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Re: StarCraft

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 1:48 pm
by Zerstorendar

We should play tomorrow, I suppose.

EDIT: Oh by the way, ZER-STIR-REND-ARH.

Re: StarCraft

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:54 pm
by Kreshh
Celestial Seibutsu wrote:
Kreshh wrote: Starcraft: pft! Not even 3D.
Why do people draw this huge conclusion that graphics determine gameplay? Starcraft hasn't died from the market in over it's 10 years of being out there. That's not because of graphics, that's because it's the most balanced RTS out there.
You realize I was just mocking Artanis right? "What do you think I am, an Orc?!" "This is not Warcraft in space!" "it's... much more complicated!" "I know it's not 3D!"

Anyway Homeworld's 3D excelence is pretty awesome. Especially when you're fighting someone who's used to playing in only two dimentions. And the tactical depth of the game is astounding, I've had more fun playing with intricate formations, Corv Walls, stratigic jumps, minefields, and exploiting every enemy units weaknesses to my fullest advantage then I ever had in Starcraft. Save perhaps for my favorite sound in the world, "N-N-Nuclear launch detected."

Re: StarCraft

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:16 pm
by The Cerberus Alliance
Kreshh wrote:
Celestial Seibutsu wrote:
Kreshh wrote: Starcraft: pft! Not even 3D.
Why do people draw this huge conclusion that graphics determine gameplay? Starcraft hasn't died from the market in over it's 10 years of being out there. That's not because of graphics, that's because it's the most balanced RTS out there.
You realize I was just mocking Artanis right? "What do you think I am, an Orc?!" "This is not Warcraft in space!" "it's... much more complicated!" "I know it's not 3D!"

Anyway Homeworld's 3D excelence is pretty awesome. Especially when you're fighting someone who's used to playing in only two dimentions. And the tactical depth of the game is astounding, I've had more fun playing with intricate formations, Corv Walls, stratigic jumps, minefields, and exploiting every enemy units weaknesses to my fullest advantage then I ever had in Starcraft. Save perhaps for my favorite sound in the world, "N-N-Nuclear launch detected."
Not to mention that salvage corvettes are awesome in Homeworld 1. The entire unit capturing system in HW2 was nerfed to all hell and back, and only the Protoss in Starcraft: Broodwar could steal the enemy's prized possessions. I like it when the game encourages you to steal more than you build.

As for actually playing Starcraft... I'm about as much of a newb as you can get. I like playing the game, it's just that I absolutely hate the crappy AI Blizzard built for the computer opponents, and I tend to have Schrodinger's Internet Connection when it comes to playing games over the internet.

Re: StarCraft

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:49 pm
by Penguenia
Celestial Seibutsu wrote:that's because it's the most balanced RTS out there.
Haha, oh wow.

Re: StarCraft

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:24 pm
by Trailers
Kreshh wrote:
Kostemetsia wrote:*threadjacks and plants a Sierra LLC flag*


No other game even comes close to the epic that is Homeworld (and even Homeworld II, I guess)

Starcraft: pft! Not even 3D.
WoW: the Blood Elves can complain about how bad they've got it when Arthas nukes their entire territory, and they're left with a single boat with which to enact their revenge.
Halo: Sure, it's pretty epic, and the soundtrack is nice. But vengance always trumps heroism, and Agnus Dei uber alles.

Even movies are weak in compairison.
LotR: RotK... pah! Try Lord of the Cores, Return of God!

But yes... haven't played in a while, but formerly hardcore. I'm pretty good with all three, but best with Terran.
I have every mod in existence for HW aa=nd HWII. Also I play them so much it's damn near a religion

Re: StarCraft

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:11 am
by Zerstorendar
Penguenia wrote:
Celestial Seibutsu wrote:that's because it's the most balanced RTS out there.
Haha, oh wow.
He's right, actually.

Re: StarCraft

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:14 am
by Central Facehuggeria
Zerstorendar wrote:
Penguenia wrote:
Celestial Seibutsu wrote:that's because it's the most balanced RTS out there.
Haha, oh wow.
He's right, actually.
Penguenia wrote:Haha, oh wow.

Re: StarCraft

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:25 am
by Zerstorendar
Alright, I consider myself open minded and reasonable. What RTS games would you consider better balanced for competitive play than Starcraft: Brood War in its current state?

Re: StarCraft

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 4:20 am
by Kreshh
Zerstorendar wrote:Alright, I consider myself open minded and reasonable. What RTS games would you consider better balanced for competitive play than Starcraft: Brood War in its current state?
Well, umm... Homeworld actually. The two sides are extreemly well balanced. Asside from some high-level faction-only craft that come up occasionally in multiplayer (I typically don't give my opponents time to research them), there's not much difference save for a slight Tiidan advantage in the horisontal fireing arc, and Kushan in the vertical; also there are slight differences in fleet behavior, and deployment. For the most part, however, these differences are irrelivant, and the faction-only craft confer roughly equal advantages (except for the Drone Frigate, which is useless)

Honestly, I'm not even trying to push Homeworld supremacy, it was just the first thing that came to mind.

Re: StarCraft

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 4:35 am
by Otagia
As far as I've been able to tell, SupCom is rather inanely balanced as well. Perhaps not in the super units, but then I've rarely seen a game go too far into the final tech level without a massive nuclear exchange occuring and killing everything anyway.

Gonna make a crack at CnC3 being balanced as well, although I'm really not sure. I play GDI (ZOCOM, usually) and continuously crush my brother at it. Still, it's more of a skill level difference (he slowly techs up in a balanced manner, while I rush the MARV, eat his Tiberium fields and then Firehawk spam, while constantly harassing him with Zone Raiders the entire game in order to fuxx0rz his economy), and I'm fairly confident that I could kick his ass no matter which faction I played.