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ESUS Danza Slap
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Re: StarCraft FLAME WARS

Post by Kreshh »

SC is the best RTS around, we've established that by now.
"best" is a rather subjective word. Let us contemplate:

"Real Time" ...hmm. Well, having carefully considered, I have decided that Star Craft cannot possibly be using 'real' time. That is, unless in the future it takes only marginally longer to build a battleship then a fighter.

"Strategy" Well I suppose there is always a strategy involved. It may not always be even remotely in keeping with traditional strategic thinking or plain common sense, but I suppose it's still a strategy.

"Logic" Just between you and me, I like my games to make a bit of logical sense. Unit production in AoE, for instance, is rather rediculous. Measured in real time it's impossible, and measured in the games "years" indicator it's amazingly slow. Nor does it seem to make any sense the number of times you can shoot a French Knight, and hit him, with a gun, and not kill the fucker. Homeworld on the other hand is somewhat more excusible. While unit production is still on the fast side (which is, for gameplay purposes, probably a good thing. Although it's still slow for its genre), it's the only game I know of where this speed is actually concivably possible via the use of extreemly advanced, efficient construction techniques. Likewise, most of the tactics are fairly reasonable, and when you think about it, well thought out and conseptually realistic; although I am still a little irked that the gun on a scout can even damage a battlecruiser. SC fails at this, and pretty hard. It may not make any logical sense to take 12 marines up against a battlecruser with the moniker "Behemoth" and expect them to win, but the hell if SC doesn't do exactly that. Again, build times are regulated for balance, not reason. And frankly, a lot of things just don't add up, the technology to send target coordinates has existed by this point for hundereds of years, but that poor ghost still has to stand there with his little laser and call the thing down. Here's an idea, when you hear the phrase, "nuclear launch detected" have all your ghosts in the field point their lasers and the nearest enemy, or even just nothing important... the missile might get confused. And why does it take one ghost per missile? Could not another nuke follow the same laser as its counterpart if they were launched at the same time?

"Balance" I hear tell that SC is pretty well balanced. But as far as I can tell, unless you're a Korean who makes a living from competative play allegedly, this doesn't mean much. Many games are balanced enough for the gamer who *gasp* plays for fun.

"Music" Pathetic... NEXT!

"Gameplay" Let's get right down to it, shall we? SC is a pretty fun game. Seriously, it is. I enjoy playing it, I like it's characters in single player missions, I laud its occasional attempt at "epic," and I really like the variety of units and abilites it presents. It's not my favorite game, and it's certainly not the best RTS, but it's good.
I've only ever asked God for one thing: "Lord, make my enemies ridiculous," and he granted my request.

My immediate advice is to go buy Brewsters. It is a dictionary, and a quite fine one. This you should use to bludgeon yourself comatose each and every night, in the faint hope that some of the knowledge contained in it might be transferred. If not, it would at least leave you damaged enough that you wouldn't be coming here and violate our senses with your retarded babble.
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Re: StarCraft FLAME WARS

Post by Arizona Nova »

Zerstorendar wrote:RA3>RA2?
Any games newer than 06 are heresy and their players shall burn in perdition.

RA2 = mods. SC = macros. Mods > Macros. RA2 ftw nuubs
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Re: StarCraft FLAME WARS

Post by Kostemetsia »

Fuck that. HW2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all other games, and if you don't think so you're a terrible gamer. Sorry, etc.
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Re: StarCraft FLAME WARS

Post by Zerstorendar »

I see what you did there.
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Arizona Nova
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Re: StarCraft FLAME WARS

Post by Arizona Nova »

When you mean gamers you mean the terrifying examples of humanity who have sold their souls for maximum proficiency at one strategy game or another correct, whether it's HW or SC? Screw them, they're almost as intolerable as the graphics gamers who only want pretty things, who have allowed travesties like the Xbox to dominate the market. Damn the hardcore, graceless crunchers of numbers!

Red Alert 2 continues to thrive because of its modding community, which is the best reason any game can have for continuing to exist. It means that the game will always have new content rather than endless rehashings of strategies and macros, drove forward by percentage increases in efficiency. As is RTS is a genre that gets tired fast; turn-based strategy like Civilization is more graceful and less frantic. The less chance a game has of being turned into a sport the better, over all.
[center]Wit ye well, that when no good men remain to stand against those who choose evil, what will remain to restrain them from unleashing their dark designs?[/center]

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Re: StarCraft FLAME WARS

Post by Arenumberg »

Just because a game looks too good for your desktop to handle it doesnt mean its bad, Duane.

I swear, the sofa is gonna get alot of use in the Marital Home.
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Re: StarCraft FLAME WARS

Post by Arizona Nova »

What desktop? What annoys me is that games are exponentially outstripping their requirements in the video card department far more than anything else, because of the mad frothing rush for better and better graphics. If it wasn't for that I could run things being made this year on this ancient hulk of a laptop, because it is built (other than its video card) so well. It'd be nice if someone tried for a more with less approach, like Blizzard with WoW. If you're making a PC game you're already catering, apparently, to a niche market segment, you might as well try and encompass as much of it as possible by not making it so that only those rich bastards who buy computers every five minutes can play your damn game.
[center]Wit ye well, that when no good men remain to stand against those who choose evil, what will remain to restrain them from unleashing their dark designs?[/center]

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The Cerberus Alliance
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Re: StarCraft FLAME WARS

Post by The Cerberus Alliance »

Kostemetsia wrote:Fuck that. HW2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all other games, and if you don't think so you're a terrible gamer. Sorry, etc.
HW1 > HW2

Homeworld 2 nerfs salvage corvettes and doesn't have the beauty that is the Kadesh.
This won't end well.
ESUS Danza Slap
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Re: StarCraft FLAME WARS

Post by Kreshh »

The Cerberus Alliance wrote:
Kostemetsia wrote:Fuck that. HW2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all other games, and if you don't think so you're a terrible gamer. Sorry, etc.
HW1 > HW2

Homeworld 2 nerfs salvage corvettes and doesn't have the beauty that is the Kadesh.
Well spoken sir.

I miss their monotone psychotic rants.
I've only ever asked God for one thing: "Lord, make my enemies ridiculous," and he granted my request.

My immediate advice is to go buy Brewsters. It is a dictionary, and a quite fine one. This you should use to bludgeon yourself comatose each and every night, in the faint hope that some of the knowledge contained in it might be transferred. If not, it would at least leave you damaged enough that you wouldn't be coming here and violate our senses with your retarded babble.
Central Facehuggeria
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Re: StarCraft FLAME WARS

Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Kostemetsia wrote:Fuck that. HW2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all other games, and if you don't think so you're a terrible gamer. Sorry, etc.
I'mma chargin mah nerd rage.



still chargin it.



GRAH! HW2 sucked. The story sucked, the elimination of fuel and practical elimination of salvaging, combined with the rock-paper-scissors manner of gameplay eliminated many tactical options, and the interface was intrusive.
"Please tell me that you haven't heard military gossip about a fleet of invisible battleplates."
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