wasn't 'lucky' in success, and nor is it a micromanagement clickfest, although the highest level has very fast hands because professional competition in any form expects strength in all aspects.
Last edited by Guest on Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:35 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: StarCraft

Post by Arenumberg »

i suppose one major bug-bear to raise is no games are balanced, for that they would have to be realistic.
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Re: StarCraft

Post by Zerstorendar »

@ Kanuck: Let me raise the two main problems with your last post.

1- You completely misread Xenonier's post. He never said SC>all other games, he said SC was the most balanced RTS out there and provided statistics and background as a basis of argument, something the other side of debate has so far almost entirely failed to do, you included.

2- You raised an argument that was not even a part of the topic. ie. You haven't read the thread/haven't read it properly. Perhaps you should give that a try.
All that means is that StarCraft is good, especially for competitive gaming - it does not reflect on the quality, or lack thereof, of other game
In regards to competitive balance, which is on topic, it does. Starcraft set the benchmark for competitive RTS, and it only makes sense to draw comparisons.

As for this little taste of irony where you are basically BEGGING for a response:
And no, I'm not insulting anyone, because I don't believe anyone here is stupid enough to honestly think that.
The point is that you're a fucking idiot if you judge a game by how it's not StarCraft.
You must be a fucking idiot if you think that's not insulting anybody, particularly given you're attributing an argument to them they never put forth in the first place.
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Re: StarCraft

Post by Arenumberg »

Think its best if this is moved to the appropriate forum/flaming taken elsewhere?

Untill then, Locked for the Sanity of General.

(And those of you who are mods, dont respond just cause you can. Whichever Admin moves this to spam can unlock it for further flamefests if they want.)

Serious Aren Cat Is Deadly Serious

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Re: StarCraft

Post by Hyperspatial Travel »

Sskiss wrote:Master of Orion II - Now there was a game!
Damn straight.
It's amazing how a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of hungry wolves.
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Re: StarCraft FLAME WARS

Post by Arizona Nova »

Flame topic moved to spam. LET THE ILLOGICAL INSANITY BEGIN
[center]Wit ye well, that when no good men remain to stand against those who choose evil, what will remain to restrain them from unleashing their dark designs?[/center]

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Re: StarCraft FLAME WARS

Post by Zerstorendar »

Nah, the mood is gone.

SC is the best RTS around, we've established that by now.
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Re: StarCraft FLAME WARS

Post by Arizona Nova »

Fuck that.

RA2 > Starcraft.

[center]Wit ye well, that when no good men remain to stand against those who choose evil, what will remain to restrain them from unleashing their dark designs?[/center]

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Re: StarCraft FLAME WARS

Post by Zerstorendar »

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