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Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:38 am
by Telros
What about that thread am I supposed to rage at, SC?


Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:23 pm
by Arenumberg
The basic math fail where more is somehow less, I assume?


Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:28 am
by The Fedral Union ... &start=350

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>[/youtube]



Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:01 am
by Kostemetsia
No, Rob, this is not your drama thread. This is not your bitch-about-players-I-don't-like or bitch-about-settings-I-don't-like or bitch-about-how-fucking-unbecoming-something-is thread.

This is where stuff that is AMUSING is supposed to go, so unless you have something amusing to contribute, would you kindly fuck off.


Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:57 am
by Solar Communes
Hataria / The Steppe Empire threads can be amusing sometimes. Most times they're just frustrating, so yes, post something truly Lulz next time.

Well, something like this

For example
Euroslavia wrote:It gave me the ability to abandon my ravenous hunger for sex and cocaine.
It's lolzworthy regardless of being a lie to try looking cool or not.


Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:02 am
by The Fedral Union
Kostemetsia wrote:No, Rob, this is not your drama thread. This is not your bitch-about-players-I-don't-like or bitch-about-settings-I-don't-like or bitch-about-how-fucking-unbecoming-something-is thread.

This is where stuff that is AMUSING is supposed to go, so unless you have something amusing to contribute, would you kindly fuck off.

I was pointing to the fact that the bionicle guy was saying I'm going to force another player to come to peace . Your argument is invalid you are the weakest link good bye!

I found it quite funny that some one could think about forcing someone to do something on the internet.. So if you don't find it funny then DON'T CLICK ON THE LINK. No one is holding a fucking gun to your head and saying click on the damned link. Seriously man what the hell is your problem I know you fucking dislike me but grow the fuck up. Every time I try to post something amusing (to me) EVEN WHEN I'M NOT doing any sort of drama crap Mind you I said it was fail (how the hell is that bitching of any caliber by the way?) You jump down my throat like I'm your little chump like I'm a fucking punching bay. Do me a favor leave me alone and don't respond to any thing I say I'm ignoring you.


Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:07 am
by Derscon
The Fedral Union wrote:
Kostemetsia wrote:No, Rob, this is not your drama thread. This is not your bitch-about-players-I-don't-like or bitch-about-settings-I-don't-like or bitch-about-how-fucking-unbecoming-something-is thread.

This is where stuff that is AMUSING is supposed to go, so unless you have something amusing to contribute, would you kindly fuck off.

I was pointing to the fact that the bionicle guy was saying I'm going to force another player to come to peace . Your argument is invalid you are the weakest link good bye!

I found it quite funny that some one could think about forcing someone to do something on the internet.. So if you don't find it funny then DON'T CLICK ON THE LINK. No one is holding a fucking gun to your head and saying click on the damned link. Seriously man what the hell is your problem I know you fucking dislike me but grow the fuck up.
Can I post Rob's angry bitching/selfvictimization in the LOL NS thread?

And Solar, be nice to Euro. You sound like a friend of mine when you do what you do. And he's a douchebag. :P


Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:09 am
by The Fedral Union
You know I probably shouldn't have ranted like that.. But its been a horrible week my wisdom teeth are acting up, any who I will recuse myself from any more responses to this thread until I come up with something funny for you guys..

Isn't Eruro the one who keeps locking rps even if some are noobish he like blatantly locks things he dosen't consider "rp"? I mean hell he moved an IC alliance recruitment thread from II because it also adverted a region.

Now this is a funny comment: ... 4#p1368524


Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:19 am
by Derscon
The Fedral Union wrote:You know I probably shouldn't have ranted like that.. But its been a horrible week my wisdom teeth are acting up, any who I will recuse myself from any more responses to this thread until I come up with something funny for you guys..

Isn't Eruro the one who keeps locking rps even if some are noobish he like blatantly locks things he dosen't consider "rp"? I mean hell he moved an IC alliance recruitment thread from II because it also adverted a region.

Now this is a funny comment: ... 4#p1368524
1. I like Iran
2. I don't know, but Euro isn't a total retard.
3. We all have shit days.


Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:58 pm
by Solar Communes
Isn't Euro the one who keeps locking rps even if some are noobish he like blatantly locks things he dosen't consider "rp"?
Lol no, he locks alternate history and blatant fanfic RPs because of the silly rules of the forums against them. Although tbh most fanfic stuff fails epically and there are tons of other more fun ways to do AH like Hearts of Iron 2, so good riddance. Euro sometimes just tends to be a barrier to actually legit RPs, that's all. Probably because of how NS was structured. Again, I don't really like those "create a different NS from your own in this scenario" RPs because they tend to be too restrictive, so it doesn't really affects me.

Now, for the lulz, screw this discussion.
Derscon wrote:And Solar, be nice to Euro. You sound like a friend of mine when you do what you do. And he's a douchebag. :P

Not my fault Euro posted one of the lolziest posts in a lolz thread, and the fact this thread is called LOL NS.